Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 171 Vampire Carnival

After the meeting, the pure-blood nobles could chat and laugh with the human representatives, while the mixed-bloods left directly.

"Next is the carnival of vampires, they will act on this day if they want to take revenge on us for destroying the underground blood factory."

After the execution trial, Black Widow came over with a document and said.

The pure blood on trial, his blood factory is the most important blood supplier in Greater New York and the surrounding urban areas.

Because he not only provides high-priced plasma, but also provides a large amount of low-priced plasma. Some black and Southeast Asian male plasma, for example, is much cheaper than human government-provided cold storage.

A 100-milliliter unit of plasma costs only $50, which is what many mixed-race vampires with poor financial circumstances buy.

There is also racism in the realm of vampires, which is ridiculous but very real.

Ironically, because his blood factory provides a lot of cheap plasma, some timid and poor vampires have enough food to eat, so they don't have to attack humans.

In a sense, it even stabilized the stability of regions such as New York.

Predictably, New York City's vampires will be in a bit of a mess amid the loss of blood factories and no new low-cost food supplements.

There may even be an increase in vampire attacks.

"Interesting, is this accusing me of destabilizing this?"

Zod looked at the data sent from the American government. Vampire attacks on civilians have increased after the blood factory was destroyed. In addition, vampires from all fifty states of the United States have recently gathered in New York.

This is the traditional carnival of vampires. There would have been a lot of blood prepared by the blood factory to celebrate, but now the blood factory is gone, and the plasma has also been confiscated by Zod. He wants to see if there is any X in it that he has not gotten. Gene, which also leaves those gathered vampires without food to celebrate.

"Tell them that the frontline of hell doesn't mind treating vampires as weirdos. I don't care how many they are or how much they are involved. As long as they dare to cross the border, I will not let any of them go."

Zod said calmly.

The black widow nodded. Unlike the group of high-level people who were suspected to be hagui clan, there were also many high-level people who were jealous of evil.

Some people have long been overwhelmed by sacrificing the bottom in exchange for stability between humans and vampires.

"Did you really decide to do this, Lawrence?"

Jesse, the number one confidant of Lawrence Dan, the current leader of the half-blood vampires, was standing in his office, questioning Lawrence in an uneasy tone.

"Jesse, it's still a week before Middle Eastern food arrives in the US. But it's already a holiday and the factory is destroyed."

Lawrence leaned back in his office chair, resting his chin in one hand.

"New York City's supply of low-priced plasma has been cut off for a week. The Presbyterians have no desire to spend money to subsidize ordinary vampires who are not well-funded."

"The blood bank of the human government has raised the price again, because the supply and demand relationship is now more and more tense, and the price of a pack of refrigerated plasma has risen to 550 US dollars."

"Many people have been starving for a week. Vampires who lack food and are weak are not even the opponents of ordinary humans."

"Jesse, do you know, after this incident, I finally understand what these disgusting purebloods are."

"They don't care about half-blooded vampires like us. Although we are part of the empire in name, we are forever exploited by pure blood."

Lawrence sighed. Having seen the trial and execution of the Excalibur Bureau, coupled with the sacrifice of pure blood, Lawrence realized that pure blood is not reliable at all.

As Lawrence Dan's right-hand man, Jesse is well aware of Lawrence's predicament.

No matter which path you choose, there are huge risks for Lawrence, the leader of the hybrid vampires.

The Council of Elders made it clear that this incident was used to restrain Lawrence, who had become more and more influential, and even took the opportunity to get rid of some of the mixed-race vampires.

Don't these immortals understand who is supporting this crumbling empire!

Not to mention that there are now more powerful Excalibur and Zod Hiss and that group of superheroes on the human side.

In fact, in Lawrence's view, the greatest threat to vampires is Zod Heath, because he is a genius who transcends the century and the world.

He couldn't guarantee that Zod Heath would develop something that could kill all vampires.

It's a pity that even if Lawrence wanted to turn Zod Heath into a vampire and make him a part of a vampire, he couldn't find a chance.

The beautiful vampire he arranged couldn't even get close to Zod Heath.

Because he has been staying at the headquarters of the Excalibur Bureau, or the headquarters of the Umbrella Company, or disappeared, and often the dragon sees the beginning and the end, not to mention, Zod Heath himself is a very powerful superhero, although he Like Iron Man Tony Stark, he relies on technological equipment, but his technological equipment is nano-armor that he can carry with him, and it is impossible to take it hard.

The hagids among the high-level human beings secretly told Lawrence that the human assessment of Zod Heath's nano-armor dark knight is that it can single-handedly match the combat effectiveness of ten armored mechanics, and in actual combat, this nano-armor has also been used many times. It shows that it ignores the attack of tank shells, the flight speed reaches Mach 10, the destructive power is amazing, and the endless variety of high-tech weapons and so on.

If he insisted, Lawrence felt that Zod Heath would kill him even if he put all the blood in it.

Both the Hell Front Task Force and the Excalibur Bureau agents received orders from the director of Zod to patrol the day of the New York Vampire Carnival. If they saw vampires attacking civilians, they would kill each other directly.

And he also prepared a lot of high-power ultraviolet searchlights, even pure blood vampires will be turned into ashes in just one second, which can be called a big killer against vampires.

After he was busy with these things, Zod Hiss also started to work on the World Snake.

He officially renamed the World Serpent "Burning Legion", and at the same time, Zod Heath also created "Superman Medicine".

Unlike the superhuman drug in the Injustice comics, that superhuman drug shouldn't be as good as Zod Heath's superhuman drug.

Zod Heath's superhuman medicine is to completely strengthen the human body and make the human body undergo incredible changes. It is a product of biotechnology called Mount Everest.

However, this superhuman drug has a very serious side effect, that is, as long as there is a little bit of non-compliance, the user will die.

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