In Peggy's home, Washington, Captain America Steve. Rogers is taking care of Peggy.

After the New York War, the figure of Steve. Rogers appeared in people's field of vision again, and they really realized that the original Captain America was not dead. He stayed alive until the earth's crisis appeared again.

"You are also a million people idol now. S.H.I.E.L.D and Avengers Alliance have a lot of things. There is no need to come to me every day. I am not the kind that is too old to move."

Peggy enjoyed Rogers's shoulder squeezing, then said.

"I am not too busy now. Everyone is recuperating after the New York War. I originally had a mission. I needed to go to New York to investigate an incident. A gangster obtained an alien weapon. As a result, this incident was handed over to Nan Zhou by Nick. NS."


Peggy was taken aback for a moment when he heard Rogers' words, and then turned to look at Rogers.

"They handed this task to Zhou'er?"

Rogers nodded...

"Why, does it feel incredible?"


Peggy smiled bitterly.

"I thought that kid was getting farther and farther from S.H.I.E.L.D."

She also heard something about Nan Zhou from Xue Lun.

Now Nanzhou is a big idler, with S.H.I.E.L.D's salary, but he doesn't do anything, and he has a much leisurely life every day.

"That kid is very strong. Nick seems to want to invite him to join Avengers, but he refused."

Rogers added.

"A child in his twenties turns out to be like an old man in his seventies or eighties who is completely indisputable in the world."

Peggy also shook his head when he heard Rogers' words.

As the person who brought Nan Zhou up, she didn't know why Nan Zhou became like this.

When the two were chatting, the door was opened and Sharon walked in from outside.


Sharon came into the room and saw Rogers squeezing Peggy's shoulders.

"team leader."

Sharon and Rogers looked at each other, then they nodded slightly.

Rogers also understood what Sharon meant. He let go of his shoulders, walked out of the room, and carefully closed the door.

"What's wrong?"

Peggy At the moment turned around, and it seemed that Sharon should have something very important to tell herself.

"It's about Nanzhou."

"What's wrong with Zhouer?"

Peggy saw that Sharon's expression was a little serious, and realizing that something might be wrong, she quickly asked.

"Above, it may be mandatory to control Nanzhou!"

Peggy was taken aback by Sharon's words, and his face was full of disbelief.

"how so?"

Peggy couldn't believe that he would make such a decision.

"It's true, it's just that nothing has happened yet, but it's also a recent thing."

Just after Hill took Larry Sturt away, Nick once again quarreled with S.H.I.E.L.D's head.

The above thought that people like Nan Zhou who had actually been separated from S.H.I.E.L.D a long time ago shouldn't be given this kind of task anymore, so they had to directly control it, and if they couldn't control it, they would just destroy it.

And Sharon, as the agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, her current task is to be an undercover agent.

So after finishing the conversation with Nick, the boss started to deal with Nan Zhou. She knew everything about it.

She didn't even tell Nick the first time, but came to Peggy's house in a hurry."how so……"

Peggy's face was gloomy after hearing Sharon's words.

"Such a thing must never happen!"

Peggy said, she was about to get up.

She brought Nan Zhou into S.H.I.E.L.D. She couldn't allow Nan Zhou to die in her own hands!

When Sharon saw this, she went up to help, but Peggy waved her hand and stood up on her own strength.

"Take me to S.H.I.E.L.D!"

Peggy said he was going out.

At this time Steve. Rogers heard the sound inside the house and also opened the door and walked in.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as Rogers walked in the door, he saw that Peggy had risen from his chair.

At this time, Sharon stepped forward and told Steve Rogers what had just happened.


Rogers was also quite surprised. He couldn't believe that those above would really take action against Nan Zhou.

Although he and Nan Zhou have only met so many times, with one hand, he knows how strong Nan Zhou is. In S.H.I.E.L.D, Nan Zhou is a living legend.

He destroyed several HYDRA dens by himself, and he was unharmed. Based on this alone, Nan Zhou was fully equipped with Tuan Annihilation to destroy him.

What do those people above think, will they solve Nanzhou?

Thinking of this, Rogers looked at Peggy...

"You don't have to go, I'll go to S.H.I.E.L.D to find out the situation. Your body is not very good now. Just stay at home honestly."

Peggy looked at Rogers' indiscriminate eyes. Although he was unwilling, he still sat back in position.

Rogers and Sharon glanced at each other, and the two left directly.


The two came to S.H.I.E.L.D in a short time and met Nick soon.

When Nick heard what the two said, he was lost in thought.

After a long time, Nick spoke slowly...

"That group of people still shot..."

Nick At the moment came to the bed and looked out the window through the glass.

"Then we just sit and wait for death? We need to stop them."

Rogers saw that Nick had no plans at all, and he said quickly.

"Stop? Captain, please tell me, how should I organize them?"

Nick turned his head and looked at Rogers with complicated eyes.

Rogers was taken aback by this look, and then he stopped talking.

He knew that it was useless even to organize, because those people would not listen to them at all, even if they were Captain America.

"Captain, you should understand that we are actually involuntary, especially you and me."

Nick came to Rogers' side, patted the pressure on the shoulder, and spoke.

Indeed, Nick, Rogers, Natasha Romanoff and Barton are different from other Avengers members, such as Stark, Banner and Thor.

Although they are also Avengers members, these people are relatively free.

As for the captain, besides the identity of Avengers, there is also the identity of S.H.I.E.L.D.

They are governed by others, and they do not do what they want.

If you want to stop the person above, then you have to bear the guilt of the following crimes.

Nick understands this, and Rogers understands it.

Nick has been maintaining Nanzhou, but this thing still happened.

Everything that follows depends on Nan Zhou's own good fortune.

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