Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 295 Everything about the new Krypton

Darius knocked General Zod to the ground with one blow, and the second blow broke his nose and bleeds.

"How dare you say that you are a Kryptonian? Kryptonian people don't have a weak general like you!"

Darius' normal voice was louder than the roar of ordinary people, and it was deafening.

General Zod wiped his nosebleed. He felt that Darius' attitude towards him was a little abnormal, as if he was a little too excited?

Then after standing up, he realized that it was not just Darius who was excited, the female Kryptonian named Esdes, the sword fighting star named Sword Fighter, and the woman named Captain Marvel with a strange nickname , and a large group of angelic Kryptonians are gearing up.


Foola, they couldn't help cheering on General Zod, they couldn't let the Kryptonians from other universes look down on us!

General Zod looked at Darius coldly, and then continued to fight him.

It's a pity that he didn't know that Zod's androids have been completely replaced by him with the triple super-powerful genetic template of Kryptonian + Saiyan + Doujian star.

Not to mention him, even in the entire universe, there are not many people who can hold down these artificial humans.

I have to say that reality gems are really useful.

Darius was like an adult beating a child, and he easily defeated General Zod.

Then after Darius was Esdes, who smashed General Zod madly, making General Zod doubt his life.

Then came Sword and Captain Marvel, and then the entire Legion of Angels.

Anyway, after the fight, General Zod doubted his life.

It will not be seriously injured. Under the illumination of the plasma spark tower, there is no dark night on Krypton, and sufficient light radiation can make Kryptonians recover in a few breaths.

Just when General Zod wondered if these clansmen were swaying or discriminating against them, they fought very peacefully with their subordinates.

what happened?

The shock of the new Krypton to General Zod and others did not stop there.

They saw Ultraman made by transformation technology on New Krypton. The 100-meter-high giant punched down, and General Zod would be injured. What's more, as a professional soldier, he directly saw the Ultraman The great strategic value and significance of this weapon of war.

Completely replaced the backward spaceships and battleships,

Nimble space combat and massive size give it a huge advantage.

It is said that these Ultramans can also perform things such as space movement and superluminal flight, but they consume a lot of energy.

"General, New Krypton seems to be different from our side. They pay more attention to super soldiers."

Foola gave his opinion.

"But the new Krypton has also become the Kryptonian Empire, which is no different from us."

General Zod shook his head. He had heard from the new Kryptonian people that the Kryptonian Empire currently rules thousands of life planets, while resource planets number tens of thousands.

It's just limited by the shortage of manpower, so it did not continue to expand.

"Since there is a code of life, why not mass-produce Kryptonians?"

This is where General Zod is puzzled. Since there are insufficient manpower, why not mass-produce Kryptonians?

It's a pity that his function can only control the number of people under his own. To the new Krypton, they are like old antiques.

General Zod really didn't know what they could do, as if they were passive.

Although it is said that the soldiers' nature in genes is to obey orders without thinking.

The Supreme Emperor, Zod Hiss, will do everything, and the Kryptonian Empire only needs to obey all his will.

"But it looks much better than Parliament."

General Zod's cold and ruthless heart can only think at this level.

More he couldn't think about.

Zod Hiss really doesn't have much to do with the Kryptonians.

If it was when he first crossed over, maybe General Zod and Foola would still be his right-hand man.

Of course, it is also possible that Zod Heath became their right-hand man.

But everything was missed. When Zod Heath was thriving alone, the huge Kryptonian empire no longer needed a few Kryptonians.

Moreover, Zod also felt that the weaknesses of the Kryptonians were a bit potentially dangerous, so he carried out a wave of upgrades for his artificial people.

In order not to really encounter any kryptonite or the red sun directly disappeared.

After all, the new Kryptonians are different from General Zod and the others. They did not live in an environment where they were kryptonite and the red sun since childhood. Even if they lost their superpowers and became ordinary people, they would not be beaten into dogs.

Although it is said that they will not be beaten into dogs because of the Kryptonian armor on them.

Zod Heath has been digesting the knowledge contained in the Krypton spacecraft, plus two Krypton researchers have kept it properly, Zod Heath was pleasantly surprised to find that this knowledge has been kept intact to the greatest extent, at least 95%. .

It even includes the technology of using Kryptonian corpses to create super weapons.

Zod Heath knew what this technology was, the technology that created the Doomsday. He frowned, and after thinking for a while, he eliminated the technology.

Then it was Zod Heath's super brain that digested knowledge at an astonishing speed, and he used the newly acquired knowledge to upgrade the Black Queen.

Krypton naturally has its own artificial intelligence technology, as well as space technology, energy technology, genetic engineering technology, and nanoscience technology.

Krypton's artificial intelligence is very advanced, at least more powerful than the powerful artificial intelligence of the Black Queen. As for whether it is comparable to the supreme intelligence of the Kerry Empire, I don't know.

But even if there is such a possibility, it is estimated that it will be obliterated, otherwise Krypton will not be a parliamentary system.

After the upgrade of the Black Queen, the processing of affairs has become fast, and the speed of its progress has also become fast.

And the entire underground of Krypton has become the host of the Black Queen.

[World Tree], this is the name of the Black Queen's host system.

It spreads all over the ground, with the scorching star core as the center, and the branches spread to cover the ground of Krypton. The scorching star core and a large number of plasma spark towers have become its energy source.

Coupled with the entire Kryptonian Angel Legion and tens of thousands of Ultraman warriors, it is estimated that no one will be able to threaten her safety.

The government affairs of thousands of life planets have been processed in a reasonable way faster than the speed of light, and the resources of tens of thousands of resource planets have also been reasonably arranged to be mined and used.

Zod, the emperor, was also relieved a lot. Anyway, he didn't care about the power of the highest.

This thing is not as good as his strength, even if the current Krypton Empire is so terrible, but Zod is enough to completely destroy it in an instant.

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