Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 212 I have a luxury car

After squeezing hard, Jiang Li was sure that it was not Susan, because it was bigger than Susan's!

After turning the opponent directly over, Jiang Li could see that it was Natasha Romanoff.

Seeing Natasha Romanoff's face flushed, it was obvious that he had drunk too much, and he was still unconscious, Jiang Li was a little puzzled.

What made Jiang Li wonder is how the good-natured Natasha Romanoff was so drunk.

So, where did Susan go?

Jiang Li's biggest concern is not Natasha Romanoff being drunk, but Susan's whereabouts.

So after looking at Natasha Romanoff, who was sleeping soundly, Jiang Li got out of bed and walked out.

Since Natasha Romanoff is sleeping in Susan's room, will Susan be in Natasha Romanoff's room?

Therefore, Jiang Li directly pushed open the door of Natasha Romanoff's room.

No one.

Before coming to Guy's room, Jiang Li gave a light push.

Seeing that the door was pushed open, Jiang Li walked in and saw Guy Di was leaning on the head of the bed with a gun in his hand.

"Brother, why are you back?"

"Don't say you took the gun after hearing the sound."

"No, I just assembled this gun," Guy said, "Sister Natasha Romanoff taught me to disassemble and assemble the 867, and said that if I can assemble it in less than ten seconds, then I will be Shinsō hand. Brother, why did you run into my room?"

"Where is Susan?"

"In your room!"

"Why is she in my room?"

"She said she likes to sleep in your room, so I will sleep on your side from this evening."

"Why is Natasha Romanoff drinking tonight?"

"It's just the two of them drinking," Guy said, "Because you went to college, Sister Susan was not in a good mood, so she asked sister Natasha Romanoff to drink together. I'm only sixteen and they don't let me drink. , So I just watched. How can I say, Sister Susan just doesn't want to be separated from you anyway!"

"Then you go to bed, I'll go to Susan."

"Brother, can you promise me one thing."

"you say."

After clearing his throat, Guy whispered: "Small voice."

"You speak too quietly, I can't hear you clearly."

"When you two do it, your voice is quieter!" Guy said, "I live next to you! Sister Susan's voice always penetrates the wall! Although I'm only sixteen years old! But I also know it happened. What's the matter! If you, as the brother, love me as the younger sister! Then be quiet next time!"

"I didn't expect you to speak so confidently. It seems that you have grown up too."

"You said you couldn't hear me, that's why I said it loudly," Guy said after pulling up the sheet to cover his face. "My brother is so bad that he made me say such a thing."

Jiang Li likes Guy's shy and timid appearance, but knowing that after Susan drinks too much, Jiang Li naturally wants to visit Susan.

After letting Guy go to bed earlier, Jiang Li opened the door and walked out.

When he walked into his room and looked at Susan lying on his side, Jiang Li walked over.

Sitting on the edge, Jiang Li couldn't help interrupting when Susan was sleeping soundly.

Just sitting on the edge of the bed for a while, Jiang Li also lay down.

Hugging Susan tightly and kissing Susan's earlobe again, Jiang Li closed his eyes.

When he woke up in the morning, the enthusiastic Jiang Li took Susan to do it.

After eating breakfast with Susan, Natasha Romanoff and Guy, Jiang Li rushed to Oxford University.

Nearly nine o'clock, Jiang Li appeared at the gate of Oxford University.

Until nine ten ten, Jiang Li did not see Gwen.

There is no problem with his memory, so he must have made an appointment with Gwen to meet at the door at nine. It's a pity that he forgot to ask Gwen for his phone number, otherwise he can call and ask about the situation now.

Jiang Li also wanted Nick to help find out Gwen's phone number, but when he was about to call, he saw Gwen running towards this side.

Running in front of Jiang Li, Gwen was out of breath and said, "Hug...sorry...something went wrong with the subway..."

"Actually I just arrived."

"That's good, I'm really afraid you've been waiting for a long time," Gwen said, looking at his watch, his breath has not returned to normal, "Let's go, I'll take you to the car."

"No, I have a car."

After speaking, Jiang Li pointed to a Rolls Royce parked aside.

Upon seeing this, Gwen was taken aback and asked: "Is this your own car?"

"Right, let's go," Jiang Li said, "I don't like to take the subway and buses, so I bought a car."

"It seems that your family is rich!"

"If you want to continue the research on that project, I can completely support you."

"Let's talk about it!" Gwen smiled, "Because I will be hunted down, so I am very hesitation now."

After Gwen got in the car and asked about the location, Jiang Li drove towards the destination.

So, where did this car come from?

Jiang Li knew that he would definitely stay at Oxford University for a while, and because he wanted to hide his identity, he couldn't fly around like usual.

This means that he needs transportation tools.

So, he directly asked Tony to send a luxury car over.

He is too lazy to grab the bank to buy a car, so it is most convenient to have Tony send a car over directly.

Coming to the exhibition hall, Jiang Li and Gwen walked inside.

As soon as he walked into the exhibition hall, a middle-aged man walked over. This person was Professor Connors, who was also Professor Lizard.

Seeing that Professor Connors had no right arm, Jiang Li frowned.

Could it be that Professor Connors has not become Professor Lizard?

"Connors is a university professor of biology. He is a man who lost his right arm. He specializes in limb regeneration. In an experiment with lizard integration, due to the strong side effects of the drug developed, although he succeeded in regenerating his severed limbs, he did so at the same time. Become a lizard demon. When upgraded, most of the sanity disappears, but it may be awakened."

This is what Jiang Li knows about Dr. Connors.

"Gwen, you finally came," Connors asked after a pause, "this one next to you?"

"My name is Jiang Li and I am Gwen's classmate," said Jiang Li, who shook hands with Connors. "I am also interested in biological research, so I came here with Gwen."

"So that's the case," the professor said after a smile, "you can look at it, this exhibition hall is basically my work."

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