Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 139: mission completed

At the same time, Watson's strong thrust and free fall allowed Bronsky to break through the sound barrier instantly, and the huge sound burst hit him with a heavy hammer!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Bransky, accompanied by a violent howling, fell to the ground like a meteor!

Bang ~

When the smoke dissipated, the Dragon Sword was like a huge nail that nailed hatred to the ground.

【Flying Dragon Sword taste reduced to green cut】

Watson suddenly froze at the sound of the system.

System, you pit, I thought there was no chopping off taste, but if you chopping off taste you will give me a stone!

[Please upgrade the host as soon as possible to solve this problem. 】

····· I feel like I'm getting used to it by you, alas, if the flying dragon sword turns into a green cut, it should not be able to break Hulk's defense.

Watson shook his head not to think about this annoyance, and looked at Bronzsky, who kept his eyes closed and flicked his lips, it didn't die.

Tony looked at Bronsky and was not right. He turned to Watson and said, "Great detective, how do I feel about him ..."

"It's okay, it should be fainting, so we should be like this." Watson said as he motioned for Tony to stay away, and then summoned Jiao Ye beside him.

After the horned man came out, he turned around and lifted his tail like a hammer to hit the dragon knife nailed to the abomination.

"No, wait!"

It was General Rose who came over. But how could the prince Jiao listen to him.

Bang ~ Bang ~

Watson rolled his eyes as he walked over quickly. "It's okay to come a few more times."

Aoao ~ Bang! boom!

[Congratulations to the host killing the enhanced version of hate x1, gaining experience value x1000 (who do you think he and the blood **** are stronger?) Current level 17, current experience (1041/7000)

[Free Mission: Timeline of Deflection

As a protagonist, you have finally done what you should do best-break the history. Now you need to solve the security risks caused by yourself.

Mission Objective: Abomination (1/1)

Task progress: completed

Mission Reward: Special Summoning Ticket Fragment x1, Zulong Quintessence x1】

[Free Quest: Destruction King

There are two fat people in the city. You punched me and destroyed the city with one foot. Let them know how to be a good baby.

Mission goal: stop Hulk and Hulk.

Task status: completed

Mission reward: Monster equipment upgrade link fragment x1. 】

[The task reward has been placed in the backpack, please check it in time. 】

When Lord Jiao lifted his brown **** tail hammer, the abhorrence on the ground was no longer humanoid, and the dragon knife inserted in his chest rotted his entire chest under the hammer of Lord Jiao.

Tony opened his faceguard and stepped forward to look at the rotten meat. Hey, mouth: "Great detective, I know for the first time that you still have such a cruel side ..."

"Treat him, I don't think it's cruel." Watson rolled his eyes at Tony and then breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of big guy's vitality is really not covered.

Fortunately, the reward experience is now available.

Ross, who walked in front of Watson, turned his head to look at the abominable corpse on the ground, which was almost hammered into meat sauce, frowning: "Watson! You could have ..."

"What could have been? Would he be allowed to wake up again in a while, and then continue to slaughter the soldiers and continue to destroy the block?" Watson looked at General Rose who came over and rushed back to him directly.

"You should know what it means to be greedy and lack a snake to swallow the elephant. Besides, isn't this corpse here, you just take away the research and it doesn't matter to me ~" Watson finished and went straight away to put away the dragon knife angler Stretching the dragon wings and flying directly into the sky.

Tony looked at the general and shrugged: "General, you know I don't like to say 'I told you', but that super soldier project was sealed up for no reason. Look at this group of rotten meat, when I come back It was the entire Harlem area that was ruined. So I always thought that the hardware equipment was more reliable. "

Ross narrowed his eyes and skipped Tony directly: "Stark, you are not qualified to stand here and say me. I was very clear about your performance in the Washington Military Tribunal. The result? It seems that a replica?"

After listening, Tony raised his eyebrows, put on his face mask, and soared into the sky and left a sentence: "I seem to have heard that your daughter was injured because of this plan?"

"Stark !!"


In Harlem, New York, there were no pedestrians on the bustling streets, and street basketball everywhere on the corners was gone. The destruction in many places is indescribable, and countless small shops and houses near the streets have been destroyed.

It has become a ruin here. Those military and police who cannot join the battle begin to walk into the center area with the instructions after the battle. Countless people who were stopped outside rushed in to find their missing relatives. A woman rushed to a stretcher stretched out and looked at the cold corpse above crying silently Covered with a black curtain, the screaming cries of lungs became the main theme.

As soon as Watson flew back to the city, he found the location of Ban Ye and Braised Egg, and also saw Banner who had woken up.

He was sitting on the edge of the eaves of a dilapidated building, watching the dilapidated block in front of him stunned. Clinton and Natasha's faces on his back appeared a little nervous. He yelled lightly next to him and stretched his claws to caress his back. The braised egg quietly put a paralysis trap behind Banner.

And underneath this building has been surrounded by countless soldiers and agents, all the guns are pointed at the man above, afraid that the big green guy will appear again.

"Alas ..." Watson sighed softly and flew over, giving Natasha a peaceful look and slowly walked behind Banner.

"I did all this, right." Banner said out of nowhere, then looked at Watson.

Watson was stunned: "You mean this scene?" Watson glanced around to see the unbuilt building that was damaged by the small explosion ...

"In fact, it's not all your pot ..."

"The big detective turns out that you are here? Wow, isn't this the green fat man who will be awesome when he gets angry?"

"Tony ·" Watson turned his head to watch Tony call him, now is not a joke.

Tony turned his head to see this scene and the bland Benner sitting there nodded. Tony flew to the top of the building, walked to Benner and patted him on the shoulder: "This is not your fault, you should blame you. General Ruth, the old man. "

"Ross? Betty ?!" When Banner heard the words of Ross, his gray eyes again showed a trace of radiance.

(= Easy to read novels)

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