Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 700 Eighth Gate!

"Boy, do you dare!?"

"Hehe, there is nothing I, Jiang Li, dare not do!"

Before Oshtur's furious words were finished, Jiang Li shook his hand and swung Blade straight down from this guy’s arm, cutting off his entire hand.


However, what made Oshtur thunderous was that this was only the beginning. As the twisted sickle was swung swiftly, a red blood flower burst into Oshtur's body in an instant, and holes of large File size were everywhere, making him look miserable and unsightly!

Eight Inner Gates upright! To the peacock!

With the final shot down, Oshtur didn't even have a chance to react, and was swallowed by the terrifying Chakra flames. The original powerful body turned into a swift drop like ooze.

Seeing such a shocking scene, the opponents and Hera couldn't help being stunned. They didn't expect Oshtur, the strongest of the three of them, to be defeated so thoroughly, it was simply unacceptable to them!

"Hey, are you still in the mood to look elsewhere? Let this uncle take a bite! Don't worry, I will be very gentle."

The basilisk screamed and threw the opponent to the ground again.

At the same time, Hera, who was distracted, was suddenly entangled in Gwen's cobweb, unable to break free for a long time, completely at a disadvantage.

If it hadn't been for the thought that they had worked so hard to come to Earth, and it was precisely to kill Jiang Li, they would never have to go back in vain, Hera and the opponents would have escaped long ago.

The only motivation that drove them to stay was their resentment and unwillingness to Jiang Li, vowing to kill him!

"Huh! Do you really think that the ancient gods can be dealt with so easily?"

At this moment, a suffocating voice suddenly sounded.

I saw Oshtur, who had been so scarred and almost dismembered, suddenly suspended in mid-air, and reunited with his body at an alarming speed, squinting at Jiang Li with contempt and hatred.

"Boy, let me tell you! This god is immortal, and you will never reach the same height as me in your life! Stay on the ground and be a lowly ant forever!"

Without knowing what the secret method was, Oshtur waved his hand and controlled the houses within a thousand miles in suspension. Even the trees and birds could not escape the bad luck. He was regarded as the one who killed Jiang Li. arms!

Suddenly, it seemed to directly cause the landslide and the ground. Numerous artifacts surrounded Oshtur's body, making the entire sky gloomy. There was no trace of sunlight, and it was a terror from the soul.

"See it! This is the majesty of God, you all die for me!"

Seeing that Jiang Li was completely in the blind spot of his own attack, and was motionless as if frightened stupidly, Oshtur finally laughed triumphantly, enjoying this incomparable moment to his heart's content.

"F*ck, Oshtur, you must pay attention before using this trick! We are your teammates, don't go crazy later, even we will turn away!"

"No, we have to hide further away, or we have to suffer!"

At this moment, seeing Oshtur making such a big movement, even the opponents and Hera who were in the same camp as him were a little worried, and they hurriedly retreated backwards desperately, even if they were killed by Wanshe and Gwen respectively. Chasing and playing can't be bothered.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that all the power had converged to a peak. A cold light flashed in Oshtur's eyes, and he immediately controlled all these houses and trees to smash towards Jiang Li.

"What a lunatic, Oshtur, you can dare to be so arrogant if a pseudo-god is so arrogant, don't you know how the dead word is written?"

At this moment of life and death, Jiang Li is still calm and composed, still ridiculing Oshtur fearlessly.

"What did you say?!"

"Laozi said you are just a fake second-rate guy! You can't stand a blow at all!"

The next moment, Jiang Li roared, and instantly turned into a streamer and rushed up, smashing all the things that came oncoming into pieces, unstoppable!

At the same time, the black Chakra on his body rushed out, and immediately entangled the invincible Oshtur, making his mind tremble, and he almost couldn't control his magic...

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that someone could make such a strong counterattack with his full strength, which is beyond common sense!

"Very good! Then let us have a contest to see who is the real king in the end! My Oshtur will last forever, and I will never lose!"

Forcibly suppressing the faint uneasiness in his heart, Oshtur roared loudly, and launched a fierce attack on Jiang Li even more desperately, causing countless terrifying gullies to crack the earth, and many cities were swallowed by the tsunami! Panic spread all over the world instantly!

"Does a dead duck have a hard mouth? It seems that people like you really have no need to live in this world!"

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Jiang Li's eyes were sharp, and he stopped spending time with this guy, and decided to solve this bastard with one move!

In front of Oshtur, Jiang Li drew it into his arms, and there was something in his hand, which was a Forbidden Technique scroll! Take out the baby that is really pressing on the bottom of the box!

"Haha! Boy, what are you holding in your hand, isn't it a piece of talisman paper?"

After a brief moment, Oshtur burst into laughter, as if he had seen the funniest thing in the world.

"Don't be so funny, don't you plan to give up and invite God to punish me? Laozi is really scared!"

In his eyes, naturally only he is the strongest, and he never believes that Jiang Li can really resolve his tricks, and it is even more impossible to defeat him!

However, the smile on Oshtur's face quickly solidified, and his eyes were filled with shock and incredibleness, and even tears!

"Oshtur, today I will show you what a real miracle is! The Eighth Gate! Open the dead door!"

The corner of Jiang Li's mouth curled up, and he used the Forbidden Technique scroll without hesitation! Now he wants to see if this pseudo-god can beat himself!

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