Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 432 Titan God

The four super primitive gods have not yet appeared, which makes Zod look forward to it.

Forget about Gaia, the often active earth goddess, the remaining three super primitive gods, the two are the night goddess Nyx and the dark god Erebos who live in the underworld. Disputes are never questioned.

Heavenly Court went to the underworld before and didn't see anyone.

Tartarus, the super-primitive god, synonymous with the abyss of hell.

At the beginning of the creation of the world, he found a comfortable corner to lie down and turned into the body of hell and underworld, located under the endless land.

Although it is located underground, the formation of the underworld is actually another world, independent of the sky, sea, and earth.

Tartaros was lying on his stomach all day and moving. According to Gaia's words, if he didn't move again, sooner or later, like Chaos, he would return to the rules, integrate into this world, and completely disappear into this world.

The whole abyss is dark, this is the end of the world, the silent place where sunlight can never reach.

A barren land, and everything is gone.

The reason for the extinction of all things, in addition to the absence of the source of life, is also because the dark energy here is too rich, pure and flawless, cold and deep.

If the weaker gods set foot there, they will be lost forever, and will eventually be ruthlessly swallowed up by the darkness.

Athena walked in this endless darkness with difficulty, enduring the invasion of darkness.

During the ten-year battle of the Titans, Zeus was in a stalemate due to the war. Under the guidance of Gaia, he released the imprisoned Hundred-Armed Giants and Cyclops.

These six muscular brothers were grateful to Zeus, and took the initiative to participate in the war to repay their kindness. Zeus not only got a strong help, but also harvested the lightning spear, an artifact.

After the war, the one-eyed three brothers lived on the inaccessible islands, and the hundred-armed three brothers were responsible for guarding the abyss prison and taking care of the imprisoned Titan gods.

Not far away, three copper doors with a thickness of 100 meters blocked the way layer by layer. Athena received the oracle of Zeus, and the copper doors opened directly.

boom! boom! boom----

The sound of heavy footsteps came, and three phantoms with vague outlines walked slowly, and the ground shook with every movement.

Hundred-armed giant!

The main force in the ten-year battle of the Titans, when it comes to melee singles, it has a strong power that is not weaker than the Titan God.

But generally, they are assigned as long-range units, responsible for... throwing stones.

"Athena? What are you doing here?"

The hundred-armed giant did not know the situation on land, and was very surprised that Athena was able to open the bronze door.

The three hundred-armed giants looked bad, and the copper door could only be opened by the order of Zeus, but Zeus was not seen...

Athena told the truth.

"Zeus actually wants to release Cronus and the others?"

The three hundred-armed giants were a little suspicious. Athena knew that the situation was urgent. The three Hanhans didn't know the seriousness of the matter at all, so they reprimanded them.

The hundred-armed giant thought for a while. Since Athena could open the copper door, it meant that it was the order of Zeus, which was impossible to fake.

They turned around and started to lead the way. Athena breathed a sigh of relief. If the three big guys still didn't believe it, she couldn't do anything about it. After all, the strength of the three of them was still very good.

It was another journey through the dark abyss, the boundless world, until the eerie blue flame lit up, revealing hundreds of thick black iron pillars.

The flame ignited above the column, and the blue fire was extended down through the interspersed chains.

One by one, the titan giants were bound by their limbs and torso, suspended in mid-air. They were large or small, with the appearance of ordinary people.

Most of the Titans here are of the second and third generations, with varying strengths, while the first-generation Titans are imprisoned in separate rooms.

In terms of bloodline, the strength of the first generation of Titans is the strongest, but not all Titans are like this.

For example, Hecate, she is a third-generation Titan, and her strength exceeds that of many first-generation Titans.

Among the second-generation Titans, there are also powerhouses like Atlas and Prometheus, and even the first-generation Titans dare not say victory easily.

Here I want to say that the reason why Zeus was able to defeat the powerful Titan God was directly related to his powerful harem (student) halo. By conquering the goddess, he married seven wives in a row, directly destroying the twelve Titans Unity.

Twelve Titans, six men and six women.

Among them, the two Titan goddesses, Themis and Mnemosyne, were the second and fifth wives of Zeus respectively.

That is to say, fighting and fighting, the two goddesses of the hostile camp became pillow people, and it was logical to leave the Titan camp and support Zeus instead.

Then, Zeus's first wife, third wife, and the parents of Poseidon's sea queen, Amphitrite, were Okeanos and Thesis.

He fell asleep and persuaded the two Titan gods to leave the battlefield.

Four of the Twelve Titans were removed at once...

It's not over yet, because Zeus is too strong, he can continue to sleep!

There are also Titan gods Coos and Phoebe, and a pair of sisters, Flower Leto and Asteria, among which Leto is the sixth wife of Zeus and the mother of Artemis and Apollo.

Asteria combined with a second-generation Titan Perseus to give birth to Hecate, so she is the third-generation Titan God with pure blood.

Here’s a thing to say, Zeus also madly pursued Asteria, and wanted to win the pair of sisters, but Asteria was the goddess of meteors, and Zeus was so tired that he didn’t catch up.

As a result, the twelve main gods of the Titans were forced to sleep out of two ex-wives and two pairs of father-in-law and mother-in-law by Zeus.

All members are halved, self-defeating without attacking, the power of the king of gods is so terrifying!

Looking at it this way, Zeus single-handedly defeated the six Titan gods, and he really deserved his name as the king of gods.

After all, he contributes the most, he is not a god king, and others are not qualified!


He can't do it. When fighting, he will only charge into the front and fight against the opponent with blood on his face. Unlike Zeus' rhetoric, he will disintegrate half of the powerful enemies with just a touch of his tongue.

One is the general in front of the battle, and the other is the coach who is strategizing.

Then, there are two Titan gods, Hyperion and Theia, who represent the sun and light, the parents of the former sun god Helios and the former moon god Selene. The children join the war, and the whole family eats melons and watches the drama to the end.

As a result, there are only four of the twelve Titan Lord Gods left... No, only three.

The mother of the Zeus brothers and sisters, Rhea, the Queen of Heaven at that time, was swallowed by Knoros every time she gave birth to a child. Before the war started, she firmly supported her child.

The dignified second-generation god king, who was strong and strong before the war, looked around at the end of the war, and found that there were only two brothers left by his side, namely Clius and Iapetus.

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