Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 293 Sudden Changes

Naturally, Murdoch's big head couldn't escape, and he couldn't even pretend to escape.

Because his big head doesn't fit into clothes that aren't made to order.

In Marvel's original work, Murdoch was Stark's mortal enemy. The weapons and technology levels of the two sides have always been on par with each other.

It's just that Murdoch is obviously not very lucky this time, and he met Mr. Stark, who can shake people and is also a lot of super-powerful superheroes.

As a nitpick made by Zod before he retired... No, superhero inspector, Mr. Stark is still very popular without his bad mouth.

So far, the superheroes' fight against AIM has officially ended. The AIM base was completely occupied, all the internal scientists surrendered, and a large amount of materials were confiscated. There was only an indefinite prison life waiting for the leader, Murdoch himself.

Only Zod knew it wasn't over, because the Ten Rings were still there, and so was the Mandalin.

But forget it, I have already made a few enemies for Tony, and let him solve the rest slowly.

Anyway, his symbiote armor is strong enough. Except for the armor of the anti-celestial group, the infinite gem armor, the sword in the stone armor, etc., it is estimated that Stark can't come up with a battle suit stronger than the symbiote armor.

Tony Stark's Blood Edge armor in Infinity War was completely destroyed in front of the symbiote armor.

Because the symbiote armor can grow itself, it only needs to provide enough energy.

Under Zod's observation, Tony Stark has solved the problem and created a symbiote armor that can grow to a level of fifty meters.

"Have you long predicted that the future military competition will be a super energy competition, so you resigned to develop Compound No. 1?"

After Stark packed up AIM, he returned to Zod.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was Zod Heath who saw the cutting edge, and his vision was always long-term.

The satellite railgun is the same, and so is the super battleship.

However, when the whole world was drooling over the super battleship, he went to research the No. 1 compound. Although he didn't know what this No. 1 compound was, it can be seen from the fact that it created three special forces with super powers. Out.

"Don't talk nonsense, my Zaku body is still selling well, you are dismantling my business."

Zod complained.

If it is rumored that Zod Heath is not optimistic about the current weapons, but is optimistic about superpowers, his own weapons business may be the first to be affected.

Although it is said that the current umbrella company is more exaggerated than those in games and movies, Zod's interest is just that.

He wouldn't come up with something like a Raccoon City crisis just to fit the name, though he's now investing in a city that's part of an umbrella company.

This kind of big project can only be done by national-level forces and now the umbrella company with deep pockets.

"Zagu body..."

Stark thought of those giant weapons of war. In front of them, aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines have become living targets. To say that this round of military competition is the most disadvantaged is undoubtedly the top powers.

Fortunately, Zod Hiss has restricted purchases. Even if a small country has money, it can't buy the Zaku body, mainly because the big country has a sense of proportion, and the small country has no sense. After the ghost knows that they get the Zaku body, will they think about it? A third world war came out.

In the evening, Zod hugged Tifa, and when the two of them were about to play Lao Yin's game of catching chickens, the lights in the office went out without warning. Not only the office, but the lights on every floor of the Umbrella Company suddenly went out.

If you zoom out a little bit, you can see that the entire Los Angeles, the entire Great American Empire, and even the entire planet's power supply system has problems.

zizi - cha cha -

In the darkness, the TV in the office suddenly lit up, and all countries in the world, as long as the electrical appliances that can transmit information and present images, all turned into snowflakes.

"You're not...the the only..."

There was a loud noise, and in the blurred black and white screen, a man in black armor could be seen faintly. As he spoke, the transmitted voice became smoother.

"I'm General Zod. We come from the distant Krypton planet. We came here through the endless sea of ​​stars to find my clan..."

As soon as the man opened his mouth, the whole earth was quiet.

"He is hidden on this planet. I ask you to hand him over. His appearance is the same as yours, but he is fundamentally different from you!"

"Those who know his true identity, the fate of the earth is in your hands..."

"Karl Al, listen up, you are limited to one planet day to surrender, or you will bear the fate of this planet!"

Abandoning this absolutely threatening remark, General Zod terminated the communication, returned the television to the Earthlings, and the power systems of the countries worked normally again.

This communication is not long, and the impact it can cause is truly subversive.

Who is Carl Al? Is there an alien on Earth? Where is Krypton?

The people of the earth were stunned, even Uncle Sam, who had always loved to die, trembled, and the earth was invaded by aliens again... Hey, why do you say it again?


Tifa's hand rested on Zod's belt.

Then Zod was stunned.

He didn't make this play!

He couldn't help but raised his head and saw the spaceship in outer space.

A real Krypton spacecraft!

Then his phone was blown up. Even though Zod Heath had retired, many people thought of him as the strongest man in the world for the first time in the face of the alien invasion.

But Zod couldn't care about them anymore. He teleported directly into the Krypton spacecraft in outer space.

As soon as you enter the spacecraft, the familiar Kryptonian air blows in.

It's a pity that Zod is quite stable, and changes in the air are of no use to him.

"Who are you?"

Seeing Zod appearing out of thin air, General Zod asked as if he was facing an enemy.

"You don't recognize me, I'm Zod Heath?"

Zod asked curiously.

"Who is Zod Heath?"

General Zod and his female lieutenant, Foola, and a group of Kryptonians did not let their guard down.

This is Zod's turn to be strange. He clearly made a group of General Zod on Krypton. Originally, he planned to conquer them when he arrived on Earth, but the current situation seems to be that they don't know themselves?

Unless they are not General Zod and Foola of their own universe!

On Earth, one night has passed since the 24-hour countdown. In the face of the threat of Kryptonians, the countries of the earth resolutely admit their counsel and search the world for Kryptonians hidden on the earth.

The earthlings did the same, and the few minutes when the aliens lost power directly caused immeasurable economic losses. It hasn't even dropped yet, and a lot of US dollar bills have been smashed into it. If it really wants to fight, don't smash the pot and sell iron!

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