Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 224 Heart turn around Technique (Part 2)

"Didi!" There was a shock from the phone, which made Jiang Li stay with Gwen in a shock, thinking that the system had another task.

"Hello?" Jiang Li answered the phone.

But before he took the initiative to speak, a soft voice came from the phone: "Brother, where are you now? Sister Susan and I have been waiting at your house for a long time!"

"Gudy, are you and Susan here? I'm still outside now, why don't you tell me in advance before you come?"

Jiang Li said in surprise. He really didn't expect Guy Di and Susan to come to him suddenly.

"Hehe, brother, Sister Susan wants you to be honest, are you staying with a beautiful woman now?" At this moment, Guy suddenly made a joke.

Making Jiang Li full of black lines, he subconsciously glanced at Gwen who was smiling at him.

"Yes, it's just not as pretty as you guys," Jiang Li said, hearing Susan's belly growl, "I guess you must be hungry, so I will buy some food for you now."

"Don't break the subject, I think you are clearly with Gwen now. You haven't even attended the university class for 15 years, right?"

Susan was talking on the other end of the phone.

"Hehe, Susan, you are still so smart and charming."

"Don't fool me!"

Susan is still reluctant, but her heart is as sweet as eating honey.

"When are you going to come back? Are you going to let Guy and I stand at the gate?"

"Definitely not! I'll be back now, you first let Sister Guy go through the wall and open the door, don't stand tired."

Jiang Li patted his chest and promised that he loves Susan, his beloved woman, and Guy who is shy and likes to stick to him, and he will never allow them to be wronged.

"You still have some conscience!" Susan's tone eased a bit after hearing Jiang Li's promise, and Guy Di, who was beside her, giggled.

"You'd better come back as soon as possible, otherwise Guy and I accidentally found other women's things in your house, then you can figure it out!"

"Khan! How could there be other women!"

"I hope so, so be it!"

Seeing that the call had been hung up, Jiang Li sighed helplessly and put the phone back in his pocket.

Immediately afterwards, he took Gwen's little hand, who had been watching him silently, and said with concern: "Gwen, this training is here. I have something to do, or I will take you home now. ?"

"Okay, I will just go back to rest and consolidate, you also pay attention to take care of yourself."

Without asking much, Gwen smiled and got into a taxi with Jiang Li.

On the other side, in a tall and majestic building, Magneto and his group of Mutant men are plotting some ulterior conspiracy.

"How is the situation? Is Jiang Li still in New York?" Magneto sneered.

As he spoke, everyone calmed down, unconditionally convinced, and swearing allegiance to him.

"Yes, that kid is still so ignorant of current affairs, and killed a powerful Mutant we newly recruited!" It was Quicksilver who was speaking, and he was extremely unwilling and angry at the thought of losing repeatedly to Jiang Li's hands.

"Would you like me to take more people over to tidy up this kid?!"

"No need!"

However, the response was Magneto's indisputable order.

Glancing at his son slightly, Magneto continued to look at Mystique who was present.

"Reporter boss, our newly developed liquid medicine still has great drawbacks. Although we are not afraid of any physical attacks, it consumes a lot of energy when encountering particularly powerful energy, and further improvement is needed!"

Mystique saluted Magneto and reported it respectfully.

"Well, I see." Magneto also flashed a sharp light in his eyes after hearing this, and raised his hand.

"If the order continues, Brotherhood is now vigorously recruiting various Mutant masters, and the remuneration has been increased several times. Remember, I only want useful talents!"


Everyone responded in unison, and all of them exuded a powerful momentum, making the atmosphere extremely depressing.

"Also, Quicksilver, I will give you some of your subordinates regularly to let you constantly compete with Jiang Li. You should understand what I mean, right?"


Seeing Magneto's sharp eyes, Quicksilver also lowered his head, and agreed in a deep voice.

At the same time, a light of excitement and excitement flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't wait to lead people to challenge Jiang Li and find the place back!

"Very good! Now, all of you go away, sooner or later this world is our Mutant's!"

Magneto had his hands on his back, a cruel sneer suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hey! It seems that I should also deal with the guy who went to Thor. I think he will be very interested..."

At the moment, Jiang Li, who took a taxi to home, hurriedly gave the driver a few hundred yuan, then jumped out of the car, carrying two bags of food, and strode towards the luxurious house in front of him.

This house is located between Oxford University and Mutant School, and only Jiang Li and the few women around him know about it.

Now that Susan and Guy come to find himself, he naturally has to pay attention to these two beautiful women.

But when Jiang Li walked to the gate, his figure was stagnant, and the two bags in his hands also swayed, because he was already shrouded in a force field.

However, Jiang Li had a relaxed smile on his face, begging for mercy in a dubious manner:

"Khan, Susan, I finally rushed back, don't you need to welcome me so warmly?"

"Who told you to make us wait so long?"

Susan showed no sympathy for this, and the door was closed tightly.

Jiang Li stood in front of his door awkwardly, and naturally wouldn't give up. He used his killer trick and smiled: "Susan, I have bought a lot of delicious food. If you don't open the door, I will eat by myself. Or share it with some girls who seem to be more interested in me."

After all, he even deliberately opened the bag, and the alluring scent floated out, which immediately made people move their index fingers.

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