Schiff looked at Thor ’s eyes and said, “What do you want to do, Thor? Do n’t forget that Your Majesty Odin has just signed a peace and mutual assistance contract with the Dragons!”

"But nobody but him can escape Heimdall's eyes and enter Asgard without anyone knowing!"

Watson looked at Rocky, who was sitting in the distance, and dismissed his lips in disdain. The fool could see that Thor was fooled by you again, and the three warriors knew that the mage could also bring people into Asgard It's just that now they don't doubt Loki.

Watson bowed his head and signaled that Lord Ban and the egg were put down. Then he stepped forward and gently pushed away Schiff and Vandal. He stood in front of Thor and looked at his eyes. The vertical pupil began to appear a little, even if he knew You are a big fool now, and you cannot be stupid to me.

"Tor, I do n’t know how much your father King Odin said to you about what he knows about the dragon race. I just want to know what identity you use to speak to me. Are you friends? Enemies? Or Asgard future The king ?! "

Thor was interrupted by the two of Schiff, and the previous unknown fire had disappeared a lot. Looking at Watson's pair of vertical pupils, he said, "But how do you explain that you happened to be on the same day as the Frost Giant? There are no enemies that Heimdall ca n’t see, and Heve also said before that you can let others disappear in Heimdall ’s field of vision! "

"Oh, that's it? I don't need to explain Thor to you." Watson once again stepped forward and looked at Thor, who was very close. "I just want to know that you want war so much? Use blood and corpses to make Are you calm ?! And then after seeing Asgard and the dragon clan fight, the mice hidden in the dark corners show their proud faces! "

Schiff and the three warriors quickly stepped forward and pulled them apart.

"Hey! Hey ~! Please ... Don't do that! Calm down the two future kings ?!"

Watson patted Hogan and Vandal and let the two let go, looking at Thor who did n’t know what to think and said: "As a qualified and wise king, every word you and I have to take Your responsibility! No one can insult the Dragon race, this is the first and last time! This is the last bottom line of treating you as a friend. "

Watson said that instead of silent Thor, he looked directly at Loki and said, "So what do you think about Loki?"

Loki, who has always lowered his sense of presence and is ready to watch a good show, did not expect Watson to ask him suddenly, watching his brother Thor also stand up and said: "· I think this should be just a coincidence."

Looking at Thor's puzzled expression, Loki explained to his brother: "I haven't finished talking just now ... This is just a possible brother, but it's not necessarily, and when I first came, I listened When the guards said that Watson had rescued two airboat patrol soldiers. And if it was really him, I do n’t think he would stand here and talk to us. "

Loki ’s words heard that Watson really could n’t help but applaud. If Watson did n’t know what kind of urine he was, it might be a little touched. In fact, Watson was not surprised by Loki ’s words. The current Rocky is just not wanting his brother to succeed in the throne, instead of thinking about fighting with the Dragon Clan, and once fighting with the Dragon Clan, the performance of the Rocky on the battlefield will only be lower than that of his brother. Rocky didn't know that he was a frost giant, and he was far from half-blackened. He must have wanted to read a joke just now.

Watson smiled after hearing it, then turned to look at Thor who was silent: "Hear? You owe me an apology tor."


After a slight silence, Thor re-looked at Watson and said with some frustration: "Sorry."

"You're welcome."

Loki came over and looked at Thor and said: "But ... this matter should be more serious than imagined, not that I want to comfort you and my brother, I think you are right about what you said before with your father Regarding the Frost Giants and Lao Fei, if they find a way to break through the Asgard line of defense, no one can guarantee that they will try again, and next time, it may be thousands of troops. "


"But ... you can't disobey your father's orders, after all, you can't do anything."

Thor seemed to think of something suddenly when he heard Loki's words, and looked at Loki stupefiedly.

"No no no ... I know what you are thinking, I can understand your expression."

"That's the only way to ensure border security!"

"Tor, this is crazy!"

And finally the three warriors and Schiff who Watson and Thor made peace were just relieved, and then they heard the word "crazy", and some people looked at Rocky with a nervous look.

"Crazy? What kind of craziness?"

Watson saw Thor looking at himself again and said for him: "Do you want to go to Jodenheim?"

"Yes, are you going to follow along?"

Watson smiled and nodded when he heard Tor's soliciting tone: "Of course, it also happened to let me see what the Frost Giant you have been talking about is enough to qualify me for the Dragon Clan to help him Kind of thing. "

Fandral looked at Watson and then looked at Thor, frowning and said, "This is not the same as going to the earth. Thor, this is not a place where you can summon a thunderbolt and let mortals take you as a god. ~ Watson interrupted him now and said, "Tor is now going to the earth to summon some lightning, and no one will take him as a god. "

"Sorry, I forgot that there are dragons on earth, but His Royal Highness ..."


"Well, Watson, the Frost Giants in Jodenheim are not so good to deal with!"

Thor patted him on the shoulder and said, "There's nothing to worry about. My father once broke into Jordonheim, defeated their army, and took away their treasure box. We just went to find the answer. . "

"And did you forget me?"

Watson walked between Vandal and Thor and looked at them and said, "Now Asgard is not alone, and I guess they may not like flames."

"But this is forbidden ..."

Thor smiled and said to them: "My friends, don't you forget ..."

"No, we didn't forget that you said it once."

"OK ... but this time is different. This time there is Watson. I admit that I was not very friendly with him, but is this not a good opportunity to prove Asgard and the Dragon Alliance? And We have n’t fought side by side with him, Vostag, have you forgotten that you said you want to experience fighting side by side with the dragon? "

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