Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 166 Eight-legged monster

"Mine cave?"

Nick Fury asked curiously.

"In fact, the mines here have been abandoned for a long time."

The agent took out a document.

After decades of mining, the ore veins have almost been excavated, and workers have left without work.

The reason why McCormack Mining can continue to operate is because the previous inventory has not been sold out, according to calculations, if no new source of mine is found, the company will close in three months.

Nick Fury frowned. He had a heavy conspiracy theory and almost immediately suspected that it was a pretense made by McCormack Mining Company in order to deceive insurance.

After all, new insurance such as geek insurance is very popular recently, and if McCormack Mining Co. invested a lot of money in advance, it is not impossible.

McCormack Mining mainly mines pyrite and copper, and has not found associated gold deposits.

The United States is a federal country with autonomous states. The police system is very different from China, and the types and institutions are extremely complex.

The local sheriff is generally called the sheriff, who has great power and manages a lot.

From illegal parking, family disputes, to the detection of criminal cases, they are all within their responsibilities.

However, when it comes to the weirdo problem, the Excalibur is completely green light and unimpeded. The governor of Arizona even ordered to fully cooperate with the Excalibur, which surprised Nick Fury how the efficiency this time was better than that of his S.H.I.E.L.D. So many times faster?

After all, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. had hands and eyes, it would take five or six days to get people to evacuate and complete the blockade to deal with this incident.

As a result, after the Excalibur Bureau received the alarm, the blockade was completed in one day, and the local police station spontaneously organized residents to evacuate.

Times have really changed.

Suddenly, gunshots and screams came from inside the blockade.

"What happened?"

Nick Fury immediately pulled out his gun. As an agent of the Excalibur Bureau, the gun in his hand was naturally not a backward gunpowder weapon, which was simply vulnerable to a freak.

But what Zod Heath said,

The "atomic gun" created by the principle of nuclear fission has the terrifying power of blasting a tank with one shot.

Only agents with three figures or more can use the atomic gun when they are out and about.

Although Nick Fury was worried about whether the radiation of this gun would cause lesions in his body, he had seen the power of the atomic pistol, but he felt that having a genius as a commander really felt an unprecedented sense of security.

"Our men were attacked while inspecting the mine!"

After asking about the situation in the headset, the agent of the Excalibur Bureau said immediately.

The two entered the blockade, and then saw a large group of giant spiders chasing everyone.

"Damn Fake!"

Nick Fury looked at the spider that was the size of a person, and then saw the spiders all over the mountains.

"It's a tiger-level disaster!"

"No, it's a ghost. This amount of spiders can paralyze the city."

Nick Fury immediately reported the situation. The manpower here is simply not enough to eliminate so many spiders. He needs support.

Immediately after a giant spider pounced on a little girl, Nick Fury fired without saying a word.

The atomic gun naturally does not have any recoil, and emits a light blue beam. This beam is very similar to light particles, but it is not, and the speed is only supersonic.

After the energy light hit the giant spider, it directly blew the giant spider into pieces, shattering its body and bones. The ultra-high temperature evaporated most of the spider's body fluids and debris, and the part that fell on the ground was still burning.

The crowd fled in panic.

"Hurry up and help evacuate the crowd!"

Nick Fury charged with an atomic gun and said to the agent at the same time.

"Yes, sir."

Nick Fury hasn't experienced such bizarre scenes in most of his life, but he doesn't lack the courage.

Of course, the reaction speed of giant spiders is faster than that of humans, even if they are limited by the influence of gravity, but many people who dare to resist are dragged away by them.

Nick Fury shot while covering the crowd to evacuate.

The main thing is that it happened too suddenly. The crowd could have been completely evacuated in an hour, but now it is directly chaotic.

In the sky, five Black Hawk helicopters spread out.

Originally, these Black Hawk helicopters were sent to have air dominance and vision just to prevent weirdos from slipping away, but now they have the privilege of firing after seeing hordes of giant spiders.

Five rays of light swayed their long tails, and with a swoosh, they landed in the tide of giant spiders.

Hellfire Missiles!

boom! ! !

The loud noise of the explosion rose into the sky along with the flames, and a shock wave swept away. The spider that was hit either died of the explosion directly, or was bounced off by the shock wave, clearing a large vacancy.

The Minigan M134 multi-barreled machine gun loaded by the Black Hawk helicopter has powerful destructive power and can penetrate any non-heavy armored object within 100 meters, commonly known as the Vulcan!

Under the high altitude, the helicopter circled, and the fires fell rapidly, the air was torn apart, leaving craters, dust, and spider fragments on the ground.

Clouds of green slurries exploded, and the spider tide was dealt a devastating blow. Although the spiders were courageous, waving their forelimbs and neighing in the air, they could not avoid being smashed to pieces.

The overbearing jumping spider threw itself at the helicopter and was blasted into the air.

"It doesn't seem to be difficult to deal with the weirdos this time, the most important thing is their number."

Seeing that even the Black Hawk helicopter can easily blow up these giant spiders, everyone else felt relieved.

The Black Hawk helicopter is also a lot bolder. Although these giant spiders can jump very high, the Black Hawk helicopter can fly to a height that they cannot jump.

"The difficulty of the octopus is overwhelming for them."

Zod looked at this scene. These giant spiders were inspired by the movie "Eight-legged Monster". Although they looked scary and terrifying, for fully-armed humans, these spiders were just a living target.

If it wasn't for Zod's conscience, he added that their body density was increased because they could withstand the gravity of this size. If the small-caliber rifle couldn't break the defense, they might not even be able to solve the problem for the residents of this small town.

After all, everyone here has guns, and it is no longer the era of big swords and axes.

Boom! Boom! Boom! bang...

Slow and powerful steps came, and a behemoth revealed a ferocious figure.

This is a huge giant tarantula, or a tarantula. It doesn't matter what species, what matters is that this thing is ridiculously large.

Ordinary giant spiders, whether they are ball spiders or jumping spiders, are no bigger than a bathtub, and they can hug a person with their feet. But this giant tarantula is comparable to a truck, with its entire body covered in bristles, its sturdy feet, and a daunting monster-level physique.

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