In the North American jungle, everything is quiet and beautiful.

Suddenly, the sound of "Boom" and "Boom" came from far to near, getting louder and louder, as heavy as thunder.

However, except for the floating white clouds, the sky was as green as wash, and there was no sign of the sky changing.

Thunder on a sunny day, isn't it weird. It turned out that this was not the thunder in the sky, but a behemoth walking out of the jungle.

Because of the heavy footsteps and the loud sound, every time you take a step, there will be a "bang" sound, like thunder.

This behemoth is about 20 meters long, and its neck is 8 meters long, which is actually longer than its body.

Its tail is about 9 meters long, and it stands up to the rump and is about 4.5 meters tall.

The back half of its body is higher than the shoulders, but when it stands up on its heels, it really looks like a towering cloud.

If paleontologists saw it, they would definitely exclaim that this is not a brontosaurus?

Brontosaurus is a kind of dinosaur. Because of its heavy footsteps and loud sound, every time you step on the next step, it makes a "bang" sound, like thunder, so paleontologists gave this dinosaur an image name, called Brontosaurus, which means "thundering lizard".

When their tails are swung, they can emit sounds of more than 200 decibels, comparable to the volume of a cannon fire.

In the sky, Aeolus pterosaurs spread out its wings, spanning more than 11 meters long and weighing 500 kilograms. It is the largest flying animal known to man.

There is no doubt that this is the Earth after being rebuilt by Zod Hiss!

He modified the atmospheric environment, and then restored or reversed time from the well-preserved fossils from the geological layers, thus creating this prosperous dinosaur planet!

In addition, Zod Heath also produced creatures such as saber-toothed tigers, as well as modern species.

But all species that have existed, now coexist in an ecological circle.

Only humans are missing.

The Avengers hiding in the ground didn't know that such a huge change had taken place on the surface, and they didn't even think about going up to take a look. It's good to be able to survive hard.

Zod Heath crushed four infinity gems. After leaving the original universe, the infinity gems became ordinary gems, and the universe was obviously destroyed by the rune, so the four infinity gems were also lost its effect.

The infinite gems of this universe are in the hands of the ultimate Ultron,

Of course, only the Mind Stone.

Without the Time Stone and Space Stone, Zod Heath was confused as to why the universe didn't have Kama Taj, and therefore no Time Stone.

As for the space gem, it's already in Asgard.

Zod Heath is playing with the current earth like a map editor. The map editor of Warcraft is not fun, because there is a limit on the number of map editors, while Zod Heath's map editor has no limit on the number of map editors.

So he made a million brontosaurus, after all, it is a large piece of meat that moves, and it is indispensable.

Others are casually made tens of thousands, and they will reproduce by themselves anyway.

As for whether the earth's resources are enough to supply them, ha, what are you afraid of, with Zod Hiss there, how many resources are needed.

After all, only the simplest mass-energy conversion is needed, which Zod Hiss did a hundred and eighteen years ago.

"How about it?"

Zod Heath also has serious business to do. He tore the black hole, and then asked the black queen to throw a Ultron into it to see what the environment was inside.

"That Ultron just disappeared."

The Black Queen said in surprise.

Although she looked down on the crude technology of these Ultrons made by Ultimate Ultron. After all, after Zod Heath got the knowledge of Krypton, she also shared a wave, but you must know that these Ultrons are made of Edman alloy metal. It's done.

If you can make it disappear all at once, what world is on the other side?


Across countless distances, it is located in a corner of the deep universe, on a sci-fi planet.

In the center of the majestic and tall palace, on the golden throne that overwhelmed the world with domineering power, a burly male alien wearing golden armor with a mighty spirit slowly opened his eyes.

He has blue-purple tough skin, a giant vertical chin, and a huge body that is a point taller than the Hulk. The grand majesty makes people dare not look at him, but just sitting there makes people willing to bow their heads.

He is the famous eternal death titan in the universe, who controls countless cosmic forces and is regarded as the emperor's tyrant!

"My lord, the Chitarui lost the gem, should they exterminate it?"

In the shadows, five figures shrouded in black robes stood on one knee in front of the throne.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't expect much from them. However, merits and demerits still need to be rewarded and punished, and the losers must take responsibility for their own faults. Starting today, the Chitarians will no longer be sheltered by me, and let them live on their own in the universe. Destroy it!"

"You are so kind! Your subordinates follow your will!"

The five figures touched their chests with one hand, lowered their heads and said humbly.

"There are other gems scattered in the universe, it is time to bring them together again..."


"How about you, do you want to go in and have a look?"

Zod Heath put his arms around Tifa, and was shocked to realize that Tifa still had a secret he didn't know.

The shape is like a peach, and the shape is like a fuqiu. It rebounds when touched, soft when touched, smooth when entering, and delicate when exiting.

Farsighted is beautiful, close-up is tempting, Jiuqian is shocked, and once you go deep into the dragon.

Gently gather and slowly twist and pick, the flowers are clustered with peaches.

Yan Lingji, who was cooking the Thunder Dragon Meat Hotpot, didn't speak to Denisa, but Esdes thought he could go and have a look.

"If there is an enemy, let me go first."

After many days without a fight, Esdes felt a little bored, and she encouraged Zod to get a Kryptonian Empire out for her to play with again, but Zod felt that maybe he would leave at some time, leaving a Kryptonian Empire as nothing. used, so it was rejected.

Zod Heath thought for a while, and felt that it made sense. Anyway, the Thunder Dragon Meat Hotpot was tired and crooked, so it would be better to go and have a look.

So, he tore the black hole with Esdes and went to that universe.


In the void, a blue electric arc danced, and ripples swayed in the air. An embarrassed figure quickly stepped out of the mirror space that was undulating like mercury.

"Hot, hot, hot—"

After walking out of the void, Zod Hiss only had an intuitive impression of this space shuttle, that is, it was hot, extremely hot.

The whole body was roasted like a furnace, making him think that he fell into the entrance of the burning hell, but there was no sign of water shortage in the body, and even his clothes were intact.

Boundless chills poured in from all sides, making Zod Heath feel refreshed for a while, and then looking at where he was, he found that raising his head was a void universe. The bright stars cast countless tiny rays of light, and the brightest and most intimate one is still the familiar sun.

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