And the brine director who sat at the end of everyone’s low-key bad egg secretly scolded, this former director was also too pit teammates.

But in the end, he stood up helplessly, took out a full series of projection pens, and pressed it against the center of the round table, and saw that above the center of the table, a picture appeared out of thin air, which was Allen wearing exquisite knight armor and holding the sword of sworn victory.

“Your Excellency, and everyone, S.H.I.E.L.D. specializes in supervising strange people around the world, such as Professor Magneto X, etc., and gives a division to some people who are extremely threatening and have superpowers or extremely destructive powers, which are E-D-C-B-A-S-SS-SS.”

Saying this, Fury paused and continued: “And Magneto is classified into SS level, SS level is super destructive in our division, it can easily destroy a town or even a city, and even has a lot of impact on the earth. ”

Here, including the president, everyone else nodded, Magneto, this anti-human leader, their influence can not be described as deep, in the past few decades, this almost killed humans many times.

“Let’s not mention Magneto for the time being, and this knight king, the degree of danger we give, B, that is to say, ordinary, is not much threat to humans…”

“Walter? What kind of joke, how can you say that the power of the Knight King is comparable to Magneto? How can there be only a district B, such a person should give SS or even SSS put. “At this time, the big guy began to question, this simply does not make sense, although they do not really understand the power of the knight king, but from the surveillance screen just now, the Florida military base was almost destroyed, this kind of person is only B??

Is S.H.I.E.L.D. doing this now? Even the knight king doesn’t care anymore? It seems that it is necessary to take a good look at this mysterious department, and the hundreds of billions of dollars invested are indeed cowhide.

Even the president nodded secretly.

However, Fury did not know that everyone present had thought so much, and explained to the doubts of the big guy: “Of course, the power of the knight king itself will not only be a small B level, he can even surpass Magneto to reach SSS or even higher, but he is not a big threat to humans, we S.H.I.E.L.D. have had contact with him, his personality is generally very mild, but he has his own bottom line, once touched, then he will bear his most terrifying blows.” ”

“Gentlemen, I don’t think I’m talking about alarmism, but a fact, you may all know that there is a Knights of the Round Table in the history of the Knight King, there are one hundred and fifty Knights of the Round Table, before, there have been five knights resurrected, it is indeed a resurrection, we traced all the original details of the analysis, in addition, the Knights are divided into ordinary knights and twelve knights of the Round Table, temporarily called the knight chief, the strength of the knight commander is stronger.”

“The physical strength of ordinary knights has reached the ton level according to calculations, at least more than twenty tons, and the speed is also beyond ordinary sports cars, and then there is something called magic in their bodies that can strengthen all aspects, so an ordinary knight of the round table can completely kill our special forces of a thousand formations, I am talking about full armor.”

“What’s more, listening to what the Knight King said, there will be more Knights of the Round Table resurrected in the future, my advice, don’t provoke the Knight King, because if we really want to kill him, the price we pay is far from what we can bear, because he himself is too mysterious.”

In the end, Fury came to his own conclusion, and he absolutely did not approve of the confrontation with the Knight King.

Only the brain dead will push out such a person, and if there is one more such enemy in the United States, he will really scoff at it.

The president was frightened by this accurate analysis data for a while, and others looked at each other too, this is a bit excessive, the United States has one more such freak?

“Director Fury, are you sure he’s not a threat to us?”

Finally, the president asked solemnly.

This point is quite important, does he not want to do a good job in the White House one day, and then after the resurrection of the Knights of the People, kill all the high-ranking people and occupy the United States to restore the country directly?

“Sir, this basically does not have this probability, to be honest, if he wants to restore the country, it is impossible for us to stop it…”

“Ok, let Ross take care of the Knight King himself, I don’t want us to be hostile to the Knight King…”



In an instant, all the high-level leaders unified.

Pierce himself wants to cry without tears, what the hell is this? Didn’t it mean that Fury would analyze it and give his best advice to solve this matter, so that Ross and other military personnel would owe themselves a favor? The script is not right.

Well, you are a black-hearted bastard, you actually stole my limelight.

Pierce hated tooth itching, this cunning guy.

Fury felt good in his heart, completely unaware that his former director had gritted his teeth in his heart and thought about how to kill him, he now felt that Pierce was indeed from S.H.I.E.L.D., for the sake of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the limelight was given to himself, good man.


Luxury high-rise villa in the CBD of Manhattan, New York, Allen sat on the sofa in the hall and gently blew a hot coffee in his hand.

With a smile in your eyes.

This time, it was a warning to the military, otherwise he would not have flown to Florida.

No, others think that he used some means, very mysterious.

In fact, he himself is above the Florida military base, and the powerful Nian Power changes his magnetic field, making it impossible for military satellites to capture it, and uses Nian Power to create a god-like scene.

This 13 is good.

Simply the essence, basically fooled everyone, including Bedivel.

The speed at which he flew was too terrifying, and the power wrapped around his body had already exceeded the speed of sound, changing the flow of air, even if it exceeded the speed of sound, it would not cause a sonic boom.

That’s too much movement.

“Uncle and uncle, come quickly, I’ll play games with Sister Mikoto and Sister Skye.”

Just when he secretly admired his 13-pretended to be against the sky, a little hairy and crisp little milk voice came from the second floor of the villa.

(Chapter 4 offered, please collect and ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers or something, okay, a little cavan I Cao, orange feels like I’m going to kneel ah, I have to carve it well.) )

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