Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 165: Thor's Step 1

"Heve, have you seen the real dragon?"

"Yeah, have you seen the dragon?"

"Are they big? Are there any ... my house?"

Seef smiled happily as he looked at the three of them: "I did see it. As for Vostag, your house is probably not as big as its wings."

"real or fake?!"

"No ... Is it really that big?"

Schiff shook his head and said, "I'm not too good to say how big it is, but I visually inspected it ... Dozens of meters outstretched its wings? It was really too exciting ~"

"Will he breathe fire?"

A violent voice descended from the sky with a hammer, and a blonde Thor appeared perfectly in a superhero pose.

Um not right ... There is also a Rocky being pulled over ...

Loki flicked her hair back with both hands and shouted at Thor's teeth: "I said! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

"Okay, brother."

Thor walked past Loki and came to Seef in front of her and said, "I heard that it went smoothly?"

"Eun is really smooth ~ but I didn't see it breathing fire ... but it's very fast."

"It's fast?" Thor said with a smile. "Is it faster than I can fly?"

"Then you have to know it after comparison ~ But when I saw it, it flew from high altitude to my eyes in the blink of an eye."

"It sounds like it has some skills ~"

Schiff remembered Watson's eyes full of deterrence and the indescribable momentum.

"Indeed, he is great."


Loki came out of Thor's back and just heard Heve's words, and then ridiculed him: "Did this dragon fascinate our Asgard's Sheve goddess? I think you should It ’s just fascinating ~ "

"Hahaha ~"

"Yes Shiv, is that dragon really too powerful?"

Seef looked at the few people who teased himself and picked a good-looking Liu Mei and said: "If you say so ~ he looks really handsome, but he doesn't look like a brave and warlike person, so it doesn't suit me Standard ~ "

Fandal looked at Schiff with a weird smile: "So only certain heroic and warlike talents meet your standards ~"

"Hahaha ~"

"Yes ~"

Almost everyone present understood the meaning of Fandal ’s intention, but ...

Thor said back: "He is right, you are a good Asgard Warrior, and only a good Asgard Warrior can be worthy of you. Haha ~ Ok guys, the father is still waiting. What about us? "

Thor finished striding forward with meteor.

Loki looked at the somewhat depressed Shiv and leaned over and whispered, "My brother sometimes is like this, his brain turns slowly. And he should only think of one thing in his mind now.

Seef looked at Thor ’s back and smiled: “I know, it ’s nothing wrong with that ~ I do n’t mean anything else.”

Schiff was talking and suddenly turned his head to look at Loki and said, "After all, I think the dragon prince feels a bit like you in some places, Loki."

"Me?" Loki asked, pointing at himself in doubt.

"Yes ~, elegant, speakable, um ... but his temperament and pressure are much stronger than you and Thor. Especially his eyes ..."

How did the three warriors around him listen to Hiff's words, and it felt more and more wrong, even Thor walking in front turned around and looked at Hiff.


Rocky quickly interrupted her and asked, "Wait ... listen to what you mean ..."

Schiff smiled at everyone who looked at him with surprise. "What's wrong? I never said that the prince was the dragon I saw. The dragon I saw seemed to be his." Mount. As for him, he is just like us, except that he has dragon wings, dragon eyes, and ... "


"Yes ... what else?"

Schiff sighed: "There is also a terrifying momentum ... Although it is only for a moment. But he is really powerful. If you want to fight it ... Maybe only Tor is among us. To defeat him. "

"Ha! You said that right, Shiv ~" Thor raised his hammer and said: "No matter what he is, it will not be my opponent and Myrnier! Hahaha ~"

Thor smiled and suddenly thought of something, and looked at the people with a look of Banana Jun. "Yes guys, I have a plan ..."

Rocky and the Three Warriors changed their faces when they saw his expression.

"When the heir to the dragon comes tomorrow, how about I fight him ?! Let him know that Asgard is the most powerful!"

"I knew ... every time he said that, it must be fine."

"Your Majesty will not allow ..."

Thor looked at a few people and said with a smile: "So, we will not talk to the father first. And just to learn, I will not hurt him."


Earth, Roaring House ~

A steam of steam wafted out of the crack of the bathroom glass door.

"Hoo ~ It's much more comfortable to take a bath ~"

"Huh ~ ~ With a nice female voice, the glass door was pulled back, and a pair of white beautiful legs came out.

Natasha looked at the messy room and said, "But ... you have to clean up here first."

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist from behind, Watson looked at Natasha and said with a smile: "Tomorrow, let's talk now, are you sure you are packing up, not messing up?"

After listening, Natasha raised her lips and looked back at the man and said, "Then it depends on whether someone is messing up ~"

Watson tilted his head for a moment and then suddenly asked the system: ‘System, do you have any subsystems for life? For example, if I snap my fingers, the furniture will be cleaned automatically after being obedient? ’

【······· No, the system cannot be responsible for the host's life. 】

Watson pouted in disappointment, forgetting that he was too greedy.

Thinking of this, Watson picked up Natasha and walked towards the house.

After the two returned to the house, Watson first put her on the bed, then walked to the side of the wall and reached out to turn off the light.

In the originally bright house, only a touch of soft moonlight ran in from the window. This moonlight draped over Natasha's body, reminding Watson of the scene when the two met for the first time.

It was also under the moonlight, but now she is better than before.

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