Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 175 George, the nemesis of technology (first update) Please give me a monthly ticket

War Machine was originally the suit that Tony sent out. Even if it was modified by Hammer Industries and Ivan Vanko set up a control system, he could fix it as long as he was given time.

"Jarvis, start fixing the system!"

"Start fixing. Fixing. Fixing completed."

As Jarvis invaded the system of War Machine, in ten seconds, War Machine was free from Ivan Vanko's remote control and returned to normal.

"I said, why did you set the backdoor behind your buttocks? This is really embarrassing!"

Rod, who had regained control of War Machine, couldn't help but complain.

Tony pulled out his finger and said helplessly:

"Since it is a backdoor, it is natural to set it behind your buttocks. I didn't expect that someone would be in the suit when fixing the system."

He designed it this way just to use it when optimizing the system, and it was usually placed in the laboratory after the suit was taken off, and then inserted by the experimental connection cable, just like plugging in the back of a computer host.

He didn't expect that a situation like today would occur, requiring him to use his finger as a connector to plug in the backdoor and fix the system.

"Next time I'll go to the front... The front doesn't seem to be very good, let's go to the back."

"What should we do now? Go find that guy called Ivan Vanko?"

George asked, looking at the two guys who were complaining to each other.

Rod looked at the wings behind George with some curiosity, and then spread his hands:

"The problem now is that we don't know where Ivan Vanko is hiding. Maybe we should ask Hammer first."

"No need, George is the best at finding people."

Tony turned his head to look at George. He knew that George had the ability to track. As long as he wanted to find someone, there was no one he couldn't find.

George was about to nod, but suddenly turned around and looked at the sky in the distance and smiled:

"It seems that there is no need to look for it. The real owner is here himself."

"Sir, an object with a super high energy index is detected approaching at high speed."

Jarvis also reminded Tony at the same time.

A moment later, a humanoid machine that was one size larger than Tony and War Machine stopped in front of the three.

It was Ivan Vanko who saw that the robot soldiers were all destroyed and the control of War Machine was also released, and he personally put on the whip rope suit he designed and rushed over.

The guy who killed the robot soldiers was indeed powerful, but he also had confidence in the whipcord suit he designed, and he had come with the intention of dragging Tony down with him even if he died.

As long as God was injured and bled, people would no longer be afraid of God or believe in God, and blood would attract sharks as long as it flowed in the water.

All he had to do was to let everyone know that Iron Man was not that powerful, and as long as everyone wanted, they could swallow his technology and his Stark Group.

So whether Tony Stark could be killed or not was actually not that important.

"Don't move, I'm going to use my 'ex-wife' to blow this guy up!"

Seeing Ivan Vanko open his visor and reveal his appearance, Rhodes immediately flew in front of George and Tony, and raised a special launcher on his shoulder.

He was controlled by Ivan Vanko until now, and he was also full of anger in his heart.

And the "ex-wife" he was talking about was the strongest weapon that Hammer added to the suit when he modified the suit, a small sidewinder missile, which was enough to blow up a bunker.

"What ex-wife?"

Tony obviously hadn't reacted to what Rod meant.


The ex-wife was launched from War Machine's shoulder, and then, it just hit the Whipcord suit that didn't even try to dodge, and then fell from midair without anything happening.

"Hammer didn't tell you that it needs a certain acceleration and enough distance to explode, otherwise it will become a dud?"

Van Ke laughed, covered his visor, and then swung his hands, and two titanium whips full of high-voltage current were ejected.

Tony couldn't help but complain in the back:

"Hammer's Sidewinder missile, the rubbish among rubbish."

"Come on, let the world see how fragile you are."

Van Ke accelerated, waving the electric whip in his hand and sweeping towards George and the other two.

Tony and War Machine quickly activated the weapon device of the suit and attacked Van Ke, but they were all blocked by Van Ke's heavy Whipcord suit and couldn't break the defense at all.

However, the whip rope was halfway through its flight, and just like the robot soldiers before, George stopped it in the air.

"What, are you going to perform a five-whip lightning show?"

"It's like that again, but my whip rope suit is not comparable to ordinary robot soldiers."

The energy of the reactor on the chest instantly increased to the peak, and the whip rope suit relied on the powerful kinetic energy to break through the magnetic control and rushed towards the three again.

After manipulating the robot soldiers to fight just now, he found that George seemed to be able to use some kind of power to restrict the actions of the robot soldiers, but he could not completely restrict them.

His whip rope performance is several times that of the robot soldiers. As long as he maintains enough power, the opponent cannot restrict the actions of the whip rope suit.

"I'm in a hurry to go back, so I won't play with you."

Looking at the whip rope rushing straight at him, George waved his hand:

"Disarm you!"

The disarming spell was activated, and the electric whip in the whip rope's hand was instantly bounced out.

Before he could react from the inexplicable loss of the weapon, George's hand had already pressed on his armor.

"Mimicry transformation!"

The mimicry magic of the magician's apprentice world was activated, and Wan Ke's advanced whip rope suit immediately changed, turning into a set of worn-out and rusty iron models.

Mimicry can make dead things alive, upgrade old cars into super luxury sports cars, turn taxis into tanks, and turn tanks into old cars that run slower than bicycles.

He can't turn taxis into tanks or models into complex and advanced iron suits, but it's not difficult to turn advanced iron suits into worn-out and simple models.

So no matter how advanced the technological products are, as long as they are touched by George's mimicry magic, they will basically be turned into waste if they are not too big.

It can be called the nemesis of high-tech products.

Seeing this scene, Tony Stark and War Machine couldn't help but take a breath, and retreated a distance to the back, fearing that they would be accidentally touched by George's hand.

In fact, the Transfiguration spell can also have a similar effect, but for the Transfiguration spell, the more complex the object, the more difficult it is to transform it. The senior exam is just to turn an owl into a small telescope, which can stump a large number of students.

Not to mention some more complex guns and technological products.

Even Professor McGonagall, the master of the Transfiguration spell, can't turn into an airplane or a cannon.

But the Transfiguration spell can transform living things, people, Barty Crouch Jr. pretending to be Moody, used the Transfiguration spell to turn Malfoy into a ferret.

This is something that Mimicry can't do.

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