Wesker is very capable.

This is due to the memories Zod gave him that shaped his character.

Although Zod has always felt that this method of memory shaping character, thought and behavior patterns is very wrong, in that case, as long as the memory is modified, everything about a person can be modified.

Unlike Esdes, Tifa and No. 18, Wesker and King Ada already possessed the Phoenix Force, the future life birth force, so the two of them automatically obtained the Phoenix when they were born. The power of the future life of Zhili has directly changed from a black household to a local product.

In other words, they are beings born out of the Marvel universe.

Zod wasn't sure what the difference would be, but he was careful to have the Black Queen monitor Wesker and King Ada 24/7.

Compared with Gin, Wesker is obviously more capable and resolute. After he appeared, the inside of the umbrella company became a lot more nervous.

Even Zod felt that Wesker was really a talent, not only knew how to kill, but also knew how to manage.

"So I have to get the mind gem and soul gem as soon as possible, these two gems are the biggest threat to me."

Zod thought about it for a while. There are two powers: the power of the phoenix and the power of the dragon. The mind gem and the soul gem have little effect on Zod, but they have a great effect on his figures and subordinates.

It is possible to directly make them defect at any time.

In contrast, time gems and space gems are nothing to be afraid of. Zod has learned to use electromagnetic force and gravity to reverse the strong and weak nuclear forces. With the four basic forces in hand, it is not easy to compete with time gems and space gems. difficulty.

Moreover, Zod Heath feels that as long as he abandons the scientific truth he insists on, he can now create a grand unification force field.

The problem is that this kind of abandonment is not so easy to do, and it will shake the self-knowledge that Zod Heath has formed.

Maybe when he abandoned it, he directly observed himself and became "Schrödinger's cat".

It is also possible to directly observe oneself, become a quantum state, and become "Dr Manhattan" is not necessarily.

What to do, I'm in a hurry, if you stop being a human, you can directly become a god, or a quantum god...

Zod thought he was a vulgar,

It's impossible for him to abandon the figurine, so Dr. Manhattan or something, forget it.

Anyway, I am a super Kryptonian, and I can surpass the multiverse level by natural growth, no hurry.

The remaining Reality Gems and Power Gems, the Reality Gems can be a little trickier, both fake and real, and elusive.

And the power gem... just kidding, what can compare to the power of the Kryptonians?

In 2005, there were still three years before Iron Man was truly born.

However, at this time, the Divine Sword Bureau was already in charge of the world, and talents from all over the world gathered in the Divine Sword Bureau.

At the same time, Zod has full control over all Hydras in North America.

In terms of vampires, the vampires in North and South America were almost killed by him, so that the blade fighters complained that they were unemployed.

Fortunately, Zod was quick to recommend him to hunt vampires elsewhere.

If this thing is not played, it will increase back in a short time.

In addition, the Umbrella Company successfully landed on the moon, and the first batch of Umbrella Company employees carried by the lunar rocket will establish a lunar base on the moon.

This made the outside world marvel at the technological capabilities of the Umbrella Company and when they wanted a share of the pie, Zod Heath had actually landed on Mars.

However, landing on the moon and establishing a lunar base have given Umbrella companies hints from multiple countries.

After all, there are many weird people on the earth. Politicians, capitalists and bureaucrats are not fools. They want to live on the moon and stay away from the dangerous earth.

Therefore, the 10,000 people living in the lunar base announced on the bright side, they are willing to buy the places with money.

"One hundred million dollars a place, are these people crazy?"

Ould couldn't understand. In her opinion, the Umbrella Company was developing rapidly, and the 10,000 people living in the lunar base was just the beginning. It is estimated that there will be a city on the moon in the next two or three years.

Is it in such a hurry?

It's not a ticket to Noah's Ark.

"For them, this is the ticket to Noah's Ark. Don't forget, there is still a threat of weirdos on the earth."

Zod said calmly.

However, although they can understand their thoughts, Zod feels that he can't let these guys think too much.

Even though Ould received a quota of 100 million US dollars, in private, Zod Heath received a request from a consortium boss.

In exchange for ten tons of gold, plus one hundred ultra-large diamonds, and six billion US dollars, ten places are exchanged.

Although these are not worth mentioning in Zod Heath's view.

Then there was actually a drug dealer who asked for a place, and he still asked for 20 places, and he gave a place of 2 billion US dollars.

This drug dealer Zod Heath was impressed, because he was the next target Zod Heath was going to attack.

He is a very exaggerated drug lord. More than 90% of the drugs produced in South America and Southeast Asia every year must pass through this person. Even the notorious American gangsters had to turn to his help.

No one knows how much money he made by selling drugs. However, according to people familiar with the matter, judging from the amount of 30 billion drug funds seized by Interpol in an international bank two years ago, it is less than one-fifth of his total property.

"Really, all the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods ran out."

Zod Hiss rubbed his temples and decided to make a big one, telling everyone that the universe is not safe and is much more dangerous than the earth.


New York, a city that has survived all kinds of catastrophe, is still strong, but the insurance company in this prosperous city has almost gone bankrupt.

The new insurance company chooses to wait and see, and does not dare to insure immediately.

"Sir, you have to come and see this!"

The satellite of the Excalibur Bureau noticed something was wrong, and immediately reported it to Nick Fury, the executive deputy director.

As for the reason, it's very simple. The Director is very busy 24 hours a day, developing a moon base, and researching weapons and technologies for weirdos. These mortals shouldn't bother him often.

In outer space, a white light point rushes into the atmosphere, and frictional heat is generated like a fiery red meteorite falling to the ground.

"what is that?"

Nick Fury thought it was weird.

"Its flight path is not affected by the earth's gravity, it should be a man-made object!"

Even if Nick Fury fails in this area, he knows exactly what artifact means.

"You mean, aliens?"

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