“Hmm” Chen Yu didn’t say much, and the two disappeared in place with a pat on himself and Wanda.

When Chen Yu and Wanda appeared in the desert, Rogers was holding his shield and gently stroking, and he knew how to cherish it when he lost it.

Pietro stood by and looked at Rogers speechlessly.

“Chen Yu, what do you want? Wasn’t the lesson from last time enough? Rogers said helplessly after seeing Chen Yu coming.

Fighting is not an opponent at all, if persuaded, this doll cannot be persuaded at all, there is no expression on the face, and it is said to fight.

“Can’t you just try to trust Tony once?” Chen Yu said.

“Want me to believe? Then you won’t tell me first? You don’t believe me,” Rogers said angrily.

Chen Yu said noncommittally: “Then think about why Tony told me and Banner but didn’t tell you?” ”

“Hmph, Tony knows I won’t agree. But it turns out that I’m right, isn’t it? ”

“Then take a look this time, if you’re still right, then I’ll tell you whatever Tony tells me in the future.” Anyway, one Ultron is also a fight, and no matter how many are hit”

Rogers was silent for a moment when he heard this, “Then how long do we have to stay?” ”

“Wait until Tony gives me a reply,” Chen Yu said.

After speaking, Chen Yu sent several people to a relatively comfortable beach, watching the scenery and chatting about the sky.

“Chen Yusol is here, we need your help here, he knows that the Mind Gem is in your hand” Tony came to call a few hours later.

Chen Yu thought for a while and said, “Good.”

Turned to say hello to a few people, and then returned to the Stark Building together with Rogers’ assurance.

As soon as he entered, Rogers questioned Stark: “Stark, are you still the captain?” ”

“Of course, but you’re going to stop me, aren’t you?” I was not surprised to see Roger Stoney.

“Hmph, this time I actually directly asked Chen Yu to stop me, let’s talk about it after this incident” Rogers still could tell the importance of the matter.

Chen Yu said to Tony at this time: “So, what do you want me to help you with?” ”

Sol suddenly turned to Chen Yu and asked, “Why don’t you say that the Soul Gem is in you?” ”

“The Mind Gem is very important to me, I don’t want to give it to you,” Chen Yu directly admitted his thoughts.

“Hmph, forget it, your strength has been increasing in the past two years because of the Mind Gem, right?” Thor did not continue to pester.

“Not bad, I’ve been trying to fuse the Mind Gem, soon, give me a few more years is enough”

As Chen Yu’s strength has increased in recent years, his control over the Mind Gem has also increased. From the Mind Gem passively channeling energy to Chen Yu, Chen Yu has been able to control the energy of the Mind Gem for active absorption.

Chen Yu estimated that in a few years, he would be able to integrate the Mind Gem into his body. At that time, the Soul Gem would be completely Chen Yu’s.

“Well, it’s good to give you strength, I said earlier that it’s not that I want the Mind Gem, but I want to use the Mind Gem in exchange for my father’s shot, I really want to protect the earth”

Thor is now completely fond of Earth because of a woman.

Banner suddenly said:

“What about you? Rogers? You brought those two people? Have you been controlled by that little witch? ”

Banner hates Wanda very much, and it is Wanda who has caused Banner to hurt many innocent people.

“I know you’re mad at me, but we have more important things now” Wanda was also guilty of Banner.

Rogers looked at Thor and said, “Are you ready to trust Tony?” ”

“Because Tony is right, Ultron is everywhere, we can’t beat him, but with this new life it’s different, he can drive Ultron out of the network”

Saul said.

“I’m sorry,” Chen Yu could only whisper three words. This is Chen Yu’s apology to everyone for the gemstone.

“Forget it, since you made me believe Tony, and I already promised, let’s hear what Tony wants to do now,” Rogers sighed.

“Baby bear, we still have a spiritual energy to activate this body, we have completed the transmission of other data, you use the Mind Gem to activate this body,” Tony said with a slight excitement.

An hour ago, when Banner and Tony’s research on the body hit a bottleneck and lacked a spiritual energy to activate the body, Tony told Banner that the Mind Gem on Chen Yu’s body might be useful.

Chen Yu didn’t speak, walked to the cradle that had been opened, and watched this body take out the Mind Gem.

As soon as the mind moved, a stream of energy emitted from the mind gemstone, slowly immersed into the head of that body, and then flowed throughout the body.

Chen Yu saw the domineering smell, and while carefully sensing this body, he continued to output energy.

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