Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 339 3rd Test Begins

Added a new NPC·[Zerg Queen]: The Zerg Queen is the ruler of the Zerg and the Zerg home planet, but don't bother her when you have nothing to do, because she won't interact with the players. (Warning: If you are eaten for angering the Zerg Queen, you will be out of the game for three days.)

Opened the faction conversion system: each player can freely switch his own faction. Players who have determined the [Kryptonian Empire] camp can spend a certain amount of energy to switch to the [Zerg] camp. After the camp is transferred, the prestige will be converted into [Zerg Prestige], all equipment, residential territory, furniture, cannot be inherited, the game Coins can be inherited.

Switching camps is expensive, so please choose carefully.

Other new additions, we thought of adding them up.


There is no doubt that Zod Heath's updated Zerg camp has attracted a large number of xenophobia fans, who have not wanted to be human for a long time.

As soon as the version 0.3 changelog was released, it received a positive response from players.

[Code-named 7 Qiqi Paint: Ole wow, Ning give oh ah baa road work! jojo! 】

[Dark Flame Flame Demon Dragon Swordsman: Zerg reservation, Kryptonian, tremble in front of the great Zerg! ! ! 】

[There is a mature woman on that page: Zerg is eternal! Defeat the false emperor! 】

[Kerrigan: The real queen is here, what about the younger brothers of the blade? 】

[One thousand and one horror stories: Kryptonian dog, Zerg pig (manual funny)]

[Mixed scissors: blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice, eternal war, burning the galaxy, killing the false emperor! Pseudo emperor to die! ! ! 】


When there was a lot of quarrel in the players' forum, the great Kryptonian Emperor Zod Hiss rarely accompanied his figurines.

It's been a long time since he's been with them, mainly because there's just too much going on.

But there are also many benefits, finding a clear path to the multiverse, although it may take a long, long time.

Even Esdes is rare to come back, after all, the war has been going on for a long time,

It also needs the nourishment of love.


Esders hugged Zod as soon as he came back, and then a deep kiss that seemed to hollow out the other's lungs.

Fortunately, neither of them needed to breathe, so they were pulled away after a while.

"Esdes grabbed the first one, it was too much."

Yan Lingji said angrily.

Zod Heath could see that they seemed to have come prepared today, and everyone wore their own character costumes, which made Zod Heath a little dazed for a while.

It was as if he really traveled to other worlds and brought them back.


Zod Heath hugged Tifa in the figurines sitting in a circle around him.

It doesn't matter if it's not genuine, anyway, with them, I have the obsession that I can stick to it everywhere.

He propped up his upper body and kissed Tifa, who bowed his head.

The long dragon has exhausted her daughter Hong, and there are heroes everywhere from the peaks.

After bathing, Tan Lang moves around, gently twists and rubs again, and the joy here is unknown.

The silver bottle was broken and the water slurry burst out, and the flower bottom slipped between Guan Yingyu.

... (keep some in stock)

Kryptonian Empire.

"There are still ten minutes before the server will be shut down for maintenance and the third test will be opened. Hurry up and put things off the line!"

Well-meaning players are shouting in the world channel...that is, the open space.

No way, this game is too hard-core, there are no team channels, private channels, world channels, etc., all of which are real conversations.

Because of the lessons learned from the previous few times, other players will not run around when it is about to be maintained, but will rush back to put things and then go offline.

Otherwise, if you lose any equipment, it will not be worth the loss.

Many players also went back with their companions. Although the Zerg home planet camp was newly opened, everyone decided not to switch camps after careful consideration. After all, the strong armor of the Krypton Empire is also very interesting. It's not too late to experience the Zerg home planet.

Moreover, most mainstream players can't actually accept the aesthetic of Zerg.

The most important thing is that, according to the fact that players need to do everything by themselves in this game, the Zerg homeworld has just opened, and it is definitely the rhythm of working to death!

"Your Majesty, according to your instructions, an undeveloped planet has been used as the Zerg mother planet, but is this really possible?"

The Queen was a little worried about the players who looked confused and funny.

They won't damage other bugs, will they?

Although those bugs are 100% under the control of the queen.

[The server will be disconnected after 30 seconds. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, players who have not been offline, please log off as soon as possible. 】

When the last full server announcement was made, there were no more standing players in the Kryptonian Empire.

The Three Test Umbrella Company released another batch of game cabins, and the crazy people waiting outside immediately snapped up.

It is estimated that 200 million players in the world will become 400 million players this time, and the online rate is ridiculously high. It has created a record of more than 100 million players online at the same time. Because each game cabin has only one account, there is no way to double open, open more, and hang up. , so this data is also very real.

Other game companies are blushing with jealousy. They also want to be able to come up with their own virtual stealth games, but the technology seems to be different.

Kryptonian Empire.

A group of new players who had just entered the game for the third test turned into a group of handsome and beautiful young men and women, lining up in front of an NPC with [Krypton Instructor] on his head.

Although they have received the daily tasks that must be taken after entering the game for the first time, there are also daily tasks in the weekly and monthly tasks, most of which are for them to mine, expand the territorial scope of the Krypton Empire, or Build new buildings and more.

But who can be selected for the three tests, which one is not a cloud player who spends a lot of time in the forum? Although they have never had the opportunity to enter this game, they have already played it with spirit from the overwhelming variety of strategy posts.

So after the three test players entered the game, most of them were not headless flies flying around, they knew exactly what they wanted.

I don't plan to set up a guild by myself, and there are no small groups of loose people. Of course, most of them go to the existing guilds, choose some to see which ones are suitable for them, and then join them.

There are also some stragglers who like to be lone rangers. They don't join a union, and they play their own way.

The remaining part is to have their own great ambitions, hope to be famous, to be the president and so on.

This part occupies the largest number, because the practice of players in the first test and the second test for several months has proved that the game "Krypton Empire" is definitely not a good game that can be played alone.

Whether it's a wasteland dungeon, a scene battle, free exploration, building a house, or even doing business, a large group of friends are needed to help with the daily routine. Social networking is extremely important in this game, it's almost like a Just like the real world.

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