"Tony Stark, in order to save you, I can only turn you into Hulk."

Zod said with a serious look.


Tony Stark is stunned, what is Hulk?

After all, I used to be a playboy. Although things have changed after this period of time, there is no way to suddenly know the secrets that I didn't know before.

So he doesn't know what the Hulk is.

"Hulk is what you are now, the latest achievement of the super soldier serum."

As soon as Zod's voice fell, a projection screen appeared out of thin air in front of Tony Stark. The whole process of the hatred and the Red Tank destroying the Ten Rings Gang base was on it. Tony Stark was stunned.

"Is this the Hulk?"

He never imagined that the super soldier serum of Captain America, who had been listening to him growing up since he was a child, would develop to this level.

Those guns and guns were like children's toys to these two big men, and they couldn't do any harm at all, and the armored vehicles were like tofu in front of them.

And now he has become like that.

"Don't worry, you can still change back. By the way, someone has come to pick you up."

Zod did not force Tony Stark to join the Authority. One less of him is not much, and one more of him is not much, so he simply didn't want it.

Phil Coulson took Tony Stark away with a smile. Now Tony Stark doesn't know the existence of S.H.I.E.L.D., so he looked at the stranger who took him away with a dazed expression.

However, the sky has been pierced outside, mainly because of the Ten Rings Gang.

Their weapons are obtained through cia channels.

Cia's plan was to use the Ten Rings Gang to contain the Taliban and the East, but they didn't expect them to give CIA a huge surprise, and now the whole of Cia is very embarrassed.

Obadiah alone would not be able to transport the weapons produced by Stark Industries to Afghanistan and hand them over to the Ten Rings. This trade chain requires enormous energy and power to complete, and cia is an integral part of it.

The kidnapping of Tony Stark this time is a backstab on the CIA, and now the CIA chief is being reprimanded by the Pentagon.

Those congressional lords might have found an opportunity to condemn the CIA, and perhaps cut the CIA's nearly inexhaustible funding.

"Mandalin can't control all the people under his hands."

After fleeing to Afghanistan, Mandalin chose to cooperate with the local Pashtun tribe so that the Ten Rings would not fall apart directly. These Pashtun tribes provide funds, manpower and fresh blood for the Ten Rings Gang, and the Ten Rings Gang provides the tribes with high-end combat power to resist exploitation from the Taliban.

This kind of cooperation has been very successful. The Ten Rings Gang has successfully taken root in this unfamiliar land in Afghanistan, and has developed rapidly. Under the protection of the Ten Rings Gang, these tribes will not be oppressed and looted by the Taliban.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. The organization of the Ten Rings Gang is very loose. What Mandalin can really control is only the more than ten directly affiliated bases.

"A leader named Raza under the Ten Rings Gang was bought by Obadiah, but when he caught Tony Stark, he wanted to force Tony Stark to develop and produce weapons for himself."

Raza obviously doesn't know anything about modern industrial assembly lines. His cave even needs diesel generators for power supply. His subordinates are all illiterate people who can't read. He conjured up a factory.

Without stable power supply, cutting-edge production equipment, well-trained production line workers, and high-quality management personnel, it is simply impossible to mass-produce modern weapons.

As a monster who has lived from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the present, the Mandarin will naturally not have such childish thoughts. Instead, he attaches great importance to the relationship with cia.

He knew that without Cia's support, he would not be able to compete with the East.

The stupid Raza was executed immediately, and he ordered his tribe to abandon the base transfer when they were attacked by the US military.

Anyway, as long as they negotiate with cia, the US military will return these bases to them.

It's just that Tony Stark has been brought back by people from the Administration, and the relationship between the Ten Rings Gang and the CIA has suddenly become very embarrassing. Let's continue fighting.

Mandalin has to suppress the ambitious leaders of the various tribes under his hands, and he cannot lose face.

Not to mention the CIA, even if the United States condemned the CIA, they acted very quickly.

The U.S. military in Afghanistan has already begun to dispatch troops to prepare for a war with the Ten Rings Gang. In this kind of war, the Taliban without powers and advanced weapons are not even qualified to watch the battle.

"So, we want to negotiate with the Mandarin."

The CIA's proposal was approved by the Pentagon, after all, they didn't want to really fight.

The Ten Rings Gang and the CIA put it aside for the time being. After Tony Stark returned home, he looked at his chest in disbelief.

There was no damage to it, any batteries or fragments were gone, and even Tony Stark felt that he was much stronger. He tried it and even lifted a barbell weighing hundreds of pounds with one hand.

And after the transformation, he will only be stronger than now.

Zod is also very interested in following Tony Stark with super vision. He wants to know whether Tony Stark, who has not yet designed a battle armor with blueprints, will give up the power of Hulk and continue to study his own armor. Or give up the steel suit and indulge in the power of Hulk?

Anyway, this parallel universe is not the 616 main universe, and it is normal for a Tony Hulk to appear.


On this day, Zod went to chat with Professor X again. Professor X didn't mind at all, and ordered Storm to prepare black tea and coffee.

In fact, Zod is a bit strange. According to the plot, the Dark Phoenix should have come out. As a result, there has been no movement for so long, so he often comes here to see when Cyclops disappears.

"I don't know if you are interested in having a mutant join our Human Supernatural Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Administration."

Storm is wary of Zod, even if he looks so handsome, after all, the more handsome a man is, the more deceiving he is.

What's more, Zod is still in a high position, and the Mutant Affairs Bureau has also been directly merged into the Authority. The "Beast" lost his position as the Director of the Mutant Affairs Bureau because of this incident, although the Authority has so far treated them fairly well. Friendly, but with the necessary vigilance.

"If you can, that's the best."

Professor X said with great surprise.

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