Marvel’s Kryptonian

Chapter 98 Accidents

"Sir, the server has been maliciously hacked."

The Black Queen suddenly sounded the alarm.


Zod is a little strange. The Black Queen is literally the strongest hacker in the world. How could anyone still invade?

"The other party's technology is not like a hacker, and the application of data flow is also very special."

The black queen said while dealing with the invasion of the other party.

"Do you need help?"

Zod asked that his electromagnetic force could also come in handy in this situation, and it was very strong.

"No need, Boss."

The Black Queen quickly defeated the opponent and almost tracked the opponent's location.


"It's so scary. It should be said that it is Zod Hiss, and it even has a strong artificial intelligence."

Somewhere in a dimly lit base, a human face appeared on a screen.

Hydra, Anim Zola!

It was Hitler's capable man, a geneticist from Switzerland, and the first human genetic engineer in the history of the earth. He was responsible for developing various cloned creatures and monsters. He was diagnosed with terminal illness in 1972, so he moved his consciousness to the same age. , in a secretive S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in New Jersey.

It can be said that Zola is playing artificial intelligence in the face. With the equipment conditions at that time, it is basically impossible to store consciousness, not to mention that Zola has since become the strongest hacker on the Internet.

But in the Marvel Universe after all, anything is possible.

After Zola learned about the existence of Zod Heath and his series of inventions from the Snake Shield, he was very moved by these inventions of Zod. For this reason, he chose to invade the database of Blade Technology Industry, and wanted to get Zod Heath's material on these inventions.

In the end, he didn't expect that he just broke through the difficult firewall, and then encountered an unprecedented strong counterattack, and he also recognized the object of this strong counterattack.

Not a human super-hacker, because except for Skye of the Rising Tide, and some unreasonable supervillains and superheroes, Zola has no rivals in the cyber domain.

But the other party is a strong artificial intelligence. It can have its own wisdom and feelings, and at the same time, it also has the ability to learn and evolve. After Zod Hiss mastered the ability of electromagnetic force and magnetic field at the atomic level, he created the Krypton planet. The hardware to accommodate the black queen has made the black queen's ability to learn and evolve by leaps and bounds. Zola can still press the black queen to fight at first, but in less than a few seconds, the black queen has learned and surpassed it.

If it weren't for the quick response, he would have almost been tracked by the black queen.

"Strong artificial intelligence is really scary."

Zola thought of evading tracking, and the broiler tactics at the beginning also confused the black queen, but then the black queen seemed to have learned the broiler tactics, ignoring thousands of disguised broilers and chasing him directly.

"Escaped by the other party?"

Zod looked at the Black Queen in surprise.

"He's very responsive and feels like an artificial intelligence, at least not inferior to me."

The Black Queen said after analyzing the situation.

Zod thought that it was not the time when Ultron was born. After the super brain searched the memory of his previous life, he had some guesses about who it was.

"Did Hydra invented Zola of Zola's algorithm?"

If it was him, it would not be surprising to be able to do this, although Zod's subconsciousness made him want to complain about how the other party used backward hardware to hold the Black Queen.

Fortunately, the opponent will not learn to evolve, and the Black Queen has completed evolution and transcendence after this offensive and defensive battle. The next time Zola comes back, the Black Queen will be able to lock his position in a second.

Of course, Zola has realized the terribleness of strong artificial intelligence and will not come again at all.

Then the Thunder general Ross abandoned the army and entered politics.

It's a matter of being a secretary of state.

At the press conference, Ross was in good spirits, and the power of the Red Hulk made Ross extremely healthy, and it is estimated that another 100 years would be more than enough to live.

His good spirit has invisibly boosted the people's confidence in him.

"Sure enough, he still became Secretary of State."

Zod thinks that it is probably the family behind Ross who has exerted its strength, otherwise he will not be able to become Secretary of State in more than a year.

Looking at Ross who was talking nonsense, Zod turned off the screen.

"Not good, BOSS!"

Then an emergency communication takes Zod by surprise.

"What's up?"

Zod connected, because this communication is important.

"Tony Stark ran away!"

The beast-like soldiers on the opposite side broke out in cold sweat. They had no idea that Tony Stark would be able to run away under the onlookers of so many beast-like soldiers.

"ran away?"

Zod was very curious about the whole process, how could he escape from the beast-like soldiers just by beating and forging the steel battle suit manually?

What a mess!

"Tony Stark didn't escape on his own. Our side was suddenly attacked by the Ten Rings Gang. We found out that Tony Stark had run away after we solved the Ten Rings Gang."

The animalized soldier said cautiously.

After all, acting needs to be comprehensive, so Zod will let them act in Afghanistan. Although it was a surprise to be attacked by the Ten Rings Gang, it doesn't seem surprising if you think about it carefully.

The Ten Rings Gang wanted to attack this group of outsiders from the beginning. After being taught a lesson, the Ten Rings Gang began to observe this group of terrorists who neither looted nor did other things in order to ensure their status in Afghanistan.

However, after observing for nearly a year, these terrorists still did nothing. Except for the occasional shift change for a month, and a lot of new faces, they just stayed motionless.

The Ten Rings Gang suspected that they were investigating the situation in Afghanistan and waited for an opportunity to act. Just in case, the Ten Rings Gang chose the strategy of attacking first.

Having learned the lesson of the last time, this time, the Ten Rings Gang came out in full force, with the sophisticated weapons of Stark Industries, and even the war machines purchased privately from Blade Technology Industries. outsider.

It turned out that these outsiders were stunned at first, and then after being beaten to death, they were resurrected and turned into monsters!

The boss of the Ten Rings Gang even saw one of the monsters tear open the hard steel alloy armor of the war machine with his bare hands!

The attacking Ten Rings Gang only fought a suppression battle for less than ten minutes, and then they were torn to shreds by the beastized soldiers who reacted, and they were all killed, and none of them escaped.

Then the beast soldiers who cleaned the battlefield suddenly found that Tony Stark was gone, along with him, and the crude steel battle suit that was scheduled to be taken away at a fixed time.

He didn't even bring "Yin Sen" with him, leaving the beast soldiers without the only way to track him.

As a last resort, the Beastman can only inform Zod.

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