Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 136: Minor God-Thor (2)

Seeve sighed as she disappeared, turned to look at the three warriors and shrugged. "To be honest, I'm actually worried about Thor."

Vostag took a sip of the wine from the glass and took a chicken leg from the table and took a bite and said, "Tor, he has nothing to worry about."

"Of course it is the most important thing, the matter of succession to the throne. It has been two days since the ceremony of succession to the throne. Not to mention Thor and the brother of Rocky, I really hope they will get along well."

Vandal shook his head and picked up his short sword again: "This is not a Shiv that we can intervene, just look at it. First, we have to trust them. Are they brothers?"

Hiff sighed and returned to the sofa: "You are right, maybe I am too sensitive."


Odin sleeping room.

"Is the next Odin's sleep coming?"

Fritz looked at her husband with concern, the king who held up the entire Asgard clan.

Odin shook his head and gently stroked his wife's face, saying: "No, it's not yet time, just something unexpected, I need to understand the course of the coming."

"You mean ..."

"Yes, I just found a place temporarily, so I came out soon."

"Well, I'm waiting for you here."

Odin watched Friega nodded, closed the door of the dorm room and sat on the dorm bed at will, began to sense the future gods in the dusk, and actively associated this with the recent appearance of the dragon.

With the emergence of Hella, the flame giant will destroy Asgard. Nothing has changed, why? Does the appearance of the dragon have nothing to do with the dusk of the gods, nor will it have any effect?

At this moment, linking the originally dark space of the corridor, Milaruz seemed to have sensed something in the underworld. He opened his huge red pupils again and murmured: "Odin ... Maybe it ’s a good choice? But there are still many things that I do n’t understand. It seems that the little guy will ask him the next time he comes. "

And Odin sitting on the bed instantly opened his eyes and sat up.

"Who is that ?!" Odin narrowed his eyes and recalled carefully, as if the gods appeared a voice and a pair of eyes at the end of the evolution at dusk?

And those eyes can actually perceive me ...

"Is it a dragon? If you continue to do this, it may affect the normal process of Odin's sleep. However, it is really uneasy ..." After that, Odin closed his eyes again and began to follow the eyes just now. To find out the source of your feelings, it is at this time ...

"Your Majesty."

A voice suddenly appeared in Odin's mind, it was Heimdall.

"What's wrong? Have the latest findings?"

Heimdall's voice sounded a little shocked: "I'm not sure about your majesty, but the dragon that appeared before seems to have followed the orders of a person who has a pair of dragon wings."

People with dragon wings? Odin frowned and thought a little. Was it a human dragon who led his race? But those eyes ...

Also, why did the dragon group appear in Midgard?

As Odin thought, he suddenly felt that his sons Tor and Loki came to the Golden Palace.


Golden Palace.

Tor flew in from outside and looked at the deserted hall. He walked directly to the inner room. Instead of walking, he rushed in ...

"Father ?! Father ?!" Just as Thor shouted loudly, he passed the dorm room and saw his mother Friega standing at the door.

Frigga sat and shushed at Thor, but Tor didn't care at all, but walked over and looked at his mother and said, "Mother, did you see your father? Hmm? It seems like ... ··· Father is in Odin's sleep ?! I haven't heard the news before, is he alright? "

Folly looked at Suddenly, Thor sighed softly, and was a little relieved when he was angry at his recklessness, at least he cared about his father from the heart.

"No, your father is fine, but Thor, what are you doing? Why are you so anxious, you can't make a loud noise here."

Tor looked at his mother and nodded, then asked close, "Mother, do you know anything about the dragon?"

"Dragon? Are you telling the story I told you before? Or the biographies you went to see yourself? There is no trace of the dragon now, Thor."

Friggar frowned suspiciously at the words of her son. Except for the dragon sub-species of the kingdom of flames, the real dragon group had disappeared for a long time. How could he ask this?

"But I heard before ..."

Kacha ~

"What are you doing looking for a dragon? My child." Odin came out after sensing what was happening outside the door ~ ~ looked at Thor and asked.

"Father, I want to ask about dragons, do they still exist?"

Odin heard a slight silence, and gave Friega a look, and then walked out.

Tor watched Odin turn away and turned to look at his mother, seeing Frigga nodded at him and turned to catch up with his father.

Odin walked out of the Golden Palace, looked up at the stars in the sky and said: "Dragons, once a powerful race in this universe, they are huge like mountains, and have different powerful abilities. And In the long life, some dragons will break away from the ethnic group to find their own survival significance. These powerful dragons have special powers unique to the dragon family and have a longer life than the people of Asgard It is said that their strongest is even stronger than me and my father, Boer. "

At this moment, Loki also walked behind Odin and listened carefully.

"In the long river of history, the dragons, like us, have left many legends and myths in the atrium, but now they can no longer be traced."

Odin turned to look at his two children and said, "These, my father Boll told me before punishing the dark elves. Even he didn't see the dragons in person. And I, the same I haven't seen it myself. "

Tor stepped forward and said: "But father ... I heard you seem to have mentioned it before."

"Tor, and Loki, tell me first what is your purpose for the dragon?"

Loki quickly heard this sentence and said: "Father, we just want ..."

"To become a dragon warrior!"

Loki rolled his eyes helplessly when he heard his brother speak out.

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