Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 189 Rasenganvs detonator

"The daughter of the Deputy Minister of Finance is Mutant," Nick said on the other end of the phone. "The Deputy Minister hid his daughter at home, but someone reported it later, so his daughter was still arrested. The government will not take any action. Mutant has special treatment, so his daughter, who was originally a pet-loving one, had a bad life in the asylum. In addition, he had a bad temper and thought that her father would be the deputy minister and could leave early. She wanted to use the variant Ability to threaten the supervisor. After that, she was so angry that she really used the variant Ability, and then she was blown to pieces."

After the pause, Nick on the other end of the phone continued: "Jiang Li, the situation is really urgent now, so many children of government employees have actually been arrested. Because of this, you don't have to blame me or the government. Really. If you want to blame, blame Mutant who keeps causing riots."

Hearing Nick's words, Jiang Li knew that Nick didn't know that Mutant was actually being manipulated.

He definitely didn't bother to explain to Nick.

Now that it has been determined that the detonator contains Adamantium, and it has been determined to be from the Ministry of Defense, there is no need for Jiang Li to continue talking with Nick.

So, after saying "talk when you have time", Jiang Li hangs up.

Could it be said that there is really no way to open the detonator?

At this time, Jiang Li thought of Rasengan causing scratches on the shield.

The main component of the shield is Adamantium, but this kind of detonator only contains a small amount of Adamantium, so it should be destroyed by directly using Rasengan.

After scanning a circle, Jiang Li said: "I want to do an experiment, who of you will accompany me? Definitely, if you are unlucky, my experiment will directly kill this person."

"Just me," the female Mutant said, "you are so handsome, it's good to be able to die by your side."

Looking at this really beautiful Mutant, Jiang Li, who did not speak, directly focused Chakra on his fist and smashed the door lock with one punch.

After opening the iron gate, Jiang Li walked in.

"Lean against the wall, then don't move."

"Do you want to wallow?"

"I have no interest in you."

"Don't you like girls?"

"I only like high-quality girls."

"What kind of girl is considered high-quality?"

"At least you don't belong."

After the question-and-answer dialogue ended, Mutant was very happy when she touched the gray-nose woman, because she especially liked the cold and arrogant man like Jiang Li.

At Jiang Li's request, she posted her whole body on the wall.

She also asked Jiang Li if she wanted to raise both hands, but Jiang Li said no.

She also wanted to joke with Jiang Li, but seeing the spinning blue sphere in Jiang Li's hand, she couldn't help asking, "What is this?"

"Things that will kill you easily if you move around."

In order to put her in peace, Jiang Li directly used Rasengan to make a hole in the wall.

Upon seeing this, the female Mutant took a deep breath.

Mocking the female Mutant’s jaw, Jiang Li said, “I’m going to use this incision to detonate the device, but I’m not sure if it can be successful. Anyway, all you have to do is to make sure that you don’t move. If you move, your head may be A hole will be punched."

Frightened by Jiang Li so much, the female Mutant nodded hurriedly.

After approaching the female Mutant, Jiang Li stared at the detonator carefully.

At this moment, some boring Susan walked in.

Seeing Jiang Li almost sticking her face to Mutant, a woman with big breasts, Susan was stunned. She doesn't know what Jiang Li is doing, but because she has promised Jiang Li, it doesn't matter how many women Jiang Li will have in the future, she won't be jealous. So after watching for a while, Susan who glanced under Jiang Li walked out.

Why take a glance?

Because, Susan was worried that Jiang Li would show off that special weapon that could easily handle women, and then conquered Mutant, a woman whose breasts were much bigger than her.

After observing for a while, Jiang Li found that the chemical composition was concentrated in front of the detonator.

As for the principle, Jiang Li probably got it right.

The detonating device has a structure that monitors the MutantX gene. Once the X gene is changed, the detonating device will cause the chemical components inside to react and cause a big explosion. This is very similar to the principle of ammonium nitrate being detonated...

Since the prerequisite for being detonated is the X gene change, it shouldn't be a big problem even with Rasengan to cut.

Anyway, Jiang Li is already the Regenerative Healing Factor. Even if he is torn apart by the bombing, he can recover later.

So, even if it really exploded, Jiang Li was not afraid.

Thinking of this, Jiang Li decided to give it a try.

Fearing that the female Mutant would move, Jiang Li directly pinched the opponent's neck, keeping his head up.

This gesture was a little overbearing, making Mutant, a woman who has just turned 20 and is still chasing stars, started to get hot all over, as if she had met Prince Charming.

Definitely, Jiang Li would never like this kind of stuff.

After further compressing Rasengan, Jiang Li allowed Rasengan to approach the detonator.

Adamantium occupies a very low proportion of detonating devices, and it can be cut apart in theory!

When Jiang Li did this, the other Mutants in the basement watched attentively.

They know that the success or failure of this experiment is related to their freedom.

The moment Rasengan touched the detonator, Mutant, a female who felt the detonator vibrate, was too nervous. Had it not been for Jiang Li to pinch her neck, her head would have been tilted to the other side.

Before, she was still staring at Jiang Li, wondering why Jiang Li is more handsome than on TV, but now she is 4.4 thinking.

She was praying, don't explode, or she would have to go to hell.

After noticing that the detonator had been cut out by Rasengan, Jiang Li's mouth turned up.

It seems that unless the entire detonating device is made of Adamantium, it is still no match for Rasengan!

Two minutes later.


With a faint sound, the detonator disconnected.

After catching the detonator that almost fell to the ground, Jiang Li smiled and said, "Congratulations on your regained freedom, but you can't leave the asylum right away. You must go with us later, otherwise it's easy to be attacked."

"Thank you for saving me! I want to repay you well!"

With that, the female Mutant immediately pouted and kissed Jiang Li.

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