Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 453 Chaos God - Catastrophe

The five creation gods and the court of life, the managers of the multiverse.

Although most of these times, the diverse bosses who are serving as the background board have many unusual black histories.

The worst of them is the Planet Devourer, which has been reduced to a cosmos-level combat unit.

As administrators under the almighty universe, they actually have quite high authority and are the incarnation of rules.

Compared with the sentinel, the opponent of sword fighting that can be solved with fists will be more troublesome to deal with.

After Zod appeared, everything in the entire multiverse stopped, and if he didn't allow it, it wouldn't continue to move.

Of course, Zod is not messing around, and he will be warned if he messes up.

He just wanted to take a good rest and stop the multiverse so he could find the rune.

On this point, the stewards of the multiverse agree.

Zod is in a good mood now. He has broken through the single universe level and has become a multiverse level, which is enough to stand side by side with the Life Court.

But if you want to go further, it is as difficult as going to the sky.

Even the golden superman based in the five-dimensional world is essentially just standing at the peak of the multiverse, not entering the almighty universe and jumping out of the "story" framework.

The only one that can reach the omnipotent universe level may only be a conscious body that combines 52 parallel universe superhumans, a thinking machine superhuman.

Mandrake, the great demon who devoured the parallel universe, called it second only to DC Supreme God.

Rune is still hunting the planet-devourers in the parallel universe, and the multiverse of the one-stop and forever-stop makes it quickly exposed to Zod.

Zod grabbed the rune, and the multiverse began to move on its own. Zod glanced at the court of life and the four gods next to him, because the planetary devourer of the 616 main universe had died.

So there are only four of the five gods left.

"God of Destruction and Destruction, would you like to be the new God of Destruction?"

The Life Court asked Zod expressionlessly. Zod looked at his three faces and didn't know which face to look at.

In fact, Zod also knows what the Life Court is talking about. If he is not willing to become the new planetary devourer, that is, to exercise the power of destruction, these people present today will not let him enter the eternal body.

The single-universe-level dimensional demon god walking in the eternal body has already destroyed the balance, not to mention that he is now the great demon god of the multiverse!

And in terms of strength, the four gods don't seem to be his opponents. Even though most of the gods collected in the quarry of the gods are trash fish, they can't stand the amazing number, and they are all conceptual gods, which is equivalent to Zod. Got most of the concept of the multiverse.

If so many concepts are concentrated in one person's body, I dare not say that the multiverse gods and demons are the strongest, but at least they won't condone any multiverse gods and demons.

"I don't want to."

Zod doesn't want to be tied to a multiverse, what's more, he is now a multiverse god and demon!

If you don't like the Marvel Multiverse, you can go to the DC Multiverse, Dark Horse Multiverse, Warhammer Multiverse and other worlds to play.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to go to DC,

Because he couldn't break through the wall of origin.

The life court and the four gods left, Zod threw the rune into his black hole dimension, and then everything in the black hole dimension became unrecognizable.

"Starting today, I am the Great Demon God of the Multiverse - Catastrophe!"

Master destruction, destruction, violence, blood and death!

He transformed the black hole dimension into a chaotic world!

There is no time and space, and there is no concept of up and down. It is full of chaotic energy transformed from most of the negative energy in the eternal body that Zod has plundered!

From a very early time, Zod wanted to be a Chaos God. After all, the negative energy came much faster than the positive energy, and the number was also very different.

It's just that Zod was too weak at that time, and he was worried that if he became a Chaos God, a brass skeleton would fall from the sky and kill him.

Well now, everyone is the great demon god of the multiverse, and Khorne can't possibly kill him with a brass skeleton, so Zod couldn't wait to create a chaotic domain that only belongs to him, that is, the warp.

Due to the infinity of time and the infinity of association, the chaotic world is no longer limited by space and time. This existence is a special field that can never be understood by humans and most gods and demons. It seems to exist in dreams and The edge of a nightmare, does not exist in physical structure or form.

This is Chaos, not bound by any laws of physics nor by any will.

Zod thought about it, created his own catastrophe demon, branded it, and exclusive copyright!

The symbol of the catastrophe demon is that the right hand will become a huge enchanted warrior, like the claws of a sharp blade, while the left hand is just a normal enchantment.

With a hideous appearance, the biological flesh and blood are twisted into armor. Zod prefers arthropods and armor, so his Havoc Demon looks very similar to Chaos Space Marines.

There will be a pair of huge wings behind these demons, or bat wings of bats, or dragon wings like pterodactyls, or pure flesh wings or feather wings.

But each of these wings will have a giant eye at the center.

At the same time, Havoc demons will have sharp horns like unicorns on their heads, and only unicorns.

"Dedicate your loyalty to the catastrophe and tear apart all the enemies of the catastrophe!"

These catastrophe demons were formed by Zod mixing gods and angel souls with negative energy. As for the rune, he became the chief demon under Zod!

Zod doesn't have many categories for his Havoc demons, everyone is the same anyway.

The ability he gave them is also very simple, that is, killing is a sacrifice, and the life, blood and soul that die under their claws or attacks will be sacrificed to Zod.

As the Chaos God, Zod will mercifully take only nine-tenths of his blood and soul, and the remaining tenth will be used to restore and strengthen them.

That is to say, all the catastrophe demons are standing on the same starting line. Except for the chief demon, Shenfu, he is after all a single-cosmos-level god and demon that is close to diverse. The Great Demon does not change his mighty power.

It just so happened that Zod also needed his subordinates to have powerful demons, so he made changes to the appearance of the chief demon, such as making his horn have a blood-colored halo, and at the same time stepping on his feet. With a blood-colored halo.

And has four huge wings!

Zod's design is actually very simple. The strength of the catastrophe demons depends purely on whether they have aura or giant wings.

A halo means that he has Zod's attention.

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