Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 168 Peace Agreement

"Can't speak, can't think, become a living dead, the only difference is breathing."

The doctor of the Excalibur Bureau sighed after checking everyone's condition.

"It's a very inhumane surgery that was banned in the late seventies."

The place has been sealed off, and Zod Heath's phone has been blasted.

"Looks like a lot of people don't want me to do something stupid."

Zod put the phone aside and watched it ringing curiously.

Of course, it's not that they didn't go to the scene in person. Most people just sent their subordinates over to avoid suspicion, and the only heavyweight big man was even a colonel.

Naturally, the colonel was also stopped.

"Director, we can't compromise, no matter who the owner of this place is, we will kill him!"

Some Excalibur agents who had been brainwashed by Zod said righteously, or they were temporarily blinded by anger, leaving only a so-called sense of justice that was provoked.

However, Zod felt that the position of the food chain was probably challenged, and he became so excited because of fear.

It is probably the subconscious mind of all human beings to eliminate all threats that are harmful to human beings.

"It's impossible. In ten minutes, the President and Congress should be calling me."

Zod stretched his waist and said.

"That's what we're going to do?"

They are unbelievable.

"Actually, I just checked the information and records. Humans fought a few bad battles with vampires. They signed an armistice agreement and barely maintained the peace."

Zod said.

"A truce? With vampires?"

Then they were even more incredulous, how could it be possible to agree to a truce and compromise?

"No one can resist the temptation of eternal life, child."

Zod shook his head.

"Human society regularly provides a part of blood to vampires in exchange for an agreement that the vampire empire will not do evil, which is why our blood bank is always insufficient. Because the unpaid blood donations of American citizens are used to support vampires."

"Then why don't we arrest them and study them? Can't we study immortality as well?"

Some people asked inexplicably, with the power of human beings, it is not very difficult to put vampires on the operating table to study, is it necessary to support them?

"Because they have existed for too long, many vampire families have accumulated huge wealth, and they have their people in finance, arms, real estate, and even politics. Even in Congress, there are vampire minions, so the last war ended without a hitch. The old guys in Congress will cause them all kinds of trouble, and for politicians, they will only choose what is best for them, not what is right for the country and the people."

Zod explained.

"More importantly, the United States and those countries of the year all took the tax contributed by vampires. Vampires donated nearly 200 billion US dollars in tax revenue to the United States every year, which is almost equivalent to 10% of American tax revenue. Many hidden funds The use of it is only supported by the taxation of vampires."

Zod went on to say, exposing the bloody truth.

Then Mr. President and Congress did call him.

The elders of the Vampire Presbyterian Church in North and South America have just concluded their meeting negotiations with them.

Zod made the video public and projected it for everyone to see.

"The blood clan abides by the law, and we abide by the armistice agreement very well."

The elder vampire denied the charges against him and the vampires at the meeting.

"At that time, the Vampire Empire signed an armistice agreement with the twenty-eight allies of the Human Alliance. Over the years, we never thought of provoking a war. We never took action against the people of the armistice country."

"I didn't know about the blood farm in New York, but the person in charge later confessed to me that none of the human beings he captured were Americans or nationals of allied countries."

"Vampires have no intention of provoking the powerful U.S. government, and we will never do anything to American civilians."

"But you provoked humanity, and you broke your promise not to attack humanity."

A blond congressman stood up and rebuked.

"Because my people are hungry! They need food. What if there are a lot of hungry vampires on the streets of the United States? We need a source of food!" The grand elder who looked elegant and decent, with a strong aristocratic atmosphere, said immediately tit for tat.

"We have provided you with food, and the plasma stock of the human blood bank is already below the warning line! How many emergency patients died on the operating table without blood transfusions!"

"And those life-saving plasma were eaten by you and your people as food!"

"Mr. Glenn, I have to remind you that every pack of plasma taken out from the blood bank by the vampires has been paid for in real money!"

The elders scoffed at this.

"The government calls on people to go to the streets to donate blood for free, and there will be a line of unpaid blood donations in front of the blood donation carts on holidays."

"The government doesn't pay its own taxpayers a penny, and we pay $500 for every 100ml pack of plasma we take from the government's blood bank!"

He didn't hide his eyes and fangs that were different from ordinary people at all, and he talked eloquently.

"The blood clan is the food that is exchanged for the principle of equivalent exchange, this is not what you provide for free!"

"If a patient dies because of ischemia, it's not because of our appetite, but because of your own greed for money!"

The silence in the meeting room of his words was a real and embarrassing question. Ischemia in a patient does not mean that the blood bank is really out of blood.

Rather, the government sold most of the plasma to bloodlines for profit.

Calling on people to donate blood for free, and then selling it to vampires at a high price, the government made a lot of money in it.

"And, everyone, don't forget that the blood race is the most honest taxpayer in this country."

"As far as I know, all the industries and individual taxes of the entire blood family in North America add up to more than 200 billion US dollars in taxes to the American government every year. The US tax revenue is 3.3 trillion yuan a year, and we have nearly occupied 10% of total U.S. tax revenue.”

It was said that the entire conference room was quiet here, which was something everyone knew. Vampires have been around for far too long, and they are entrenched in many industries.

If they were to be wiped out overnight, the whole of America would be in turmoil.

"Many of the US government's expenses cannot be paid for normally, and who do you think is paying for those obscure expenses?"

There was a sneer on the corner of the elder's mouth.

In constant quarrels and compromises, the human government once again reached a peace agreement with the vampires.

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