Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 26 George, Luna, Colin and Ginny

“The history of basilisks is too long and has long been banned by the Ministry of Magic, so few books mention this, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Like the Scimitar-Horned Snorlax, wizards do not believe this magical animal exists, but my father was lucky enough to see it once in Sweden. "

The girl tilted her head and replied.

"What is a Snorlax?"

Colin's face was full of curiosity.

The girl explained:

"It's a magical animal with special horns but it can't fly."

"Okay, that should be the Poison Horned Beast."

By this time George already knew the identity of the girl, Luna Lovegood.

Her father was Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor-in-chief of the Quibbler magazine, and her mother was Pandora Lovegood, who died accidentally when she was nine years old while experimenting with spells.

It can be seen that without sufficient theoretical foundation of magic, creating new spells is also a very dangerous thing.

Because his family was well-educated, what Luna said about the Eagle Owl might be true, but about the Scireno-Horned Snorlax, he knew that Xenophilius had made it up to comfort his daughter.

The so-called curved-horned snorkel is actually a poison-horned beast, and its special horn is also in danger of exploding.

"There are still seats here. Let me help you put your luggage on the rack."

Because he wanted to learn more knowledge from Luna that was not in the books, George took the initiative to get up and help her move the luggage on the cart to the shelf above.

"Thank you, my name is Luna Lovegood."

Luna was also very interested in the Eagle Owl, so she did not refuse, but she couldn't help but let out a sigh when she saw the thin and frail George lifting her luggage to the high shelf very easily.

"You are so strong!"

After Luna sat down, the three chatted again.

But mainly Colin, who was as curious as a baby, was asking, Luna was answering, and George was listening quietly. He would only ask questions when he encountered knowledge that interested him.


The long whistle sounded and the train was about to leave.

At this time, the sliding door of the box was suddenly opened, and a girl with thick, fiery red hair, bright brown eyes, and a face as delicate and cute as a doll walked in.

"Is there anyone here?"

she asked, pointing to the seat next to Luna.

"Everywhere else is full."

"No, you can sit next to me."

Luna smiled softly.

The girl was visibly relieved when she heard this, because her brothers were the last to board the train (she certainly wouldn't admit that she almost forgot the magical notebook).

"Little Ginny, we're here to help you."

At this time, a pair of identical red-haired twin boys walked in.

They happily helped their sister pack her luggage, and then left in a noisy manner when her sister was driven away by her disgust.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ginny, Ginny Weasley."

After driving away the two troublesome brothers, Ginny sat next to Luna and introduced herself generously. She was not a shy person, except in front of Harry.

"Luna Lovegood."

"Colin Creevey."


The three of them also introduced themselves.

"George, you have the same name as my brother, one of the two just now. He is also called George, George Weasley.

By the way, what's your last name? "

"Just call me George."

George smiled and didn’t explain much.

Although his pronunciation of George and George Weasley's George are the same, there are essential differences.

George Weasley's surname is Weasley and his first name is George, but his surname is actually Joe, and his first name is Zhi, which means "governing". His father hoped that he could become an official and govern a country in the future, so he took this name.

So actually, according to the name here, he should be called George Qiao.

It's just that he thought it sounded too awkward, so when he told people, he just called him George.

"Ginny, how many brothers do you have in your family?"

At this time, the kind-hearted Colin suddenly changed the topic. He felt that George, as an orphan, probably didn't want people to know his last name.

Ginny didn't think much, stretched out her hands and bent four fingers:

"Six, Bill is a Cursebreaker in Gringotts, Egypt, Charlie is a dragon tamer in Romania, Percy is in sixth grade, George and Fred are in fourth grade, you just watched, Ron."

"so much!"

Hearing Ginny's answer, both Colin and Luna looked surprised. There were so many children, not to mention wizarding families, even Muggle families were rare.

Listening to the three people's chat, George moved his eyes away from Ginny's suitcase and sighed in his heart.

If all wizarding families could be as fertile as the Weasley family, wizards would probably rule the world long ago, and Muggles would have nothing to worry about.

While the four of them were chatting, the train also started to move out of King's Cross station, speeding along the fields full of cattle and sheep, heading towards Scotland quickly.

It was the first time for them to travel away from home, and they went to the famous Hogwarts. Even the quietest Luna was actually a little excited.

So the three of them never stopped chatting.

Because much of what the three chatted about later had nothing to do with magic, but their respective childhood experiences and family situations, George gradually withdrew from the chat and began to read a book.

Around half past twelve, a smiling and dimpled miko opened the box door and asked:

“Dear children, would you like to buy some food for the car?

There are Bibi's multi-flavored beans, Bubble Super Bubble Gum, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pie, crucible-shaped cakes, and licorice wands."

Facing the small cart of magic snacks and the witch's question, the three of them shook their heads at the same time.

Colin was born into a Muggle family and naturally didn't have much money. All his remaining money was spent on magic cameras.

Although Ginny was born into a pure-blood family, her father had long been expelled from the family for being close to Muggles and loving Muggle items. All the family's expenses came from her father's salary from the Ministry of Magic.

With so many children going to school, and the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks for several of her brothers this year being particularly expensive, even many of her school supplies were second-hand, so how could she get any pocket money to buy snacks.

As for Luna, she is not short of pocket money, but she doesn't seem to like snacks much.

"One of each, thank you!"

George knew the situation of several young wizards, so he got up and spent twelve silver Sickles and five bronze Knuts, ordered a portion of all the snacks, and placed them on the table.

"Ginny, I heard you just said that you know a poisonous spell called the Bat Charm. I wonder if you can teach it to me when you have time."

He pushed a quarter of the snacks in front of Ginny, and Ginny nodded with bright eyes:

"Of course, no problem. That's my best spell. Even George and Fred have fallen victim to it."

"Luna, I would like to ask you some knowledge about magical animals."

George pushed another quarter of the snack in front of Luna.

Luna smiled and nodded, but did not refuse.

Finally, George put aside his share and pushed the remaining quarter towards Colin.

"Do you have time to take a magic photo for me? I want to keep it as a souvenir."

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