Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 443 Halfway through

"Okay! Ariel, you quickly prepare to teleport the ability, if the situation is not right, we will evacuate immediately!"

Quicksilver awkwardly dealt with Tony and Banner's fierce attack, while yelling at Gambit and Ariel:

"Gambit, don't keep it now, and quickly use your tricks to repel these two guys!"

"Want to run? First, ask if my fist will answer!"

The Hulk slapped both palms heavily, sending out a powerful Shockwave, which immediately blasted away a large sheet of cards issued by Gambit, and Tony also fired a laser beam at Quicksilver and the others without hesitation, making them unable to lift their heads at all.

At this time, after losing several super rings one after another, Mandarin also fell into a state of madness, desperately activating magic, and transformed into a terrifying big Mephista!

"Dare to take away my most beloved super ring! Boy, if you don't frustrate you today, I will swear not to be a man!"

"You are not a human! Hehe!"

In an instant, Mandarin waved his two dragon arms one after another, and unexpectedly summoned a vivid dragon to wrap around him in the invisible. Faced with such a terrifying power, Jiang Li remained calm and light, and had absolute confidence in his own strength!

The dead division relies on blood!

Jokingly mocking this guy, Jiang Li wiped the blood taken from the grass sword on the palm of his hand and directly used Hidan's data packet. The surface of his body immediately became black and white, and he didn't care about the other party at all!

"Next, let's end you completely!"

"Boy, no matter what tricks you want to play, you can't escape death!"

Mandarin blasted out a punch without thinking, already hating Jiang Li, and he would never be at ease unless he got rid of it!

Without the slightest suspense, his fist hit Jiang Li's xiong hard, but what was surprising was that Mandarin himself flew upside down in an instant, with blood spurting in his mouth, and xiong just dented a huge punch in front of him. print!

"You...what did you do?"

Mandarin, who was lying on the ground and unable to get up for a long time, immediately shouted in horror, and the dragon-shaped phantom on his body became extremely dim, almost disappearing.

"Tsk tusk, your fist is too rubbish, didn't you eat?"

Regarding this, Jiang Li shook his head and sighed, and gave Mandarin angrily.

"In that case, I can only do it myself! Don't worry, you will be extremely cool!"

Immediately, in front of the old guy, Jiang Li injected Chakra into the grassy sword, stabbed his abdomen without hesitation, and kept pushing the sword inward.


The next moment, a heart-piercing scream sounded.

However, Jiang Li was expressionless, nothing happened, and Mandarin lay on the ground and was so painful that a wound pierced by a long sword appeared on her abdomen, blood gurgling!

"Stop it! Let's talk about it!" At this moment, Mandarin didn't care about his face anymore, screaming in horror, and pressing the wound with both hands, he didn't want to die like that!

"But, why should I listen to you? You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me."

Spreading his hands nonchalantly, Jiang Li simply put away the grassy sword, too lazy to waste any more time, and decided to completely kill the old man!

"Forget it, I don't have the time to spend with you, just let your clutter disappear completely!"

Dust escape! Original world stripping Technique!


Suddenly, the abnormality protrudes!

At this very moment, Jiang Li was about to complete the operation and cut the Mandarin in the enchantment into countless atoms. A strong energy explosion suddenly appeared out of thin air, setting off a cloud of smoke, making people unable to see the battlefield. What's the situation in the end!

"Loki? Didn't you think that you guy would really dare to show up in front of Laozi, are you impatient?"

Opening a pair of Sharingan, Jiang Li immediately caught Loki's figure. Unexpectedly, this guy would use the space channel to kill him at this critical moment. Apart from anything else, he picked up Mandarin, which seemed to have been designed long ago.

"You are?"

"If you want to survive, follow me! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you now!"

He didn't respond to Jiang Li's words at all, or Loki didn't have the courage to look at him. He interrupted Mandarin's suspicious question, and at the same time injected his energy into the several Mutants he had brought, with a serious expression of death. road:

"Give me all of you and hold on to that kid! If anyone does a good job, I will give him even more power!"

"Jie Jie! Just leave it to us!"

After receiving Loki's promise, the strange Mutant laughed wickedly, and pounced on Jiang Li like a wolf one by one, seeming to treat it as a sweet pastry without knowing what they are going to deal with. The presence.

"Want to run? It's not that easy! Just relying on these little guys can't stop me at all!"

With Haki's loud drink, Jiang Li pushed forward all the way, like a broken bamboo!

Without waiting for those indiscriminate poison arrows and ice thorns to hit him, Jiang Li controlled the sand and swung it again and again, and all the attacks were resolved in an understatement!

" this still a human?"

"Oh my God! How could it be, who the hell is he?"

And those Mutants, who were originally used as cannon fodder by Loki, were immediately frightened by Jiang Li's fierce offensive. They didn't react at all, they were directly cut off their necks, and were instantly killed! Splashing blood!

"Jiang Li, your kid is still so rampant! What an annoying guy!"

Having already entered the space channel with Mandarin, Loki finally took a sigh of relief, with a playful arc on his face, and Jiang Li sneered unscrupulously:

"However, today I just want to take people away! How about you and me?"

"That's right! The old man who hates you today also took note, and one day he will be repaid! You will wait for me!"

After all, Loki and Mandarin also cooperated and used a trick together to form an energy light group, and slammed directly at the oncoming Jiang Li!

However, when they saw this shocking scene in front of them, the sneers on their faces instantly froze.

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