Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 415 Summon Nine Tails

Shadow Dance Leaf!

Having already hit this point, the two sides naturally don't need to say much, they are going all out to go shopping! The whole world is overshadowed by it!

Ultron waved his claws frantically, and even his tail twitched quickly. It looked like a Rage lion. Its movements were fierce and fierce, making people afraid to look straight.

Jiang Li's speed was even better. In just a few moments, countless attacks hit Ultron's body, making a roar of gold and iron, and electric sparks flickered continuously!

As for Ultron's fierce attack, Jiang Li simply ignored them. With two super defensive tricks, the armor of sand and the shield of the crane, Ultron could not cause substantial damage to him. Instead, he was embarrassed by the counterattack. His face collapsed!

"Jiang Li, haven't you been weaned yet? You can only play with sand!"

Under anger, if Ultron could vomit blood, he would have lost too much blood and died.

He waited fiercely for Jiang Li, his eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness, and at the same time he had nothing to do with Jiang Li's sand, making him extremely suffocated! A heart is also extremely anxious, almost an urge to leave this ghost place immediately.

"Hey! I can kill you little kid with only sand, do you want to try?"

Regarding this, Jiang Li laughed without anger, continued to stab Ultron, wait for the opportunity to find this guy's flaws, and launch a fatal blow to him, lest he always escape in his own hands!

"Try you bastard! Laozi has had enough, die for me!"

Finally couldn't help but swear, Ultron jumped forward and jumped out of Jiang Li's attack range, no longer wanting to fight like this aggrieved.

I saw that around his body, a terrifying black energy ball quickly condensed, exuding a terrifying breath, which made people shudder.


Feeling that Ultron was going to die, a sly light flashed in Jiang Li's eyes, and he immediately made up his mind!

Since he wants to kill himself at all costs, Jiang Li will never show mercy, and will use the most powerful means to crush Ultron's conspiracy!

"Let's make a complete end! Ultron, I hope you can run faster later! Don't die so early! Hehe!"

Simply standing still, Jiang Li watched Ultron continuously condense his strongest blow, and began to communicate with Athena:

Athena, I got a powerful scroll before, right? Give it to me now!

【Yes Master! Are you planning to use it now? I want to remind you that this scroll can only be used once! Once used, you can obtain extremely powerful power, even if it is to summon incredible life forms! 】

good! This time I’m going to give Ultron this guy a big one and see how he escapes from under my hands!

[Well, I look forward to your wonderful performance, the host! 】

Immediately, in Jiang Li's hands, there was an additional sealed mysterious scroll, which had not been opened yet, making Jiang Li feel a boundless force! Absolutely confident to defeat all powerful enemies!

"Boy, are you still pretending to be a god? Don't waste your time, this time I see if you still have such heaven-defying luck! Give me a complete disappearance from this world!"

Seeing that Jiang Li hadn't moved for a long time, Ultron couldn't help feeling suspicious, but he shook his head desperately, unwilling to stop there!

With a hoarse roar, Ultron held a huge ball of energy high in both hands, and after a last glance at Jiang Li, a cruel color flashed in his eyes, and he launched a fatal blow to him without hesitation!

In an instant, the wind was surging and the entire sky was darkened! It seems that time is still at this moment!

"Fuck! Ultron, this lunatic, is really going to die!"

Green Goblin, who was still fighting Gwen fiercely, suddenly felt this terrifying breath and turned his head back in astonishment.

"No! I have to get out of here quickly, I have to avoid this damn ghost place, otherwise it's really lifeless!"

After seeing this trick made by Ultron, Green Goblin was almost scared to death. Even his teeth were shaking. He immediately urged the glider to rush into the distance, and never dared to stay for a while!

"Don't try to escape! I will definitely catch you!"

Although deeply concerned about Jiang Li, Gwen also has an unwavering trust in his beloved man!

With a sweet cry, Gwen shot two cobwebs in his hand, and immediately tied Green Goblin's glider, and chased him! It's about to get rid of this big bad guy!

At this moment, Jiang Li calmed down and turned a blind eye to the terrifying attack that Roar screamed. He opened the scroll directly, and at the same time imagined the extremely powerful figure in his mind! He just wants to summon that existence!


With a roar of huge amounts of, the next moment, a behemoth immediately appeared in the sky above New York City, and nine tails rose up into the sky, exuding a powerful and suffocating Chakra!

And those energy balls that had been blasting at Jiang Li were easily blocked in an instant! With the powerful wave of the nine tails that covered the sky, all the energy was turned into nothingness! Only its supreme existence stands!

"This... how is this possible!? What the hell did this kid do?"

Ultron was completely shocked, almost couldn't help falling to his knees, trembling violently all over, unable to produce a trace of resistance anymore.

He has a very strong feeling, once he moves a little, he will be forever! There is absolutely no possibility of survival!

"Haha! My Nine Tails, you have finally been summoned!" Jiang Li smiled triumphantly with his hands on his hips. He didn't believe that anyone who didn't open his eyes would dare to provoke him!

"Huh? What is this place? Are you not Naruto? What generation of Jinchūriki?"

Nine Tails scratched his head with big paws in doubt, and a pair of big eyes fell on Jiang Li's body for the first time. As for the others, they were automatically ignored by it, so it's not worth mentioning!

"Well, you don't need to worry about this. It took me a lot of effort to call you out!" Jiang Li said loudly.

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