Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 145: Asgard and Dragon 1

Odin looked at Watson sitting on the ground and said, "I have no malicious children, but some things are not something you can decide. I need to talk to your king."

"my king?"

Watson slightly stunned for a while and then looked at Odin and said: "I think you misunderstood. I am not a dragon's people. I am not in that relationship with them."

Odin was a little surprised after hearing this. Isn't this child a vassal of the dragon? How could he have the power of a dragon?

Is there any special place for this child to let the long-lost dragon family come to take the initiative?

Just as Watson said, he suddenly felt that the corner of the monster space took the initiative to contact himself to come out.

Watson and Kok Yee talked to Odin after saying a few words: "Since you do n’t believe me, let the dragon family tell you. I think you should be able to communicate with it."

The system summons the prince in the open space behind.

With the appearance of a huge light group, the huge horned lord appeared in front of Odin. The huge body and the corners and dragon wings emerged one by one. Even Odin, when he first saw the real giant Long Shi also had a moment of surprise.

The horned man looked at Odin in front of him, and suddenly there was a trace of light on his body, which extended to Odin's body, as if sending out some kind of invitation.

Odin looked at the ray of light in front of him a little hesitantly, but he still stretched out his hand. When the two touched, Watson found out that Odin and Jiaojie disappeared at the same time? !


Watson saw this scene stood up in an instant, and walked back and forth two times around where Kakuya and Odin disappeared: "t? In what circumstances, Kakuya still has this ability?"

Watson suddenly frowned as he remembered Odin ’s words: “Talking to the king? This Odin Ming of Te Miao looked down on me a little bit, ca n’t I represent the Dragon Clan ?!”

Speaking of this, Watson suddenly froze. Can he represent the Dragon Clan? What is it for the Dragon Clan?

Watson sat down frowning and began to recall the information when he saw Zulong.

Among the achievements given by the system are rescuers and inheritors.

It should be the hunter who inherited it, and the dragon should be the rescuer, but the last time I saw the ancestral dragon there were too many things that I did n’t make clear, and there were too many things that I did n’t know.

If you want to go into the link corridor again, you need an energy source. Now that the stable energy source is only a space gem on earth?

At this time, the captain hasn't found it yet. Do you want to go to the North Pole to find it?

Thinking of these, Watson frowned and asked the system: "System, where did they go?"

It is detected that the horned dragon is in monster space.

"What? Monster space can let others in?"

Special media are required to enter the monster space.

"Media?" Watson frowned and continued to ask: "Can I go in?"

Please upgrade the host as soon as possible to solve this problem.

"It's an upgrade again, system, do you have a full level? Do you believe I want to open a modifier!"

do not know. It has been detected that there is no subsystem named 'Modifier' in this system.

Watson rolled his eyes and lay directly on the ground, then the phone suddenly shook violently as if the wind had blown.

Watson took out his mobile phone and opened it. There were 13 missed and 9 text messages in total. One of the calls and 8 text messages were from Coulson, the remaining one was from Aunt Lia, and the last one was from Natasha. Text message.

No signal before? It seems that Odin is also a ghost, this old man

Watson opened the text message first, and Coulson was just asking what happened to Watson, whether support was needed, etc. Natasha said: Honey, you seem to have scared some people, we I'm negotiating with Nick. I'll contact you if I have anything.

Scared some people? Watson shook his head and smiled to Natasha with a smiley face, and then just called Aunt Liya, the phone rang again.

"Watson? Oh thank God finally contacted you."

"Why are you nervous about Coulson, and nothing serious happened."

Coulson turned to look at the silent Nick Fury and shrugged and continued to ask: "What the **** happened? The little things you said may not be small for us."

"It's nothing. I have nothing to do with your own diplomatic issues. Well, I'll hang up first. I will call Aunt Liya."

Monster Space-Horned Dragon Habitat-Desert Space.

Odin looked at the yellow earth beneath him and the yellow sand flying around him, and reached out to pinch the gravel on his beard. Was it actually true rather than illusion? The most important thing is that Odin found that he could not contact Shanghai Mdal. It turned out to be a different space, which is really a brilliant ability.

Then Odin slowly walked to the corner of the corner and looked at it. The energy contained in this dragon was not as good as Thor, but it was far more than the three warriors. They just did not know what it was in the dragon family. Strength status.

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared on the surface of Odin's spiritual world: "I am the Patriarch of the Horned Dragon family, Diabolos. You can think of me as the messenger of the ancestors, the king of Asgard, you What's the matter with us. "

Patriarch Patriarch? Odin looked at the huge dragon in front of him and said, "Asgard maintains a kind and peaceful attitude towards outsiders. I just need to know an answer to this trip."

"The ancestors told me to tell you ~ ~ The dragons are willing to accept Asgard's kindness. What answer do you need to know?"

Hearing the dragon ’s answer, Odin put away his weapons and armor, and looked at Jiao Ye seriously: "Asgard is the guardian of the Nine Worlds, and now, the Nine Worlds are now in peace, there is no Wars and disputes. So, I must know whether what you appear here will endanger the Nine Great Worlds. So, why did the ancient dragon family appear in the Nine Great Worlds, what purpose do you have? "

Kakuya was slightly silent and then looked down at Odin and said, "We have no purpose, we will not invade any of the nine worlds you said, nor will we provoke any wars. It is also unexpected to appear on this planet. Things, but we will help Watson Diarant to do what he wants to do, because he is the heir chosen by his ancestors. "

"Watson Diarant? That child?" Odin said with some doubt after listening: "I'm not mistaken, that child was originally a human (why did the dragon family choose a human as heir?)."

"Watson Diarant was once a human being, and what he will become in the future will depend on himself, because no matter what choice he makes, the result will follow his wishes. This is the choice of the ancestors."

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