Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 423 Ugly guy

"You don't need to worry about this!"

Thor's mouth curled up with a cold arc, and he turned Mjolnir in his hand playfully, making it unpredictable what he was thinking.

"You just have to remember! No matter how much you pay, I will see that Jiang Li is ruined and there is no place to be buried!"

"Huh! I hope so!"

After finishing the contact with Thor, Loki threw the communicator to the ground. He seemed to feel that this was not enough to relieve his breath. He lifted his feet and stomped on it hard, wishing that he was stomping on the bastard Thor!

But after venting, Loki could only helplessly shook his head, waved to the few right-hand men who gathered around him and said:

"Now, it's our turn to make our debut! Let that kid welcome our monstrous anger!"

"Hey! We've been waiting impatiently!"

Behind Loki, several silhouettes of varying heights immediately jumped, and Loki stepped straight into the space channel, and began bloody revenge on Jiang Li!

At this moment, Jiang Li and Gwen were walking on the beach, holding their hands tightly together, and smiling at each other tacitly, enjoying the warm sunshine in the afternoon.


There was a sudden vibration from the phone. After seeing the caller ID, Jiang Li answered the call from Qin without hesitation.

"Hey, Qin, how are you doing? Do you have any clues to me?"

"Yes, Jiang Li, we have tracked the trail of Quicksilver and his Mutant men, but these guys are very cunning! There are also Mutants who can use teleporting ability, and they can successfully get rid of the roundup every time!"

Qin said in a very gentle voice, with concern and tension in his tone.

"Oh, that's normal! Don't worry, they won't be able to get up, next time I will personally kill these gangsters!"

Jiang Li nodded, still acting calmly.

However, Qin broke out an even more shocking news afterwards, making Jiang Li instantly refreshed.

"By the way, recently, a burst of extremely powerful energy has suddenly appeared around New York. According to our analysis, it is very likely that the evil god Loki has become active again. I am afraid that he will bring someone to attack you. You have to be careful! "

"That's not afraid! Come and I will kill one! Guarantee that they will come back!"

Haki shook his fist, Jiang Li's eyes were as firm as a torch, and he didn't care about these jumping beams Joker at all.

After finishing the conversation with Qin, to Jiang Li's surprise, Athena's voice rang in time.

【drop! The new SS-level mission is released, successfully defeating the upcoming wave of enemy attacks, and you can get extremely rich rewards! 】

I go, a wave of enemies? Isn't this broken system deliberately trying to fix me? Athena, can you tell me specifically who are not opening their eyes to find fault?

Jiang Li, who was taking a leisurely stroll, suddenly stopped, and two piercing lights shot in his eyes, and he stared at the strangely peaceful sea in front of him for the first time.


The next moment, I saw a huge wave bursting into the sky suddenly on the sea level, shooting straight at the two of Jiang Li and Gwen who were close at hand! So that the entire beach was shrouded in black shadow!

"Watch out!"

Jiang Li picked up Gwen for the first time, leaped and immediately hovered in mid-air, successfully avoiding the violent wave.

Without giving them a chance to breathe, a tall and thin figure suddenly popped out of the sea, splashed with waves, and opened its mouth as an ultrasonic wave rushed towards the two Jiang Li, shaking the surrounding trees violently. Shaking, sand trembling-trembling!

"Shut up to Laozi!"

Guard the crane's shield!

Glancing at this ugly guy fiercely, Jiang Li controlled the sand to block the oncoming ultrasonic wave, and at the same time shot a few sand shurikens without hesitation, already killing the sea monster!

"Hey, this kind of gadget can't hurt me at all! I am the master of this sea, and the entire sky is mine! You two can enjoy Shinigami's love!"

Spinning beautifully in the air, the Kraken swooped with a pair of big wings, while staring at Jiang Li's every move with playful and playful eyes, for fear that his prey would escape from his palm!

"Stupid! Why don't you say that the stool is yours too!"

Jiang Li and Gwen landed steadily on the ground, staring at the sea monster coldly, without thinking or knowing that this guy is definitely not at ease, so there is no need to be polite to him at all!

【Owner! The enemy has come! However, the difficulty of this mission is extremely high. You must face the enemy alone, and no one is allowed to help, otherwise the mission will fail! 】

sweat! Is there such a rule? If Gwen was forced to get involved, it would be considered a violation?

【Yes! So master, you have to work hard, come on! 】

It seems that this can only be done!

With a quick turn of his eyes, Jiang Li glanced around. Knowing that the situation is not optimistic now, he had to whisper to Gwen, "Gwen, do you believe me?"

"Yeah! I definitely believe it!"

"Well, now you don't care about anything. Go home and rest as soon as possible. I'll come to you if I solve these guys! Let's go!" Jiang Li stared at Gwen and said solemnly.

"Understood!" Regarding this, Ge Wen nodded heavily, subconsciously choosing to believe in this man he loved so much!

After looking at Jiang Li reluctantly, Gwen immediately waited for the opportunity to jump forward and quickly evacuated to the rear. She knew that Jiang Li must have done this for a reason!

"Hey, it's really touching!"

The sea monster smiled grimly, flapped its wings and hovered in the air, rolling up layers of aggressive waves.

"Unfortunately, you can't escape my palm, you all have to die!"

A ferocious cold light flashed in his eyes, the sea monster screamed and dived down, quickly spreading his own ultrasonic waves, shaking the seabirds on the sea into a pool of blood!

"Ugly guy! Your opponent is me! Look at the knife!"

However, without giving the Kraken a chance to chase him, Jiang Li immediately stood in front of him, swung his decapitating knife and slashed at this guy's head! Cut the huge waves that were set off in two! Extremely powerful!

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