Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 221 Just so strong

"You were wrong, now it is you who are dying!"

Jiang Li drank in a deep voice, full of momentum, and instantly solidified the sneers on King Kong and Quicksilver's faces.

King Kong, who was the first to bear the brunt, was inexplicably panicked, with an unknown premonition, never daring to underestimate Jiang Li, and tightened his whole body as if he was facing an enemy!

Forbearance, Shadow Clone Technique!

In an instant, Jiang Li's figure shook for a while, and he was divided into seven, swarming up and besieging King Kong.

However, upon seeing this, King Kong breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes regained the color of contempt and banter, as if he had already regarded Jiang Li as a Deadman.

"Boy, do you think Laozi can be defeated by too many people? That's ridiculous!"

Simply, King Kong stood with his hand in his hand, too lazy to resist and defend, allowing Jiang Li's duplication to keep attacking him, but there was no pain on his face, as if these powerful attacks could not even tickle him. !

Raising his hands, he threw out a few relaxed punches, and Jiang Li's duplication was hit by King Kong one by one, making a crisp sound of "bang bang", turning into a cloud of white air.

"Is it?"

787 But the next moment, as Jiang Li smiled faintly, King Kong's face changed drastically, because under his shocked and horrified eyes, Jiang Li had already made his fingerprints quickly, which made him feel an extremely dangerous feeling. In stock wars, almost all of them will be unstable.

Fire Style! Great Fireball Technique!

Under the continuous rapid consumption of Chakra, a huge amount of fireball roared out of thin air, Roar flew straight to King Kong, instantly engulfing his whole person in a hot sea of ​​fire.

"Ah!" Immediately, there was a heart-piercing scream.

"Sure, did you succeed!?"

Seeing this shocking and wonderful scene, Gwen was so delighted that he almost jumped up.

But soon, after the flames gradually dissipated, the burly figure that emerged was still alive and well!

"Haha! Boy, do you really think you can deal with me just by doing this?"

In Gwen's horrified eyes, even if it had been baked by such a powerful fireball, although this vicious big man looked a little embarrassed, the yellow-liquid-body on the surface was also much dim.

The fact is, he still has not been defeated, Jiang Li's attack did not have the desired effect!

On the other hand, after using so many ninjutsu in succession, Jiang Li was exhausted and his face paled a little. The situation was precarious, and Gwen, who was watching in his eyes, bit his red lips and was ready to take action at any time. Help.

"Idiot! Jiang Li, Jiang Li, you all say how genius you are. This young master thinks that you are a waste at all, and this time you are not planted in my hands!"

At this moment, Quicksilver was determined in his heart, raised his head and laughed unscrupulously, looking at Jiang Li with contempt and sarcasm in his eyes.

"Our latest secret weapon developed by Brotherhood, can you handle it with a fireball? Hey!" Quicksilver chattered, it was hard to contain the excitement and ecstasy.

Mystique, who was on the sidelines, was expressionless, as if the lives and deaths of Jiang Li, King Kong and others had nothing to do with her. All she cared about was performing tasks!

Listening to Quicksilver’s words, Jiang Li was even more convinced of what he was thinking. It seems that Magneto and the gang sent people to test themselves, first to test the function of this new type of liquid-body, and second to spy on their current What level of strength has it reached!

"Go to hell!" King Kong roared, leaping up, raising his huge iron fist high, and slamming down at Jiang Li's Tianling Cap.

He didn't want to procrastinate like this anymore, now is a good time to eradicate Jiang Li in one fell swoop, and put an end to everything!

But beyond everyone's expectation, Jiang Li actually stood upright and full of energy. On the other hand, King Kong stopped in mid-air, and that punch could no longer be swiped, as if he had been frozen.

"Indeed, I can send you on the road now!"

The corners of his mouth curled up with a relaxed arc. All of this was under Jiang Li's control. Although a bottle of life potion was consumed, it was worth it!

Upon hearing this, King Kong felt terrified in his heart and felt the threat of death, but no matter how he struggled, his body was completely disobedient, as if at this moment he had nothing left besides his thoughts!

Dust Shield·Primary Realm Stripping Technique!

Taking advantage of this, already subduing this big guy, Jiang Li naturally wouldn't be soft-hearted, so he directly used the Primordial Realm Stripping Technique to turn this Mutant into atoms and dissipate it in the air, completely obliterating it!

"This... how is this possible!?"

Seeing that King Kong, who was already holding the winning ticket, was actually counter-killed by Jiang Li at the last moment, Quicksilver blushed immediately and shouted extremely unwillingly and angry.

"Nothing is impossible! Quicksilver, what, is it your turn now?"

Jiang Li shrugged easily, as if he was just doing a very natural trivial matter. With the system's automatic life-consuming potion replenishment, he quickly returned to his peak-peak state, strongly opposed to Quicksilver, and stared at the same time. Mystique's every move.

"Jiang Li, that's great! I knew you would win!" He also reacted quickly, laughing with joy and standing beside Jiang Li without hesitation.

"Well, you will continue to stand behind me later and protect yourself so that you won't accidentally be bitten by a mad dog."

With a calm smile on Jiang Li's face, he glanced at Quicksilver with a sneer, and at the same time told Gwen to avoid being held hostage by people like Brotherhood.

"Do you think I would be afraid of you? Come on!"

Seeing that Jiang Li dared to despise himself, Quicksilver, who had always been arrogant, immediately shouted angrily, and went forward to find Jiang Li desperately.

But before he had a seizure, Mystique yelled, "Quicksilver, don't forget your father's account! Definitely if you want to die, it's up to you!"

After all, I didn't bother to look at Quicksilver again, Mystique turned and left without hesitation, as if he had achieved his goal and would not stay for a while.

"Huh! Jiang Li, remember, you are lucky this time, we will have a long time in Japan, you can wait to die!"

Angrily put on a harsh word, Quicksilver's face was uncertain, and finally gritted his teeth, turned his head and ran out.

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