Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 526 Lao Wan's Children

You know, although Zod is a director, he can mobilize SHIELD agents.

But this does not mean that Zod can enjoy the technologies and weapons mastered by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Moreover, these technologies cannot be bought with money.

Without this civil strife, if you want to get it, Zod will have to use some means.

In this civil strife, S.H.I.E.L.D. no longer exists. In contrast, the leakage of some weapons and technical data is nothing at all.

At most, when relevant weapons appear in the future, they will be investigated by S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Winter Soldier Barnes."

Bucky did not escape, but was caught by Captain America, who held him and refused to let go. Then he was taken to the Special Operations Bureau, and he was successfully washed out of the brainwashing organization.

Bucky, whose official name is James Buchanan Barnes, nicknamed Bucky Barnes.

Captain America did not accept the good friends before the transformation of the super soldier plan, and then fought side by side, comrades who were born to death.

During one mission, Bucky fell from a train and was presumed dead.

In fact, it fell into the hands of Hydra, and was transformed and brainwashed to become a ruthless killer of Hydra, codenamed The Winter Soldier.

When Captain America stopped the Hydra conspiracy, he became an enemy of this old friend.

It's a pity that Bucky didn't expect that his good friend had not seen him for so many years, and suddenly he became a big blue man who was invulnerable. He didn't run away like the original plot and was caught directly.

The current Bucky is a global wanted criminal in terms of identity, which can be said to be the most advanced, comparable to Magneto.

There is no special identity of Lao Wan.

Fortunately, he is now in the hands of the Special Operations Bureau.

As we all know, the current Zod Heath is an enhanced version of President Hoover, or the world's version, and what falls into his hands can never be retrieved.

"So, I'm going to become a big guy like Steve?"

Bucky lay in the cultivation tank and asked with a depressed expression.

"Take it easy, Bucky, it's just the super soldier serum of this age."

Steve comforted on the side.

"Heh, Steve, I must be bigger than you."

"That's not necessarily the case. My Hulk form is the strongest shield of the Special Operations Bureau."

Captain America was clearly in a good mood and was able to joke around with Bucky.

Bucky snapped a middle finger and bit the contents of his mouth.

Now Zod Heath injection of Hulk serum no longer needs a finished product, there is a reality gem, just rewrite the reality directly.

So in Zod's rewrite, Bucky became a Hulk, and it was not an ordinary Hulk. After the transformation, the whole body skeleton was made of Wolverine's Edman alloy, and the bones would expand. Anyway, he has the ability to rewrite reality. , this kind of thing sprinkling water.

Then there are vibranium atoms in the cells, making Bucky an indestructible steel Hulk, which is more powerful than Captain America's skin and vibranium-like structure.

There is also Godzilla's atomic furnace and atomic breath ability, but it is the version of Red Lotus Godzilla.

Red Lotus Hulk! ! !

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Bucky was in pain, but after he stopped, he also felt a powerful force in him.

Is this the current super soldier serum, so powerful?

"Okay, it's done, then you can move freely, Barnes, go get a certificate yourself."

Zod Heath said to Bucky.

"I see, Chief."

Bucky is very fond of Zod, because the other party helped him wash away the brainwashing thing, so that he no longer has to worry about being controlled.

On the other hand, Thor, the god of thunder, also returned to Midgard, which made Zod a little puzzled. What's going on, the dark elves didn't make a big deal, and Odin didn't have any trouble. Why did Thor, the god of thunder, still come to Earth?

He also said that he had obtained permission from Odin to be with Jane all the time.

What's up, isn't this Loki?

Then he joined the special operations bureau, mainly because of the high salary, being able to support Jane and himself, and being able to fight frequently to maintain justice, plus everyone in the special operations bureau was acquaintances, Thor joined without hesitation .


This is Sokovia, the place where Ultron rose up and smashed it down, intending to destroy human beings and even organic organisms all over the world.

Now, of course, Ultron has not appeared.

Superheroes assemble here for something else.

Since Captain America kicked the Hydra to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. fell apart for a while, and until now, it is still in a half-dead state.

But what needs to be done is still needed.

The superheroes found out that the remnant of Hydra was conducting a secret experiment in Sokovia - also holding the psychic scepter that Loki once brought back and was later seized by S.H.I.E.L.D.

So, the superheroes assembled here, intending to solve this matter.

The remnants of the Hydra here are somewhat capable.

There are also a lot of heavy weapons and special individual equipment.

"Oh, here comes our dear Director."

Tony Stark said in a slightly exaggerated tone.

"Hello everyone." Zod said hello, walked to the motorcycle next to him, sat directly on it, and asked.

"This car is good, lend me a drive?"

"I originally planned to use it, but Sir, are you planning to take part in the operation?" Captain America said.

He appreciates everything Zod has done to Bucky, so he has a lot of respect for Zod.

"No, I'm here to see the fun."

Zod said.

"Don't fight, win jail, lose hospital."



Everyone thinks it's better to throw this guy out.

Thor, the god of thunder, wanted to fight Zod very much. He felt that after the battle with the cursed warrior, he had become a lot stronger and could challenge the mysterious Zod in the special operations bureau.

"Well, boys, go and fight bravely!"

Zod became a political commissar, doing pre-war mobilization.

Everyone shook their heads helplessly and stepped out of the aircraft.

This flying machine is piloted by Iron Man's ai Jarvis and belongs to the "unmanned" category.

The reason why Zod came in person was for Lao Wan's two children.

Scarlet Witch, whose real name is Wanda Maximoff, brother Quicksilver, Pietro Maximoff.

However, Magneto himself did not know of their existence. Interestingly, the two never showed the abnormality of being mutants.

It was not until he participated in the Hydra plan as an experiment that the ability was born.

Scarlet Witch is also not an exaggerated witch in the comics, and uses chaos magic.

Her abilities are very similar to those of Phoenix Qin, including mind control, mental power, and psychic power.

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