It may be that the fog has just begun to spread, so most of the alien creatures are still in a wait-and-see state. During the journey from Mrs. Marjorie's home to the supermarket, they only encountered three waves of monsters.

Except for the first wave of earth-dog monsters, the remaining two waves are all parasitic spiders!

The group of people returned to the supermarket without any risk. To Li Qingyuan's surprise, the other two children didn't cry.

Although it seems that these monsters do not judge the location of their prey based on their hearing, they will always increase their exposure if the two children keep crying.

"Look! Look! I said you people are just to deceive me!"

He just returned to the supermarket with Mrs. Marjorie and two children when he heard an angry voice yelling.

I saw the black lawyer Norton pointing at their group and yelling at a white man holding a child.

The man holding the child should be David Raymond, the protagonist in the plot, and the boy in his arms is his son Billy Raymond.

David Raimonton is considered a celebrity in the entire town of Wallia, because he is a painter by profession, not the kind of painter who is poor and unable to support himself, but a painting that can easily sell five figures. Well-known painter.

Such a guy can definitely be regarded as a man in a small town with a total population of less than 10,000. He lives in a villa in the most beautiful part of the town. As for the black lawyer Norton, he is his neighbor.

Just now after Li Qingyuan and Mrs. Marjorie left, David found that the generator in the supermarket's storage room seemed to be broken, and then he heard a giant creature squeezing the rolling shutter behind the supermarket.

It's just that the supermarket maintenance worker who rushed over didn't listen to his advice at all. Instead, he opened the door and prepared to go out to repair the motor.

It turned out well. As soon as the door opened, a few giant tentacles stretched out from the gap below, dragging a hapless electrician out.

David and others hurriedly told everyone who stayed in the supermarket about the incident, but the group headed by the black lawyer Norton did not want to believe what they said.

Even if the storage room is covered with blood, Norton insists that the other party is made of cattle and sheep blood. After all, as a lawyer, he has seen too many such tricks!

Besides, in the depths of Norton's heart, he firmly felt that this incident was just a rare climatic phenomenon. If the smoke is poisonous, he can still accept it, but should there be monsters in the smoke?

This is simply to bully him. Is the PhD in law studying for nothing?

How can there be monsters in the world? Do these people treat him as fools?

So even if David's words were vivid, Norton insisted that he did not believe his words.

Besides, Norton just bought a holiday villa last year, and he is not familiar with everyone in the town, and when he first moved in, he had some small conflicts with David's family due to customs and other issues.

So in Norton's heart, David wanted to pull people to act in order to frighten him, a high-level social elite from New York, so as to achieve his own despicable and gloomy psychology.

It's just that even if Norton feels that his guess is correct, he is still constantly confused in the face of a bunch of witnesses.

David is considered to have hatred with himself, so it's nothing more than to cheat himself, but the others don't?

They don’t risk offending a barrister to act in a collective act, right?

This thought lingered in his mind like a curse, but when Norton was in a dilemma, Li Qingyuan returned with Mrs. Marjorie and her two children.

Norton immediately returned to home court advantage, and even those who believed in David began to doubt.

Is there a monster in the fog?

How can it be?

Didn't you see that Mrs. Marjorie and the two children were unscathed?

"Norton, really, I didn't lie to you, I have no reason to make such a joke at this time!" The actor David is still continuing his admonition behavior, but it is a pity that he does not seem to have the bloody Mouth of the protagonist. Escape ability, black lawyers don't kill him at all.

"Then I would like to ask, did you two see the monster?" Norton directly turned around and asked Li Qingyuan, who had just entered the door.

From Norton's point of view, this problem is simply obvious. If there is a monster, how can it be possible to return safely.

"Wow!" When asked by him, the two children began to cry.

"You damn nigger, stay away from my children!" Mrs. Marjorie, who had just experienced a life-and-death crisis, could not care about racial discrimination, and cursed at Norton.

Just now, where did you pretend to be dead when my old lady asked someone to take me home? Now that we have only returned to the supermarket after nine deaths, you dare to scare my child?

If it weren’t for the comparison and found out that she might not be able to beat the nigger in front of her, Mrs. Marjorie would definitely let the other person see what is called crazy cat scratching!

"Madam, you are racial discrimination. I have every right to file a lawsuit against you." Norton was scolded with a red light in his black face. He is also a barrister anyway, who would dare to call him Roar that way.

"Fuck you Maade lawsuit, you nigger stay away from me and my children, you Satan's running dog! Damn a worm, an inferior person, his heart is as black as his face..." If Mrs. Marjorie could normally I am also afraid of the so-called litigation of the other party. After all, normal people are not willing to conflict with the court and lawyers.

But now?

It's a monster besieged outside, who cares about the lawyer's letter.

Let's talk about it by sending the lawyer's letter to me in advance!

Attorney Norton is usually eloquent, but when he meets a shrew with 200% power, his professionalism is not enough.

No way, you can't let him be a barrister dignified and swear with the other side, right?

No one in the court dared to curse so casually.

So he could only step back and hide behind the crowd.

The protagonist hadn't gotten the thorn head for a long time, and was scolded by Mrs. Marjorie every minute, and seeing his sluggish appearance, it is estimated that there was no mood and energy to get out of trouble in a short time.

Sure enough, it is still more ruthless to control public opinion these days!

"Marjorie, calm down a little bit!" Seeing Mrs. Marjorie entering an unbeatable violent state, the most respected old woman in the entire supermarket, Principal Ripra had to stand up and say.

Principal Ripura is in her seventies this year. She has taught in the only elementary school in the town all her life. It can be said that all the students under the age of forty in the whole town are her students.

So in the face of Principal Ripra, Mrs. Marjorie also had to save face, took a breath and then stopped cursing.

"Marjorie, what happened?" Seeing her finally calmed down, Principal Repla asked kindly.

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