Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 462 Wolverinevs Thor

"Yes! We are saved! Iron Man and the Hulk also appeared, my God!"

"This is finally able to stop these bad guys! Our America will never perish!"

All American soldiers looked up at the sky excitedly.

At this exciting moment, Storm, Bobby, Steel, Scott, Charles, Tony, Wolverine, Hulk, etc. Superhero and X-Men all rushed to the battlefield just to fight Thor!

"Jiang Li? I didn't expect you to come very quickly, haha!"

In this regard, Thor only cast his gaze on Jiang Li, as if to him, the others were not worth mentioning!

Thor's eyes shot a terrifying cold light, and he held Mjolnir in his hand for the first time, and roared coldly:

"Boy! I thought you didn't dare to come? Today I just cut you off! Prove to the world the majesty of my gods!"

"Silly fork, do you think you can be invincible by playing with a broken hammer in your hand? At best, it's just a scum of a wall-breaking head! Today I will beat you back to the original shape!"

Shadow Clone Technique!

Too lazy to talk nonsense with Thor, Jiang Li raised his middle finger with disdain, immediately knotted his fingerprints, and transformed hundreds of Shadow Clone madly rushing to the invincible Asgard soldiers, turning the whole battle around in an instant!

When Charles, Tony and others saw this, they joined the battlefield without hesitation and launched a strong counterattack, pushing Thor's troops back, unstoppable!

"Those who dare to kill me in front of me, you are quite brave! It's a pity that you all have to die!"

Seeing his own hands fall down one after another, Thor was completely enraged, and immediately waved Mjolnir, causing the entire sky to change color, condensing into huge thunder arcs with thick arms!

"A group of ants! Today I will let you see what the true majesty of God is!"

Thor roared, and in an instant ten thousand arcs of thunder blasted this piece of land with a radius of hundreds of miles, and there was no grass growing!

Under this terrible power, even those Asgard soldiers did not dare to stay for a while, and they scattered like a tide. According to Thor's original plan, they entered New York in batches, and they would force control of the American power!

"No, this lunatic is starting to go crazy! We must stop him!"

"Yes! At all costs!"

Upon seeing this, Tony, Bobby and others immediately changed their faces and rushed out decisively, doing their best to stop the soldiers with strong fighting capacity, and would never allow these guys to cause any damage to New York!

And Wolverine and the Hulk rushed to Thor for the first time, desperately trying to kill this damned villain!

"Thor! Take your life!"

Waving a pair of sharp claws, Wolverine rushed towards Thor like a bolt of lightning.

At the same time, the Hulk also pulled up a huge amounts of wire tower, waved his arms hard, and slammed it at Thor, causing a gust of wind!

"Huh, two guys who don't know what they can do, dare to compete with Thor? Get out of me!"

Thor yelled, and there was a burst of terrifying lightning around his body. Not only did it easily resolve the attacks of Wolverine and the Hulk, he also bombarded them with thunder and lightning, knocking them straight to the ground!

It seems that after becoming the god of the gods, Thor, who re-controls Mjolnir, has become much stronger! Inner desire is even more bursting, unscrupulous in order to achieve the goal!

Seeing this shocking scene, Iron Man, Cyclops, and others immediately became anxious, and desperately killed Thor.

But at this moment, Jiang Li used the High-speed movement to block the Tony two without hesitation.

"Thor will leave it to me to deal with! You go and clean up those killing machines!"


Before Wolverine and Banner fell to the ground, Jiang Li directly supported them with one hand, and used Tsunade's medical ninjutsu to heal their injuries in the blink of an eye!

Regarding this, Tony and the others did not hesitation and nodded their heads to Jiang Li, and immediately turned to join the team of the murderous Asgard soldiers.

For Jiang Li, they naturally unswervingly support him, believing that he can defeat Thor this guy!

"Haha! Jiang Li, are you finally here? I will fulfill you and be the first to send you to hell!"

Seeing Jiang Li rushing to kill him, Thor was not surprised, but was as excited as if he had been beaten with blood, showing a sinister sneer.

He couldn't help but shook his big hand with excitement, and immediately raised Mjolnir high, aimed at Jiang Li's head, and slammed it down. A terrible thunder and lightning erupted. It looked incredible, almost no one could match it. !

"You have done such a good dream too! Thor, the gates of hell will always be opened for you alone! In front of me, you don't even think about conspiring to succeed! You are destined to only be lying on the ground and begging for mercy!"

Lightning Style! Raikiri!

Jiang Li didn't take a step back at all. He instantly condensed into 300 powerful Raikiri in his hand, emitting a dazzling white light, and he was in a strong confrontation with Thor!

The next moment, in the shocking eyes of countless people, Jiang Li's Raikiri and Thor's Mjolnir collided, and immediately burst out a series of earth-shattering explosions, as if the entire sky was exploding in talent, and the thunder was raging, making people frightened. ,Can not bear to look! Fear from the depths of the soul!

"Jiang Li, did you get kicked in your head by a donkey? Hahaha, you used thunder-style moves to fight me head-on? Don't you know I am Thor! You are so stupid!"

Under the fierce confrontation, Jiang Li and Thor flew out quickly, and the space where the two sides met was shaking and unstable, and the space barriers spread out a series of hideous cracks, which have not been healed for a long time!

Thor, who was unscathed, raised his head and laughed unscrupulously, with long hair dancing wildly, and even the thunder and lightning in his pupils were jumping, madly manipulating the thunder and lightning to provoke Jiang Li, as if he has become the master of this world!

"Idiot! You should lower your head first and take a good look at the armor in front of your xiong!"

Jiang Li didn't care. He glanced at the guy with a look full of contempt and disdain, and said with a sneer, that he was not afraid of this jumper Joker at all.

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