Marvel’s Naruto System

Chapter 801 Thunderbolt Shotgun

Athena, where is the baby? Come out and help me refer to it.

[Master, the top row of goods is, please find and redeem it yourself, others can only help here. 】

Athena spit out her tongue playfully at Jiang Li, looking very cute and moving.

Hearing this, Jiang Li also focused his attention, and immediately locked an item with an extremely cool appearance.

what is this? Is it really just a gun?

【drop! Report to the owner that this product is called the Thunderbolt Shotgun, which is not only extremely powerful, but also has a magical effect. It is completely different from other ninjutsu items. It is an artifact specially used to kill the enemy! 】

So awesome? It seems that I have to buy it today!

Jiang Li slapped his thigh with excitement. If it weren't for the things displayed in the store were illusory, he would have to snatch this weapon and use it well-just play with it.

However, when he saw a series of zeros on the exchange price of the Thunderbolt shotgun, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Is there a mistake? It takes a million points to redeem it. Isn’t this too silly?

[Report to the owner, there is indeed no error, this weapon is worth the money, but it is worth so many points! Besides, as long as there is a bullet, you can use it without any restrictions! If you meet someone who doesn't open your eyes, just give him a shuttle! 】

Uh...Athena, don't you tell me, this bullet also needs points to redeem it?

【Um! Master, you are so smart, you know in advance without saying that! Ten thousand points per box, eight rounds per box! Ensure that one bullet can kill an enemy! definitely, it also refers to Mutant with average combat effectiveness! 】

I go! This is simply scoring points. If I fire a few more shots, my task will be in vain.

Jiang Li's mouth twitched, obviously he didn't expect this thing to be so expensive.

But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, fortunately, there are enough points left in the Warehouse. In order to have an extra life-saving hole card, Jiang Li can only spend one million points to successfully put this gorgeous thunderbolt shotgun. The exchange is in hand.

[Master, how many boxes of bombs do you need to exchange? Do you want to post it now? 】

sweat! No way, I can't afford it! Let's exchange five boxes of bombs first.

It was painful to spend another 50,000 points. After Jiang Li filled the bullets of the Thunderbolt shotgun, he threw the remaining four boxes directly into the system Warehouse.

Seeing the few points he had left, Jiang Li couldn't help feeling like crying without tears. It was really hard work for decades, returning to the pre-liberation overnight!

[Master, in fact, you don't need to be too frustrated at all. This weapon is absolutely worthwhile. As long as you kill a few more enemies and gain enough experience, you can spend your points to upgrade the Thunderbolt Shotgun! At that time, the power can be raised to a terrifying level again! 】

Okay, let's talk about it later, now I really want to be quiet.

Shaking his head helplessly, Jiang Li continued to search the system store and then directly exited the system. Anyway, he couldn't afford those high-level items, so it's better to hurry up and do more tasks.

In this way, Jiang Li carried a thunderbolt shotgun on his shoulder and ran straight on.

"Huh? What is this? You won't change your job as a mercenary, now are you going to fight?"

Glancing curiously at the shotgun in Jiang Li's hand, Parker couldn't help but stunned, and sneered with his two paws covering his mouth.

In its eyes, ninjutsu is naturally the best. As for these hot weapons of modern society, they are nothing but rubbish!

"Where is so much nonsense! Hurry up and lead you on the way. If something goes wrong, I am worried that I will directly turn you into a pot of dog meat!"

At the next moment, what Parker greeted was naturally Jiang Li's unrelenting thud. He was beaten out of gold stars and his ears fell.

As for the thunderbolt shotgun in his hand, Jiang Li also knew that when it was not activated, it looked like an ordinary gun, but when it was really against the enemy, it was extraordinary!

After all, it took a full million points to redeem this thing. If he couldn't even hurt the enemy, he would have to find this broken system desperately!

"Parker, tell me honestly, have you ever sensed the breath of the man behind the scenes?"

To reconfirm that the direction they were heading was correct, Jiang Li put the bottle of medicine jar soaked with the specimen directly under Parker's nostrils, and asked very seriously.

"Don't worry! I have always received rave reviews when I work, and there is absolutely no way to go wrong!"

Parker yelled, and slapped the disgusting medicine jar aside with his paw in disgust.

"Also, I have already remembered the smell of that guy! This thing is really stinking, don't you hurry up! Otherwise, my nose will not only be smoked and damaged!"

But soon, its voice stopped abruptly, and it rushed behind Jiang Li without hesitation, looking very nervous.

Because, at this moment, on the wide and flat road in front of them, a gang of vicious Mutant suddenly appeared, and they all stared at Jiang Li gloomily.

As for Parker, the ninja dog, they naturally ignored it and completely treated it as a pet dog.

"Khan, don't you tell me, so many people are waiting here to deal with Xiaoye?"

Jiang Li slapped his mouth and asked casually.

If he hadn't had a task now, he would really want to get rid of all these clutter in one go, but now he obviously wants to pull out the big villain who has been hiding in the dark.

And these jumping beams, Joker, he will naturally have time to solve them in the future, and he has already remembered all the appearances of these people in his mind.

"That's right! This kid is very powerful. If you are acquainted, hurry up and flash people! This Ninja dog may be able to intercede for you, lest you get a shot to blow your head!"

With Jiang Li backing him up, Parker straightened his face immediately, pointed at these people's noses and furiously, and turned a Byakugan straight at them, without a trace of fear.

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