Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 453 Loki is stupid

"Old man, your tone is not small! But it can only be bragging! Look at Xiaoye, I will beat you down right now!"

Lightning Style! Raikiri!

Seeing that the battle has already begun, the two sides have long been immortal, Jiang Li naturally will not be polite, jumped up, and went up to a big move to kill the old man Mandarin!

At this time, Mandarin, who was striving for Isshin's victory, could not even open his mouth. He desperately spurred the power ring in his body to blend the flames and lightning in his hands into one, immediately bursting out extremely powerful energy fluctuations. The whole air-raid shelter was shaking for a while!


Without the slightest suspense, Jiang Li's Raikiri and Mandarin's energy clusters collided fiercely, bursting out bright sparks, the waves of air tumbling constantly, shaking hard-the hard concrete ground quickly cracked!

After a strong collision, Jiang Li and him began to fight violently, slamming his fists and feet in mid-air, hitting each other continuously, and after attacking each other for hundreds of strokes, they quickly flew backwards.

"Hehe, your guy's strength has gone up a bit, but it also made this game less boring!"

Landing steadily on the ground, Jiang Li relied on the super defense of the sand armor to be unscathed. He ridiculed Mandarin and raised a middle finger.

"Huh! The old man wants to see if your kid has grown! In any case, you can't escape my palm! I won't let you die so easily!"

"Very good! Then I will slowly consume you!"

Shadow Clone Technique!

After shaking his shoulders lightly, Jiang Li directly transformed hundreds of Shadow Clones and slammed Mandarin with unstoppable aura.

At the same time, Jiang Li raised the corner of his mouth and unceremoniously shouted to Loki and Dragon Girl who were eyeing on the side: "Loki, why are you here? Sure enough, in every dirty corner, there is a mess like you! And! Did you bring a new one to die this time?"

"Jiang Li, you are less proud! Today I want to see how you are going or get out of this place!"

Being ridiculed by such red kueh kueh, Loki suddenly turned a black face, and asked Roar to kill Jiang Li and the others with the dragon girl!

"Hands! Don't leave a living mouth, just this time X-Men will be removed from the earth!"

"Understood! I will unscrew their heads by myself!"

The Dragon Girl snorted coldly and agreed, and she also locked her gaze on Jiang Li completely.

"Captain, let us take care of these two little guys, you don't need to do it yourself!"

"Yes! Let them see how good our X-Men is today!"

At this moment, Bobby, Steel, and Oluo Luo also took the initiative to ask Jiang Li to ask, and the fighting spirit in his eyes was extremely strong!

"That's good! You can teach these two eyesless guys, and I will kill the old man!"

Jiang Li nodded, never looking at Loki and others again, and rushed towards Mandarin with all his strength!

Fire Style! Fire Dragon Ball!

Just after Mandarin killed all the Shadow Clones, Jiang Li spit out a Great Fireball and swallowed him completely before waiting for this guy to cry!

"On this point? Boy, you are too weak!"

However, after urging the super value at all costs, Mandarin has also gained extraordinary strength, and its physical strength has reached a terrifying point!

With the two dragon arms struggling for a while, he abruptly blasted all the flames, and rushed towards Jiang Li in anger! I can't wait to get rid of this enemy right away!

"Silly fork, you still pray that you won't be too ugly! The real battle has just begun!"

Eight Inner Gates? First gate? Open? Open!

Eight Inner Gates? Second Gate? Hugh gate? Open!

Eight Inner Gates? The Third Gate? Open!

Eight Inner Gates? Fourth Gate? Hurt the door? Open!

Eight Inner Gates? Fifth Gate? Dumen? Open!

Eight Inner Gates? Sixth Gate? Jingmen? Open!

Eight Inner Gates? Seventh Gate? Shocked? Open!

After opening the Seventh Gate in an instant, Jiang Li's momentum suddenly increased, and the Chakra on his body turned into black substance, and even his hair was erected, just like a Saiyan in this world! There is the power to crush everything in every gesture! It can't be surpassed at all!

"Pretend to be a god! I don't believe that your body can be stronger than me!"

Seeing this shocking scene, Mandarin thought of the previous battle that was defeated by Jiang Li. He couldn't help but feel a sudden shock. A strong crisis came to his heart. But at this moment, with so many people watching, how could he show weakness? Immediately bite the bullet and shook out the dragon's arm, the huge fist hit Jiang Li's xiong bore.

But the next moment, Jiang Li stayed still, but the corners of his mouth twitched with pain, and even the dragon's arms were twisted and shapeshifting! Was directly injured by Jiang Li's superb aura!

"Hey, how's it going? This tastes very good, isn't it?"

Jiang Li smiled jokingly, blocking this guy like a mountain, leaving him with no chance to escape!

"Keep on attacking! Don't stop, if you don't fight, I have to do it!"

"Damn it! You die to me!"

Under Rage, Mandarin completely lost his mind, gritted his teeth and raised his fists again, vowing to fight Jiang Li to the death!

It’s a pity that before he raised his fist this time, Jiang Li just raised his foot and kicked Mandarin's stomach fiercely. He immediately kicked it out, hitting the concrete pillar like a cannonball, shaking down countless mud. Ash, the entire cement pillar collapsed suddenly, extremely cruel!


Mandarin stubbornly covered her belly and fell to her knees, opening her mouth, a burst of black blood spurted out, feeling that her internal organs were all out of place, and her energy was sluggish!

Sand binding 柩 Technique!

Immediately afterwards, a scene that made him even more nervous and uneasy happened. With Jiang Li's hand moving, countless sands swarmed up and instantly wrapped Mandarin's body, making him unable to move!

"Experience the taste of suffocation! Sand waterfall funeral!"

Without giving the old man a chance to breathe, Jiang Li Haki waved his hands and wrapped Mandarin directly in a huge amounts of Pyramids, causing a violent explosion! The entire air-raid shelter was collapsed, and it was impossible to withstand this terrible attack!

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