Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 561 Specialties of the Kryptonian Empire

Fighting for dignity, even if defeated but still glorious?

Depends on who!

Similar to Hela, who is full of ambition and looks down on anything but the throne, Emperor Zod's judgment on her is unqualified, and she can't even let go of her dignity. 's task.

Even if she is invincible, the key is that she is not invincible.

"Your Majesty, the goddess of death Hela is making trouble again."

No, Emperor Zod received a subpoena from his subordinates.

"Can you make trouble on Krypton?"

Krypton has a gravitational generating device, which makes Krypton equivalent to 100 times the gravity of the earth, and the things on it are also compressed and collapsed by this gravity into a very dense thing. No one can withstand it except Kryptonians.

When Hela first arrived, she was still half-dead, unable to move.

Can it start so soon?

"What's the matter, can't you stop her?"

Emperor Zod's words made Hela seem like some kind of monster.

"It's okay, but after she was defeated, she cried out for an honorable death... We didn't dare to move."

Anyway, this is all sent by Asgard to truce with the pros, and they cut people off. I don’t know what will happen to the god king Odin, but this truce is probably going to be yellow. Besides, Odin is about to die. Necessary to care about with the elderly.

"So, she wants a battle of honor and a vigorous death?"

Emperor Zod was speechless.

It is impossible to kill Hela, the eldest daughter of Odin and the first heir to Asgard. Whoever dares to kill her must prepare for war with Asgard.

Don't look at Hela being packaged and sent to the Kryptonian Empire, but she was not removed from Asgard as in the original plot, so that no one knew her existence later, which has proved Hela's status in Odin's heart.

In this case, it was actually Odin paved the way for her. After all, there was an old father who could fight behind him. No matter how much Emperor Zod went too far, he wouldn't do anything to Hela.

Anyway, there is a group of murderers in the Kryptonian Empire, and Hela can't cause much damage.

Even if there is... Asgard is sitting on nine world resources, Odin said that it is worthless, and the compensation that is worthless is as much as possible.

Asgard gold coins are not made of gold, the material is a rare cosmic-grade metal that does not exist on earth.

The common currency unit in the galaxy is credit currency, which supports electronic transfer. In the Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Lord used this currency. He used 30,000 credit currency to buy a prisoner's prosthetic leg.

Earth currency and Galaxy Credit Coin cannot be exchanged, and precious metals and gems on Earth can only be sold as garbage in the universe.

There are many planets made of gold and diamonds. Flying over a mining spacecraft can dig out hundreds of thousands of tons, and the cost is only fuel money.

The people on earth who have just entered the vast star sea are actually very poor. Tony Stark's entire net worth is only a few hundred points in US dollars and then converted into credit coins, which is not as rich as an interstellar pirate.

Thor once jokingly said that an Asgardian gold coin can be exchanged for 4 billion US dollars. He is a bit exaggerated, but it is actually true, because an Asgardian gold coin can be exchanged for mining and refining 100 tons of pure gold. required dark matter fuel.

One hundred tons of gold is worth nearly four billion US dollars, but aliens in the Milky Way rarely go to the gold planet to dig for gold, because the value of gold is too low, and it will not be worth the fuel money if it is dug back and sold, and they will lose money.

"Pack up the bill and convert it into three times the credit currency and give it to Asgard."

Emperor Zod defines this matter.

"Nation is never a war, a warlike monarch will only lead a country to its demise."

It's a pity that Hela doesn't understand this kind of truth, and she is still very stubborn. She doesn't listen to others, she just thinks she is right.

Then Hela was suppressed. Although Emperor Zod wanted to take her to breed Kryptonians, but considering that she was also a princess, it seemed too much to add seeds in the dark, so let her open a harem.

Hundreds of men with strong physique, fierce dragons and tigers, born with divine power, and reinforced iron bones are members of her harem. Presumably, the god king Odin can't say anything when he comes.

Your daughter is the queen here with me, with three thousand faces, all of them are super macho men who can day by day, day by day, what's not to be satisfied with?

I believe that Hela will have no time to think about fighting, killing people, and grabbing the throne.

The mechanical superhuman prophet did not disappoint Emperor Zod. He developed the "rainbow bridge" on the scientific side through the space gem.

As for whether the subject is scientific or not, he doesn't know, anyway, he thinks it is from the scientific side.

However, the mechanical superman prophet also said a problem, that is, there is a rainbow bridge, and there must be "Heimdall".

If there is no "Heimdall" who can see the eyes everywhere in the universe, unless the console of the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard is copied, the latter Loki finds Scrichy to replace Heimdall. bridge.

Moreover, the mechanical superman prophet also told Emperor Zod that while the rainbow bridge can be teleported to any corner of the universe, it is also a powerful weapon. If it is maintained for a long time, it can even destroy a galaxy.

The galaxy here refers to a star system the size of the solar system.

This is much more powerful than Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, after all, Asgard's Rainbow Bridge is just destroying a planet.

In addition, there is the issue of energy. Because it is the Rainbow Bridge on the science side, it cannot be self-sufficient like the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard.

Emperor Zod thought for a while, and asked the mechanical superman to study the space gem to see if he could extract the energy inside and make it into an energy cube, just like what Hydra once did.

Of course, the power gem can also be used. It is estimated that it is more suitable for research in this area, so Emperor Zod gave both gems to the mechanical superhuman prophet for research.

It didn't take long for the Kryptonian Empire to have its own flagship product - [Edelman Alloy Battery]!

Like the Titanium battery of the Sovereigns, it is a good thing that can supply energy. The Rocket Raccoon of the Guardians of the Galaxy also stole a titanium steel battery and was hunted down.

Power gems are indeed more suitable for extracting energy to make batteries than space gems, and Edman alloys, as the hardest alloys rare in the universe, can also be used to accommodate this huge amount of energy.

Combining the two, the Kryptonian Empire has its own famous cosmic specialty.

The Edman Alloy Battery was sold because Emperor Zod wanted to further expand the reputation of the Kryptonian Empire.

The Edman alloy battery that completely suppresses the titanium steel batteries of the Sovereigns will fully seize the market of the entire universe. "Energy" is inexhaustible money!

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