Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 405 Dare to attack

good! I finally got a new character data package. Master, I am very pleased!

Jiang Li couldn't help but sigh, staring affectionately at Athena and said~:

If you can get the character data package every time you complete the task, then that would be the real happiness! I don’t know when to upgrade this broken system!

[Haha, master, keep working hard! You can become the strongest man in this parallel world one day! I believe you! 】

Um! With these words of Athena, I am finally more relieved!

[Then master, do you want to open the newly obtained Hokage character data package now? 】

Do not! Save it first, at least you have to keep this mystery longer, hehe!

After finishing the conversation with Athena, Jiang Li directly escorted Gwen back home. After the two kissed affectionately, they reluctantly parted.

But Jiang Li, who was halfway down the road, did not expect that on this happy day today, there are still people who dare to attack him!

I saw that on the originally noisy street, a streamer suddenly swiftly fell down towards Jiang Li, and there was a burst of violent tearing air sounds, which shook the eardrums of ordinary people around them, and fleeing in horror. , I thought that aliens invaded the earth!


The stream of light instantly swallowed Jiang Li, hitting a terrifying pit on the ground, and a pungent gunpowder appeared.

At the same time, a burly man wearing blue clothes and a big five-legged figure immediately fell in front of the big hole, but his brows were deeply frowned.

"Huh? Did this guy run away?"

After taking a closer look, Apocalypse discovered that there was only a torn wooden stake in the pit, and there was no trace of Jiang Li at all, which made him immediately show his unhappiness and anger. Dissatisfied with the harvest!

"Hey, silly big guy! What are you doing standing there? Are you looking for me?"

Holding a big apple in his hand, Jiang Li was eating a big mouth while sneering at the ferocious and strange-looking man in front of him.

Hearing this, Apocalypse also turned around immediately, a pair of cold eyes fixed on Jiang Li's eyes, and he didn't say anything for a long time. Instead, he looked up and down at Jiang Li with some doubts and disappointment.

"Boy, are you really Jiang Li? The current captain of X-Men?"

"That's! Replace it like a fake!"

Still taking a big bite of the apple carelessly, Jiang Li patted Xiong Candi, grinned, and replied without thinking:

"Why, have you never seen a handsome and powerful man like me? So you feel jealous?"

"Do you know who you are talking to?"

Apocalypse stood with his hand in his hand, and shouted coldly, his eyes fixed on Jiang Li's every move, as if he didn't care about everything except fighting!

But the next moment, Jiang Li's answer once again exceeded his expectations.

"Who cares about you stupid? Anyway, you dare to be arrogant in front of me, now you either become a Deadman, or you are completely paralyzed and spend the rest of your life in jail! That's why I don't bother to know what your cat or dog is!"

Raising his finger gently, Jiang Li squinted at Apocalypse with the look of an idiot, and throwing it away, the apple core in his hand was shot out like a bullet!


Seeing that the apple that was eaten by Jiang Li was about to hit his face, Apocalypse finally raised his hand and moved incredibly fast, grabbing the apple core and crushing it!

Without the slightest anger, the corners of Apocalypse's mouth rose slightly, and he gave Jiang Li a cruel sneer.

"It's kind of interesting! Young people really have species, they are not afraid of death! Haha!"

After a loud shout, Apocalypse immediately rushed out, like a fierce Beast rushing towards Jiang Li!

"However, you will never have the chance to be arrogant again! Remember, it is the famous Apocalypse who killed you today!"

"Sure enough, it's a nasty and ugly name!"

Shadow Clone Technique!

Jiang Li curled his lips and turned into a dozen Shadow Clones and rushed up to the enemy, while standing still in place, seemingly not even interested in doing it himself, and yawned straight away.

And Apocalypse, who was completely in the battle state, did not say a word, facing the Shadow Clone rushing like a bamboo, there was no trace of panic in his eyes!


With just a simple punch and collision, Apocalypse faced the siege of the two Shadow Clones who were the first to rush over. Not only did they not fall into the slightest disadvantage, but they smashed them away with a punch! Extremely rude!

Immediately, he slammed a few punches and kicks that were about to Ultimate, so that the remaining Shadow Clone didn't even have a chance to get close, and they were hit directly into a cloud of gas!

"It's ruthless! If you dare to disperse my Shadow Clone, then you will kill me!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Li made a sudden move and immediately flew to the top of Apocalypse's head, swiping the decapitation knife and slashed fiercely, intending to cut this guy in half directly!

"Haha? Just rely on this knife?"

What is shocking is that Apocalypse didn't retreat in the slightest. With a big hand, he caught Jiang Li's beheading knife with his bare hands, so that it could no longer fall on the bridge of his nose!

"It's really sharp! It's a pity that this is just a toy in front of me!"

Immediately afterwards, after a disdainful sneer, Apocalypse directly used his special body molecules to control Ability, and the whole person immediately grew bigger and became a little giant more than ten meters tall!

"Now, it's my turn to fight back! If you don't want to be beaten into a pile of meat sauce, run away! Hey!" Apocalypse dropped a huge fist straight down, making the entire street covered by huge amounts of black shadows, as if It's getting dark in general.

A gust of wind blows up in invisible, making it difficult to move, even the street lights on the street are smashed to the ground, and the power is terrifying!

"Want to fight, don't you? Who is afraid of whom! Laozi will stay with him to the end!"

Ninja, super Expansion Jutsu!

The mudra was formed quickly, and Jiang Li's body immediately grew bigger, punching out without hesitation, and head-to-head with this guy, shaking the whole sky with constant roar!

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