Marvel's Magic Master

Chapter 96 Who is the successor to the secret room?

"Okay, the school is not peaceful recently. I hope that after you learn these spells, you can use them to protect yourself and your Slytherin classmates."

Snape looked serious, but George was a little confused:

"We are all Slytherin"

Halfway through his words, he immediately stopped and changed his words with a smile:

"I know, I will protect my classmates and friends."

Slytherin is either pure blood or mixed blood. It stands to reason that opening the Chamber of Secrets will not be dangerous to Slytherin's wizards, so Snape's words must have another meaning.

After thinking about it for a moment, George roughly guessed the reason.

Quite simply, Snape hoped that after George learned these spells, if he happened to encounter young wizards from other colleges, especially Harry, who was in danger, he could take action to play some role.

Snape hated Harry very much because Harry looked like James who bullied him back then.

But he must protect Harry's safety, because Harry is his favorite Lily's child.

Dumbledore would not tell Snape everything. In Snape's view, the Chamber of Secrets was opened at this time, and the monsters inside were very dangerous to the Muggle-born wizard and Harry.

This is why he assists the disgusting Lockhart and teaches the young wizards how to duel.

Although Snape is not as impartial as McGonagall, as a teacher at Hogwarts, he also has the heart to protect all students, including Muggle-born wizards.

It's just that Snape would definitely not say anything like this.

Snape knew that he, Harry, and Hermione were friends and often studied together. If he was in danger, he could learn the Shadowless Curse and be of great help.

As the days passed, George spent most of his free time learning the Divine Edge Shadowless Curse and the Upside Down Golden Bell Curse.

Hogwarts has been quiet during this period, and there have been no more petrified incidents, because Voldemort's diary is now in Harry's hands.

It was only on Sunday of the second week of school that the Harry trio brought the diary to find George who was reading in the library again and told him about the results of their communication with the diary last week.

"So you suspect that Hagrid is the descendant of the Chamber of Secrets and released the monsters inside?"

George asked somewhat amusedly.

“We have long known that Hagrid was expelled from school, and the attacks must have stopped since Hagrid was kicked out.

Otherwise, Riddle would not have won the award. "

Harry's face was full of distress, and he was most reluctant to believe this answer, but the evidence pointed to Hagrid.

Hagrid has always had a soft spot for all kinds of huge monsters. Last year, he even tried to feed the fire dragon in the cabin, as well as the three-headed Lu Wei who guarded the magic stone.

"We thought maybe he just didn't want the monster to be locked up all the time, and didn't expect the monster to kill people."

Ron added.

George looked at Hermione, who lowered her head:

"We actually don't believe it either, so I'm here to ask your opinion. I know that you often go to the cabin to find Hagrid."

"Well to be honest with you, it can't be Hagrid."

George said affirmatively.

The three little ones' eyes immediately lit up when they heard this.


“Because first of all, Slytherin is a wizard who values ​​​​blood very much, and it is impossible for him to find a wizard with giant blood as his successor.

Secondly, since Dumbledore trusts Hagrid, it means that Dumbledore does not believe that Hagrid did what happened back then.

Finally, the diary cannot be what it says. Who knows if the scene he created is true. Maybe he himself is the heir, and he deliberately framed Hagrid. Who knows? "

George suggested unhurriedly:

"For this kind of thing, I suggest you ask Hagrid in person. Or if you are too embarrassed to ask, I can ask it for you."

Although he hoped that the Chamber of Secrets incident would become a big deal, he did not want Hagrid to be implicated like in the original work and go to Azkaban for a few months.

In a place like Azkaban, where dementors sucked away emotions every day, the cruelty was comparable to being constantly tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

Hagrid is a good person with a simple mind. He has taught him a lot of useful knowledge in the past six months. He prefers people like Hagrid to Dumbledore.

Anyway, even if Hagrid doesn't go to Azkaban and the matter in the Chamber of Secrets doesn't end, Dumbledore will still be asked to leave the school for a period of time sooner or later. There is no conflict.

Moreover, helping Hagrid reverse the case can also reduce Dumbledore's wariness towards him and build a good impression on him.

"Yes, George, you are right. If Hagrid was really the Heir of the Chamber of Secrets, Dumbledore would not trust him so much!"

After hearing George's explanation, Harry immediately felt better.

You know, ever since the evidence pointed to Hagrid being the successor with a high probability of opening the secret room door, he has been in a bad mood.

"We really shouldn't just pretend not to know, otherwise if another attack occurs, Hagrid may be arrested as a criminal again.

George, let's ask Hagrid together. "

Hermione also felt that what George said made sense.

Ron scratched his head:

"Well, I hope it was a nice visit."

He was already beginning to imagine how awkward it would be when they asked Hagrid if he had let any wild, furry thing out of the castle recently.

So that afternoon, they came to Hagrid's hut.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance so that I could make rock cakes for you?"

Hagrid, who was dealing with the mole at the school gate, was very happy to see George and the other four appear.

Harry and the other two looked at Hagrid and said nervously:

"Hagrid, we came here to ask you questions this time."

George saw that the three of them had been "asking you" for a long time but couldn't get the questions out, so he simply asked himself:

"It's like this, Hagrid, we learned that you were expelled from school because of the monster that opened the Chamber of Secrets and caused Myrtle to be killed. I want to ask you what happened?"

"So it's this incident."

Hagrid sighed after hearing this:

"I didn't want to mention this matter again, but now that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened again and two attacks have been launched, I think I still have to talk to you about it.

I didn't open the Chamber of Secrets that year and was wrongly accused."

So next, Hagrid told the whole story of the incident.

It turns out that in 1943, when Hagrid was still a student, he once obtained an acromantula egg from a traveler. He secretly hatched it and raised it in Hogwarts, naming it Aragog.

Later, the Chamber of Secrets was opened, and a student named Myrtle was killed. Except for Dumbledore, everyone believed that it was Hagrid who opened the Chamber of Secrets and released the acromantula to attack Myrtle.

With Dumbledore's strong protection, he was not sent to Azkaban, but was expelled as a gamekeeper.

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