Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 41 The Superhuman Plan

The element represented in the movie is a stable, non-radioactive transition element used as a catalyst. In reality, according to Mendeleev's periodic law of elements, people have synthesized element 118, and all the elements before 118 in the periodic table of elements have been filled, and the elements discovered later are hugely radioactive, And the half-life is extremely short, and the moment it is synthesized, it will decay, so it is impossible to have elements like those in the movie. This is common sense in high school chemistry.

And it is said to be a new element, but looking at the data model, it is actually a spherical polymer composite material, which cannot be placed in the periodic table of elements.

To create a new element, the element must not be on the periodic table, so the number of protons in the nucleus of this element must be higher than on the periodic table.

Then it is well known that the higher the number of protons, the more unstable the element, and the artificially blasted elements of the last few elements on the periodic table can only exist for one second.

And even if it can be created, this element must be more radioactive than the palladium that Stark originally used, so in other words, Stark will die faster.

As for the new element being an isotope of a space gem, do you know what an isotope is?

Isotopes are not new elements. Isotopes have the same number of protons and different numbers of neutrons, and only elements with different numbers of protons are different elements. If Stark just changed the neutron number of the original highly radioactive element palladium, Not only is it not a new element, but its radioactivity is still very high.

The most typical example, we all know that the substances that naturally emit light in nature are actually radioactive radiation. The new elements are very bright, right?

It's so bright that it hasn't even entered the reactor to react.

However, Zod still managed to synthesize new elements, and the whole process entered Zod's blind spot of knowledge. He didn't even know why he succeeded.

Originally, I thought to follow the process of the original plot, and it was confirmed that this was impossible, but it turned out to be successful.


Zod was puzzled, but since the new elements were synthesized, Zod did not think about such complex issues.

This new element, Zod is named Zod Element.

When a new element appears, there must be a code to match it. Of course, the matching rules must also be formulated by the discoverer himself. It is as if there was no Mendeleev, the maker of the first table, then even if later people discovered the existence of new elements, they could not be classified according to their inherent laws.

However, this new element is not an element in Mendeleev's periodic table after all, and it cannot be classified according to the rules of Krypton's periodic table. Zod also does not intend to make the molecular composition of this new element public. Let him be famous for eternity, but Zod doesn't need any reputation, he can live so long by himself.

Of course, in order to prevent Tony Stark from making Zod elements later, Zod still publicly announced the news that he had created new elements. Except for the molecular composition, most of the proofs and data were publicized.

This naturally caused a sensation again, and at the same time, the new element reactor appeared, this new element is also cold nuclear reaction.

The scientific community was shaken, and the name Zod Heath was really in the sight of those scientific research giants for the first time. Before that, even the secondary krypton that revolutionized the field of materials and set off an arms race around the world. War Machines are nothing more than that in their eyes, but this is a new element!

However, Zod's failure to disclose the new element to the public has also aroused the dissatisfaction of some researchers. The new element is very likely to make human progress!

Zod doesn't care about kidnapping others with his selflessness. This kind of person is not clear. He naturally respects the selfless, but Zod himself doesn't want to be a selfless person and asks Ould to register with the data. After the patent

Zod ignored it.

Ould can't think of any words to describe a genius like Zod. He is only 20 years old, and he has already discovered new elements and synthesized them. Will he have any other shocking inventions next?

Tony Stark, who was about to hold back his ultimate move, was silent after seeing the news, Walter?

new element?

You know, being able to discover the existence of an element has incalculable significance for the progress of human civilization.

Are today's young people so mad?

But Tony Stark is not discouraged, he always thinks that he is the most genius, isn't it the new element, so can I!

Tony Stark reinvigorated.

At the same time, the international community has also begun to pay attention to Zod Heath. Originally, there were some small moves on the American side, but now they are gone.

It is irrational to persecute such a genius who can benefit all mankind.

"Sir, there is a goal of discovery."

The Black Queen said while Zod was doing research.

"What target?"

Zod asked.

"The target of the Transhuman Project, Jessica Jones."

The Black Queen replied.

Jessica Jones, formerly known as Jessica Campbell, a high school classmate of Spider-Man Peter Parker, was on a trip to Disney when her father, who was driving, was distracted by an argument with her younger brother in the back seat, making their The car collided directly with a military vehicle full of radioactive chemicals, and the whole family was exposed to radiation and died as a result. Only Jessica survived, and was taken to the hospital, where she fell into a coma for several months. When she woke up, she found herself with flying and far superior powers. After that, Jessica was adopted by the Jones family. Renamed to Jessica Jones.

Zod wanted to get that car full of chemicals to see what could have this kind of mutation, but he knew that it was impossible, and it was better to look for the possibility from Jessica Jones.

At this time, Jessica Jones was still in a coma in the hospital. Jessica would not wake up from the coma until the Fantastic Four and the Planet Eater faced off near the hospital where Jessica was located. Now, a comatose, The high school girl who became an orphan was easily taken away by the blade technology industry.

Because she has not yet been adopted by the Jones family, she still stopped Jessica Campbell.

"Black Queen, scan her body, but don't irritate her."

Zod's see-through eyes passed through the gown and Jessica Campbell's flesh, seeing the drastic changes in her, and then said to the Black Queen.

"Understood, sir."

The Black Queen immediately began scanning and building Jessica Campbell's profile.

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