Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 486 So many people

"Hey, there are so many people? No wonder it's so lively here, and it just happened to let me have a great time today."

Shadow Clone Technique!

Glancing at these wine pouches and rice bags with disdain, Jiang Li easily formed handprints and turned into a large number of Shadow Clone rushing to these security guards, tit for tat!

"I want to see, how long can this night vision stay with you!"

Next, under everyone's extremely shocked and horrified eyes, Jiang Li's Shadow Clone immediately fought fiercely with a large number of security guards. The fight was in full swing, causing the luxury objects in the entire nightclub to be smashed into pieces, and the screams and screams were endless. .

Seeing such a terrible formation, the rich people who had been eating, drinking, and having fun here dared to stay for a while, each holding their heads and rattling around, causing the scene to panic to the extreme.

In less than a minute, all the security guards were beaten to the ground, twitching with missing arms and legs, making the nightclub silent, even the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder!

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

At this moment, a sudden burst of applause sounded suddenly, causing Jiang Li to frown slightly, and immediately raised his head and glanced sideways. 15

I saw that in this empty nightclub, the only bald man sitting on the leather sofa was sneering at the scene downstairs. He didn't seem to be afraid of Jiang Li at all. Instead, he held a glass of red wine with great interest. Of taste.

"It seems that you have night vision, right?"

After using the High-speed movement, Jiang Li instantly turned into a stream of light and rushed to the man.

"Congratulations, you made a correct decision, knowing that you can't run, so I just sat and waited to die! This makes the young master very satisfied. I will beat you a little bit lighter later, hehe!"

After speaking, Jiang Li simply sat down, grabbed the bottle of red wine unceremoniously, and drank it straight away!

"This is not the way to drink red wine, young man!"

At this moment, Night Vision finally spoke, making a sound without emotion and color, so cold that it seemed to freeze people instantly.

"Chop off a hand and a leg by myself, and then crawl out of my nightclub within ten seconds. I can treat this as it has never happened."

Night Vision sat motionless, but his body exuded a terrifying killing intent, which instantly enveloped Jiang Li's body, apparently an extremely powerful master!


However, what he never expected was that instead of doing what he said, Jiang Li laughed with crossed hands.

"You guy will die if you don't pretend to be forced? Dare to let me chop off my hands and feet, at least you have to demonstrate first!"

"It seems that there is no room for negotiation!"

After a brief twitch at the corner of his mouth, Night Vision slowly stood up, staring at Jiang Li, as if he had already regarded him as a Deadman.

I saw him twisting his neck constantly, as if he was moving his muscles and bones, and strode towards Jiang Li, ready to teach this blind boy.

"Nonsense! I'll hit you on the ground now and accept your life obediently!"

Jiang Li gave a cold yell, before waiting for the other party to rush forward, waved his fist and rushed forward.

"Yeah, dare you to fight me head-on? Are you not sent by my enemy?"

Night Vision said strangely, as if he couldn't believe it. Someone dared to rush towards him, causing a sense of war in his heart.

Leaf Hurricane!

No longer too lazy to say anything, Jiang Li suddenly changed his body shape and swept the night vision with a kick first.

The latter couldn't help but be shocked, his whole body tense, and finally began to face the battle completely.

"You have a good kick! You are qualified to be my opponent!"

Under his highly sensitive Ability, the night vision body flashed, miraculously escaped Jiang Li's Leaf Hurricane, and slammed a huge fist at Jiang Li, starting a strong counterattack!


However, Jiang Li directly squeezed his fist with his hand, making the night vision unable to move immediately, and there was a feeling of fright!


"Hehe, is this surprised? Let me first taste what the real pain is!"

Using Tsunade's weird power, Jiang Li squeezed his five fingers, abruptly crushing the guy's fist into a ball, and making a crisp sound of broken bones, which made the night vision facial features become distorted, and cold sweat on his forehead!

"Asshole, what on earth did you eat and grow up, why are you so strong!?"

Forcibly pulling his fist out of Jiang Li's hand, night vision double 0 legs kicked, and quickly jumped out of Jiang Li's attack range, already thinking Jiang Li as a monster in his heart.

But he was also extremely unwilling and angry, and would never just be so embarrassed to lose!

"It makes you kneel and surrender quickly! Otherwise, your entire arm will be gone later, and you won't even be able to achieve normal life in the future!" Jiang Li jokingly smiled.

Immediately, he didn't give Night Vision a chance to breathe at all, and performed ninjutsu one after another in a rush!

Fire Style! Fire Dragon Ball!

Earth Style·Earth Flow Great River!

697 In an instant, a Great Fireball was spit out from Jiang Li's mouth, and the ground was instantly covered with a turbulent mudslide, rushing towards Night Vision with absolute crushing momentum, forcing it to retreat irretrievably!

In desperation, Night Vision could only quickly lift a sofa and slam it against the Great Fireball that Roar roared from. At the same time, it rolled on the spot and was washed away along the mudslide, knocking down a high wall. After that, he did his best to stabilize his figure, showing a hideous and vicious look.

"Today! I must tear you boy to pieces!"

Feeling a fierce pain on his face, after rubbing it hard with his hand, Night Vision realized that he was bleeding, and he gave a hysterical roar.

He hit the main switch of the nightclub with a fist, hitting a large bright electric spark, causing all the lighting systems to fail instantly, plunged the place into complete darkness!

At this moment, a shocking scene happened. The eyes of night vision burst out-a terrible cold light, and the whole person's aura suddenly increased. It seemed that he had gained great strength in the darkness, and his whole body was full of strength. Full of explosive muscles!

The next moment, he flashed past, instantly transformed into a Ghost in the dark, and wanted to live with Jiang Li endlessly!

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