Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 83: Something Happened Again

If needed, Stav could drown Zod Heath with money, but he chose to use something else.

"An oil field in Texas?"

Ould exclaimed, unable to believe Stave's additional conditions.

As long as Zod Heath can develop a cure for cancer, Stave will give him an oil field in Texas.

This is business!

It can even be said that the dream of countless people is to obtain an oil field, and then live a worry-free life for future generations. Although the recent emergence of new energy sources seems to gradually threaten the old energy, it is still very good to have oil fields.

Zod Heath did know the oil industry because of new energy and oil.

North America, Texas, Asia and the Middle East, the British North Sea, Central Asia, the Caspian Sea, and Siberia, these five major oil producing areas account for 70% of the world's total oil production and 25% of the world's energy supply. They are the lifeblood of the world. , the lifeblood of industry.

The world's largest resource system, the resource system that supplies the lifeline of energy and chemical raw materials in modern society, allows a nation, an energy system that is squandered on wealth, to control war, politics, economy, industry, both now and in the past. An extremely important energy system, including OPEC, oil futures, oil industry and most of the petrochemical industry, more than one billion people in the world rely on the oil industry to live, and more rely on ethylene and petrochemical industries to survive, automobile industry, plastic industry, aviation Aerospace, this world can even be said to be a world on oil.

It is also the biggest enemy of Zodiac's new energy, because he does not accept any investment and has the idea of ​​monopoly.

This condition of Stav is actually an invitation to invite Zod Heath, the most valuable and monopolistic new energy source, to join this oil empire.

Zod Heath's new energy source no longer relies on palladium, but a magnetic beam nuclear fusion reactor. Compared with the new element reactor, the power may be insufficient, but it has already beaten the old palladium cold nuclear fusion reactor in all aspects.

After Tony Stark disappeared and was confirmed as dead, since Obadiah took over Stark Industries, many oil tycoons have invested in nuclear fusion reactors. They are supporting the research and development of new energy, but that is what they want Turn new energy into their new oil.

After all, the most profitable business in the world is a monopoly.

Zod Heath's magnetic beam nuclear fusion reactor is not as popular as his previous inventions. In the United States, a country with low public education, most people believe that the new energy spread by capitalists has very serious carcinogenicity and various diseases. Very contradictory to Zod Heath's magnetic beam fusion reactor.

But at the same time, there are also many people who come to the door with "goodwill". They carry astronomical sums of money. As long as Zod Heath nods, then Blade Technology Industry will become a giant company like Umbrella, even surpassing it. over it and the law.

However, Zod Hiss is such a proud person. The education he received in his previous life made him even more disdainful of yielding to the power of capital. Isn't that just resisting new energy? You don't want it, I just sell it to other countries.

Even if ninety-nine percent of the world is a capitalist country, there is one country that is definitely not.


Zod Hiss sighed, he can directly subvert oil, abandon its role as energy, and oil only has the effect of chemical raw materials, but it is not irreplaceable.

Seawater passes through the magnetized water material. With a strong energy supply, it can be shaped into the best light industrial material.

The solid is plasticized water that is colloidal, and can also replace the role of plastics and ethylene, and replace petrochemical materials.

But as I said before, Zod Heath is tantamount to challenging finance and capital. He can withstand it, but the collapse of finance and capital will affect billions of people.

This is the limitation of the times,

It is also the tragedy of the geniuses who are ahead of their time. They are unable to change an era, and the era is not allowed to be changed by them.

"Promise him."

Zod Heath said.

Anyway, I was planning to launch a special cancer drug.

Stave breathed a sigh of relief, but now he's worried that he won't be able to survive until the cancer cure comes out, for which he'll have to take traditional treatments to prolong his time.

Of course, Zod Heath couldn't take it out immediately, he planned to delay it for a while.

Kama Taj.

Morgan closed her eyes and practiced the magic of Kama Taj. Of course, it was the white magic of the Trinity Weishandi. All other magics had to be paid for. As the son of the dimensional demon god, she dared to use other magics. The devil said that there is a sweet and delicious coordinate here.

Once discovered by other dimension demon gods, they will never let go of Morgan, the most perfect material that can come to power at any time, and Morgan will become a consumable at that time.

For the sake of his own life, Morgan would never touch other magic after Gu had all his interests clear.

But Morgan underestimated the allure of being the son of the Dimension Demon God.

When Morgan was holding the book of Weishandi to study white magic, she accidentally tripped over a book.

Morgan stood up in surprise, but she heard Gu Yi said that the books in the Kama Taj library have their own mysterious power, this book actually tripped me up?

She picked up the book, opened it involuntarily, and saw blank pages inside, but these pages displayed information in English on how to fight the Dimensional Demon God, as well as knowledge of magic and symbols.

Morgan was shocked that there were such amazing books in Kama Taj's library?

She was so fascinated by it that Morgan didn't react until there was a loud drink in her ear, and then she saw Master Gu Yi closed the book.

"This is the Dark God Book, where did you get it?"

Gu Yi didn't expect that he just went to chat with Odin for a day, and when he came back, he felt that something was wrong. As a result, Morgan actually held the dark sacred book in his hand!

Where did this dark god book come from!

Billions of years ago, Sithone, one of the ancient gods who had fallen into a demon, was forced to flee to other dimensions in order to avoid the devouring of the God Eater. Before escaping, Sithone wrote on the indestructible parchment. All his evil deeds and spells, known as the Scroll of Sithawn. These parchments were later revised into volumes called the Book of Dark Gods. Before Sithone went into exile, he left the Dark Book on Earth as a channel for him to influence the Earth and release his energy.

The Dark Book was once the source of spell books such as the Necronomicon, and it ensures complete understanding in any language. Although the Book of Darkness contains many powerful black magic, its corrupting influence is very strong, and the dwarves of the Book of Darkness will lure people to use the spells recorded in it. After many people use it, their souls will be destroyed Will be owned by Seathorn.

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