Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 264 Thanos' Wrath

After the dwarves came into contact with the weapons to be customized by the Hulk soldiers from the Kryptonian Empire, they were shocked that this group of warriors could transform into giants and then have a single-arm strength of up to 100 tons.

Even in Asgard, there are few such powerful warriors.

Except for the Valkyrie Legion that has been destroyed, there may be no one who can fight.

However, such a powerful warrior, there are actually 100,000 in the Kryptonian Empire, which is an organized legion!

This gave the Dwarf King and the Dwarves a whole new understanding of the power of the new master of the Kryptonian Empire.

Holy crap, this is much more powerful than Asgard!

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In particular, their two generals and commanders are said to be ruthless characters who can suppress Thor, the god of thunder in Asgard.

Of course, because it is said that they have not seen it before, the dwarf king Aitri and others are also skeptical.

If it is true, then the strength of the Kryptonian Empire is too terrifying.

Asgard has a Thor and Odin who have already swept the universe, and they dare not come to Earth even if they beat Thanos. There are actually three strong men in the Kryptonian Empire who can beat Thor?

There are now four to be exact.

Because Zod Heath also transferred Hercules, the god of Hercules on Earth, to the Krypton Empire as the vanguard of the Imperial Expeditionary Force.

Although Uncle B is not a Kryptonian genetically modified, the Uncle B transformed by Zod Heath has no problem with Thor and the normal Green Hulk, and it is more than enough to be a pioneer.

At least Uncle B alone is estimated to be able to compete with the five obsidian generals under Thanos.

Of course, they didn't know that there was a whole army of angels on Krypton, all of which were genetic configuration of Kryptonian soldiers, plus the birth of the plasma spark tower, they were invincible sweeping everything on Krypton.

However, because the entire universe now knows why Doujian has become the general and royal knight of the Kryptonian Empire's escort, those who know that Doujian is powerful are afraid of the Kryptonian Empire.

In the past, I was afraid of Esdes, a war madman, but now with the sword fighting, the two powerhouses are in the Kryptonian Empire, which also makes the Kryptonian Empire finally have the prestige and posture of the fourth largest empire.

Although there are very few strong people who can influence the interstellar form and the direction of a war, and if there are, they can usually only affect local wars.

After all, in the boundless battlefield of the universe, the two sides have the ability to step out of the civilization of their own star system, and the combat units launched in the battle are hundreds of millions, and each combat unit has at least 10,000 soldiers or Simply a spaceship.

No matter how powerful you are, can you destroy all the hundreds of millions of combat units?

Even the Zitaris, who seem to be the most low-level, are actually quite famous in the universe, otherwise they would not be targeted by Thanos, destroying their home planet and forcing them to join the Dark Order.

And the Qitarians are more than enough to come up with hundreds of millions of combat units.

Although the Burning Legion and the Cosmic Knight Legion of the Kryptonian Empire are strong, they can only act as sharp knives, so now the Kryptonian Empire will recruit troops for the conquered territories and planets.

Otherwise, there will not be enough manpower to manage and fight.

"When I was on Krypton before, it was actually very nervous as a researcher to go to the battlefield. Although Krypton's technological strength was so powerful that even the Green Lantern Corps had to compromise, the researcher was still too dangerous."

Zod muttered to himself.

With a super brain, Zod now recalls his days on Krypton vividly as if it were yesterday.

His parents were cold and unfeeling, and had no affection for him. Even if Zod repeatedly violated the ban and was found to steal the Code of Life, he just used his ability to save Zod with a blank face.

Otherwise, Zod would have been exiled to the Phantom Prison long ago.

Later, Zod was assigned to several scientific research bases for his own research. Zod was relieved. Although he did not get the Code of Life, he left Krypton anyway.

As a result, Krypton forcibly recalled all the Kryptonians outside, and when he was about to escape, he was brought back by the army sent by his father, who had long known his thoughts.

But this time, when he took the risk to steal the Code of Life, only to find that the guards were gone, and he also successfully stole the Code. As for what happens to Car-El, Zod can't control that much. His own survival is the most important thing. of.

"What are you thinking, Zod?"

Zod came to his senses and saw Tifa.

When he came to the Kryptonian Empire, he would naturally bring a few of them with him, treating it as a vacation.

Tifa looked at Zod with some concern. Zod's expression just now was a little distressed, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Why don't you go to the scenery of other planets with them?"

Zod smiled and pulled Tifa into his arms.

Every civilization is at least very different, so it makes sense to take a vacation. Zod also knows that his view of love is very wrong, so he can only try to give them the good things.

"I still can't accept it."

Tifa said a little embarrassedly, mainly because aliens have all kinds of appearances, Tifa is not like Yan Lingji who is interested in everything, naturally he can't get used to it.


Zod nodded, then held Tifa still.

The two enjoyed the quietness of snuggling with each other, and they could hear each other's heartbeats and felt very close.


The corner of the dark world, riding on the flagship of Temple One, is actually the Eternal Titan, but on the surface it is only the kind that is not much taller than the terrifying erect ape, the overall purple skin, the man named Thanos Sitting on the throne, although there was no change in his face, the blue veins tightened by his clenched fists already covered everything.

The invasion of the earth failed, the entire fleet arranged in that area was destroyed, the transforming human hive was completely destroyed, and the final news was that the space door was closed.

I can fuck you, dog Loki!

A few months ago, walking across the galaxy and passing through the turbulent area of ​​space, he picked up a Loki that looked like a discarded wild dog.

To be honest, Thanos can see the persistence and hatred in this guy's eyes, as well as his ambitions even in a desperate situation. This kind of guy who is loyal to his own ** is very interesting, especially when Loki is a frost giant but Asgard This point of Prince De made Thanos want to lean on Asgard for a while.

However, Thanos will not stop moving forward. Although this matter can be put on hold, it does not prevent Thanos from developing Loki, an ambitious and hateful guy, into offline. After all, the earth that is still in the barbaric age is indeed There are a lot of things worth noting.

Since it was decided that he would come back sooner or later, he might as well let this guy Loki do something first, so Thanos left the entire extra fleet, and by the way, disguised the Mind Gem and handed it over to him, just to see what it brought. How far can a hateful guy do, and then...

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