"Yes, I paid some price to get me here, I need your help, my friends"

Thor saw that everyone was glaring at Loki, and looked at Rogers and Tony helplessly.

When everyone arrived one after another, Thor was very excited to see Tony and Rogers, but he learned about their split from the two of them, and he immediately felt very sorry.

"Where's Banner? Anyway, Banner is also an important combat force, right? Stephen can't even find Banner for you? "

Chen Yu didn't believe that Stephen would not invite Banner, and said suspiciously.

"The situation is a bit complicated, Banner is no longer on Earth, and this time the matter is related to Banner, let Thor tell you the details"

Doctor Strange looked at Chen Yu helplessly.

Chen Yu was shocked when he heard this, this Banner was not on Earth for a long time, so he didn't speak, waiting for Sol's explanation.

Because now Thor has short hair, and the hammer is gone, and he is holding an axe.

"Ahem, that's right" Thor cleared his throat and stood up.

"More than 10 years ago, after the first war in Sokovia, I returned to Asgard and lived a comfortable life for about two or three years, only to find that my father's reign began to be lazy, and I was very happy."

Saying this, Thor glared at Loki fiercely, and Loki quickly raised his hands in a pretended to be afraid.

"When I found out that something was wrong, I started to investigate, and it turned out that my father was actually pretending to be Loki, but the real father didn't know what to do... Trace"

"Just as I was about to uncover Loki's conspiracy and then let Heimdall check the Nine Kingdoms to find his father's traces, a goddess who was locked up by my father escaped because of Loki's negligence in power"

With a bitter face, Thor said the name of the goddess, "Death goddess 'Hela'"

"Goddess of Death? It can't be the one who is in charge of death, right? "Johnny the Burning Man is still fearless.

"Yes, she is capable of controlling the goddess of death of the 9 great kingdoms, but later, because she was very crazy, she led her death army to make all the 9 great kingdoms fall into death, and then was defeated by the coalition of the 9 great kingdoms led by the previous god king, and was imprisoned by my father"

"And what about his strength?" Tony asked everyone about it.

"She's very strong, I'm with her, my Myornir was crushed by her," Saul said with a heartache.

"What, what? That hammer of yours was crushed by her? Just crushed like that? So what are you looking for us for? Death? "

Tony was taken aback, and the Avengers' teammates, Hawkeye, Rogers, and Natasha were even more scared.

Nima, your hammer has been directly crushed, so what can we do, it is not the same as being crushed when we go.

"Well, Hela's strength I learned from the records, she is super powerful, she has more than 100 tons of strength with a wave of her hand, and her resistance is even stronger, ultra-low temperature and ultra-high temperature are ineffective against her, and her endurance is super strong, she is almost never tired, and she can also manipulate high-level magical energy, as well as her most powerful control of death, and can instantly suck out other people's souls"

Sol wasn't good enough to hit people and went on to talk about Hela's abilities.

"Why don't we make a move, isn't that goddess of death targeting Asgard? What does it have to do with our planet? We mortals should not participate in the war of the gods"

Ant-Man Scott was really scared.

Nima is still a ball, won't she be sucked out of her soul and burp as soon as she goes up?

"So I'm here to find you for three things, first, I've asked Doctor Strange to help me find my father."

Saul said this, looking at Stephen.

"Well, I made a deal with an overlord of the other dimension, and he helped me find out the situation, your father, the god king Odin, is dead, and he died with the previous god king Serpent."

Doctor Strange slowly turned his head to look at Thor, and said helplessly.

"What, what? Father, father is dead? Thor couldn't believe it.

"Dead? No wonder, even his Odin scepter was picked up by me, I pretended to be him for so long and he didn't show up"

Loki was also full of disbelief, since he was a child, in Loki's heart, Odin was invincible and immortal, and he died like this.

"Mourn, Thor, what's the remaining two things?" Rogers patted Thor.

"I originally thought that after finding my father and queen, I could let him deal with Hela, after all, (Zhao Zhao Hao) they won the big battle of my father and king that year, although it was very difficult, but they did win, and the previous god king also died in the battle, and then my father inherited it"

"So that someone can deal with Hela, and others can help me fight against Hela's army of death, after all, Asgard has fallen, and once again Ragnarok is coming, Asgard may not be able to save it"

Thor hadn't recovered from the blow of his father's death.

"Ragnarok again?" Mr. Fantastic Reed repeated in confusion.

"Yes, Ragnarok has come many times, and each time it has caused the death of a large number of our gods in Asgard, and each time only a few are left alive in the end, and then the Asgardian demon will be rebuilt"_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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