Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 172: Draw before the ceremony ~

Watson stared at a pair of dead fish eyes and looked at a cat with no regrets. The two finally lost the battle ...

"Meow?" The braised egg raised the wine glass to Watson? (?? ω ??)?

"Cut, think of me now, drink it yourself."

Watson shook his head helplessly and began to think about going to the ceremony for a while. He wanted to give something meaningful to Asgarde that would owe humanity.

Well ... even if the weapons and equipment are not advanced to the later stage, they are not as strong as Asgard, but if it is human, it should be no better than saving the princess who died in Thor 2. This relationship is greater?

Maybe you can still engage in Jimei?

Well, but I do n’t know if the perfect secret medicine can be used by the Asgards, so I ’ll try a lot of prizes first, maybe I will be taken care of by the Sanqing God today.

Watson thought of this, he quickly took a shower and fragrant.

Seeing Watson, who was tossing in the bathroom, turned his head and yelled to Lord Ban in a very confused voice: "Meow meow meow?"

Lord Ban shrugged his shoulders, and after confirming that Watson couldn't see himself, he extended a small paw and pointed to his head, then shook his head helplessly.

"Meow ~" Braised Egg had to raise his glass to comfort and comfort Lord Ban.

Watson, unaware of all this, finally packed up and sat in the middle of the bedroom.

"Sanqing Great God is on board ~ wish me a successful landing!"

"System, come 5 draws of materials!"

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining, Light Worm × 5, Explosives × 5, Wooden Barrel × 10, Heartbeat Mushroom × 5, Strange Power Seed × 5]

[Whether a light bug is detected, is a synthetic flash bomb performed? 】

[Detected explosives and wooden barrels, whether to synthesize large explosive bomb barrels? 】

"····· This is it ???? Did the Sanqing Great God abandon me ... Especially the flash bombs are useless to me, the strange power seeds are not bad."

Watson sighed helplessly.

"Synthesize it."

[Congratulations to the host, flash bomb × 5, big bomb barrel × 5, wooden barrel × 5]

"Five times more!"

[Congratulations to the host, the cloth of disaster × 1, the fruit of smoke × 5, the brilliant crystal × 2, the prison rock × 2, and the abyss sea stone × 2. 】

[Whether tobacco fruits and heart-beating mushrooms are detected, are synthetic regression **** performed? 】

The cloth of disaster ... This thing has appeared again, I don't want to meet the goddess of death now! ! ! Hidden backpack!

Dazzling crystals and prison rocks are good. Although they are relatively rare, they are all equipped with synthetic materials. Can these systems be used to synthesize other things with equipment?

[No. 】

It seems that the abyss sea stone is still the most useful among them, and it can be used to fuse with equipment into jewelry and the like.

But the last sentence of the system finally made Watson's eyes bright and return to the ball? !

"System, what is the effect of the return ball here? Well ... There are also strange power seeds and big bomb barrels. I remember that the strange power seeds in the game seem to be only 3 minutes. There are also bomb barrels, if there is no change , Then it ’s the worst, I might as well carry a bazooka. "

[After the return ball is used, the host can immediately return to the stronghold, ignoring the distance. 】

"····· The disregarding distance you said is ... · Universe?"

【····· Theoretically, unless the host enters a special other plane, it may be invalid. 】

"This is enough! This effect ... that is to say, I go to the cosmic wave casually, as long as I use the return ball, I can return to my house ?! I rely on (` Δ ′) !!!"

[Yes. In addition, the host can currently mark two coordinates as a base. 】

"Any place?"

[As long as it is your house. 】

Watson smiled and said, "Well, I have the right opportunity to ask Odin for a house ~ emmmm to help me synthesize!"

【Congratulations to the host for the return request × 5】

"What are the other two effects?"

[Strange Power Seeds, after eating, can increase the attack level by 25%, lasting 6 hours. The large explosive bomb barrel can be placed on the spot after use. The power is calculated according to the energy injected by the host, and it has the attribute of attacking the energy injected by the host. In addition, the number of large explosive barrels is not limited. 】

"25% is also good, 6 hours is also enough, and the explosive barrel is also good, which is much more reasonable than before. But is there any upper limit for damage?"

[The upper limit requires the host to experiment on its own. 】

"······ Well, why do I always feel that you are fooling me to death."

Watson looked at the two cats who had finished drinking a bottle of crystal skull.

"Anyway, I used 200 today. I just used up all the points. The system will give me two more equipment draws!"

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Eudemons (lower) set-waist. 】

"I'm a bit late ..."

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the female fire dragon suit. 】

"Later, I finally learned ~ how to love ~ cough, although it is a V3 suit, it is still quite good."


"System, help me use Shenzhen Seastone and Eudemons suit to make a belt ... and so on."

Watson was saying that he suddenly stopped as if thinking of something, and then took the abyss sea stone out of his backpack.

In the abyss the sea stone appeared in his hand in an instant.

Two deep blue lights burst into the entire room in an instant, and the walls of the room are covered with the coat of the sea. Watson is sitting in the middle of the bedroom ~ ~ It seems to be sitting at the bottom of the abyss of the deep sea !

The two meows who were drinking were instantly attracted by the dark blue light that burst out.

"It's such an exaggeration ?! Banye braised the eggs, draw the two curtains!"


The two cats who were sitting lazily on the wicker chair instantly put down their glasses and jumped to the sides to close the curtains.

But at this time, Watson suddenly discovered that some drops of water and mist appeared on his hands. ! !

It just took a few seconds! Does it actually affect the surrounding environment?

"This is the first time I know that there is something other than Gulong that can affect the environment? What is going on in the system?"

[The abyss sea stone is the crystal of the sea left over from the ancient times. It contains huge water energy. It is the favorite energy source stone of the emperor sea dragon and the sea dragon. After the fusion of this cosmic rule, its essence will become more obvious. come out. Such materials also have hierarchical stratification. The earth amber previously obtained by the host also has a certain energy effect, except that its level is the lowest and its energy attribute is non-attribute energy (monster hunter has no earth attribute, but has no attribute. ), Attributeless energy does not have the environmental expressive power given by attributes, so the fusion of equipment will enhance the attributes brought by the equipment. In addition, the host is kindly reminded that if the host wants to use the abyss sea stone and equipment fusion, it is best to choose the same attribute equipment, otherwise the fusion may fail or unknown changes may occur. 】

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