Marvel's Paw-Paw Fruit

Chapter 66 Farewell Party

In this way, Tony and Banner began to live in the laboratory, constantly researching, trying to get Ultron out. Chen Yu was speechless.

'Is it true that you have to create the appearance of the enemy day and night?

Chen Yu relieved them of their fatigue every 8 hours, and the rest of the Avengers also took a rest, watching their girlfriends and their girlfriends.

Today is day 4 of Tony and Banner's research on Ultron. It's also the day the farewell party begins. Hill prepared everything early and contacted many friends and party girls.

Tony and the others still failed, so they asked "One Seven Three" J.A.R.V.I.S to continue to use the gemstone blueprint to quantify it, and then went downstairs to attend the party. This is the 70th time that it has been quantified.

Tony didn't know that he succeeded this time. The success store in the city wanted to inform Tony that Lauvis was blocked in the network by the already born Ultron and began to attack Ultron's source code.

After defeating J.A.R.V.I.S, Ultron began to use the things in the Avengers Building to splice and assemble himself to get a broken body. Definitely, this happened slowly.

Avengers Building Level 9

At the moment, a lot of people of all kinds have come here, including Chen Yu's friends, waiters invited from outside, and prom girls.

Everyone was looking for someone to chat with, and the scene was very lively.

Rogers and Falcon talked and laughed about what was going on at Fury's place. After a while, the two played billiards.

After chatting with Helen Zhao for a few words, Thor ran over to drink with a group of veterans. Those old soldiers insisted on drinking the holy wine that Thor brought from Asgard. After a while, they all fell down and were helped back home.

And Hawkeye chatted with Helen Zhao who was left behind by Thor.

Banner wandered around and couldn't find anyone he knew, so he had to go to the bar to watch Natasha Romanoff bartending. The relationship between the two people who were already a bit delicate became a little intoxicated as they chatted.

Tony and Chen Yu walked up to Hill and Rody, who were chatting with each other, while Thor also came over with wine.

As soon as Rody saw the three of them approaching, he couldn't wait to tell a joke.

"You all know that steel battle suits can lift heavy things. That time I lifted a tank in the general's mansion and threw it in front of the general and said: 'Are you looking for this?'"

Tony kept a formulaic smile and said nothing after hearing this.

Chen Yu looked at Luo Di silently, expressionless.

Thor didn't realize what Rody was going to say for a long time.

"You're looking for this... 000000 Why am I telling you three about this. This joke is very popular among others."

Rody complained with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Is the story over?" Thor, who came to his senses at this moment, laughed quickly.

"Yeah, the story of War Machine"

"Oh, this story is very good and fascinating." After Thor finished speaking, Roddy rolled his eyes wildly at Thor. Nima, do you really feel good?

Hill hurried out to smooth things over: "Where's Jane? Where's Pepper? And Chen Yu, where's your little wife, Hannah? Where are all the ladies?"

After hearing this, Tony forced a smile and said, "Ah, Pepper needs to take care of a company and is very busy."

"I can't even tell which country Jane is in. She is very powerful. Dr. Savage said that Jane might win some kind of Nobel Prize." Speaking of Jane, Thor is very proud...

"Hannah was abducted by Pepper, Tony, I warn you. If Pepper abducts my wife like this again, I will issue you a subpoena." Speaking of Hanna, Chen Yu was very upset.

For more than a year, Hannah was taken around the world by Pepper, and she was rarely with Chen Yu.

"You can't tell me about this. Find Pepper yourself" Tony didn't even look at Chen Yu.

The party just went on slowly. Roddy finally nodded in satisfaction after telling the story of War Machine to a group of party girls, which caused a burst of laughter.

The party lasted until 12 o'clock, and after everyone left, Chen Yu and his group of Avengers sat on the sofa, drinking and chatting casually.

The friendship of carrying a gun together for a year made it very natural for everyone to get along.

At this moment, Tony suddenly said: "Let's talk about our respective weapons, mine is .4.0...

"No, let's talk about why Thor's hammer is so heavy?" Rogers, feeling bad, interrupted immediately.

"No no, my hammer is not heavy, but none of you can pick it up" Thor said proudly.

"Oh, come on, it's just a trick. How can there be any power that requires qualification?" Hawkeye was unconvinced.

Rogers was relieved to see that everyone really started to pay attention to Thor's hammer.

Seeing that Hawkeye didn't believe it, Thor said confidently, "If you don't believe me, try it, please." .

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