Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 100 Chapter 100 Traveling Through Time

On the way to the press conference, Stark whispered to Potts, "Help me check Austin's information."

Pots was stunned, subconsciously looked back at Stark's office, and whispered, "Didn't you say he saved you?"

Stark nodded slightly and said, "But he was too good to me. I always felt that he had other requests, and..."

While thinking about why Li Feng didn't take him back to New York immediately but insisted on arousing his interest in magic, Stark shrugged and said, "And I only knew him for less than half a day, and I didn't even know his real name. I'm not sure if it's Austin."

Pots nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you're the boss, you have the final say, I'll help you when the press conference is over."

"No," Stark shook his head and interrupted Potts, "Go now, I want to get all the information about Austin by the end of the press conference."

After that, Stark quickened his pace and walked towards the press conference, while Potts took a deep breath and turned into a room, took out his mobile phone to contact Stark's personal butler Jarvis, asking it to help investigate Li Feng's information, after all, manual data collection is not as fast as artificial intelligence.

After the call, Potts hurried to the press conference, hoping to see Stark talking handsomely in front of the reporters, and at the same time praying that Stark would not cause any trouble.

Although the announcement of Stark's return press conference was a bit hasty, the protagonist is the famous Stark, so there are many reporters coming. In addition, there are also many people who come to satisfy their curiosity, including Coulson who is mixed in with the reporters.

In fact, Coulson was quite confused when he received the news that Stark had returned to the country and appeared in the company's press conference. He wondered how Stark, who was missing in Afghanistan, could bypass the surveillance at the airport station and appear in the company? Could it be that Stark flew here on a missile he built? Or was Stark actually imprisoned in New York? So they ate sand in the desert for three months and got nothing?

When Stark announced in front of reporters that he was going to close the weapons manufacturing department, Potts, who rushed over, opened her mouth in surprise and looked at Stark in disbelief. Her only thought was that her boss should be sent to the hospital for a brain check. A company that produces high-end weapons closed its weapons manufacturing department? What else could this be but a brain seizure?

Coulson also looked at Stark in surprise when he saw Potts appear, but now was not the time to solve the problem of why Stark closed the weapons manufacturing department. Coulson walked quickly to Potts, handed her a SHIELD business card, and said, "Ms. Potts, I am Agent Coulson from the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency. I want to know about Stark's disappearance." Potts was stunned when she heard the full name of SHIELD. She wanted to see the business card Coulson handed to her: such a long department name, can a small business card be printed enough? "I know. Many departments of the Department of Defense and the CIA have come to me for this matter, but Mr. Stark suddenly appeared in the company half an hour ago, and stayed in the office with an Asian youth as soon as he came back, so I don't know the details."

"Asian?" Coulson frowned and asked, "Can you tell me what this Asian youth looks like?"

Potts glanced at Coulson, thinking that Coulson was a national department after all, and might have information about Li Feng. He hesitated and said, "I only know his name is Austin. Do you have any information about him?"

Hearing Li Feng's name coming out of Potts' mouth, Coulson's first reaction was to let Stark go to the SHIELD base for a psychiatrist to check whether Stark's closure of the weapons manufacturing department was caused by Li Feng's hypnosis.

"If you mean Austin, the Asian with a small belly, I think we have his information. He is very dangerous," Coulson said as he took out his mobile phone and dialed the number, saying, "Sir, Austin has appeared and has contacted Stark. I suspect that Stark has been hypnotized by Austin. I need a team of experts to go to the press conference."

Coulson turned his head to look at Potts and asked, "Is Austin still in the office?"

Pots was a little terrified and overwhelmed when he heard that Stark was hypnotized, and couldn't help but want to drag his boss into the hospital for examination.

Hearing Coulson's question, Potts covered his mouth and whispered, "Yes, he is still in Stark's office"

Coulson nodded and asked on the phone, "Sir, do you need me to contact Austin?"

On the other end of the phone, Fury recalled that he had suspected that Li Feng was a commercial spy, and he didn't know where he stole the technology to resurrect corpses. If Li Feng was really a commercial spy, he was now in a weapons manufacturing company. Who knows if Li Feng would steal weapons information.

Fury ordered without thinking: "Find Austin as soon as possible. I want to know his purpose of approaching Stark. Also, let Stark check whether the information in the building was stolen by Austin." After thinking for a while, Fury continued: "The team searching for Stark in Afghanistan will continue, but the target will be changed." After hanging up the phone, Coulson touched the gun on his back and said, "Ms. Potts, can you take me to see Austin?" Potts hesitated for a few seconds. Since her boss returned to the company, Potts knew that Stark positioned Li Feng as a friend. Even if he did not trust this friend now, it was not appropriate to let an agent from an unknown department take away Stark's friend.

Coulson seemed to see Potts's hesitation and said, "I won't take Austin away. I just want to ask a few questions in person. Of course." Coulson turned his head and looked at Stark, and said, "You can tell your boss about taking me to see Austin."

Pots thought for a while and said, "I want the company's security department to send someone to follow you."

Coulson nodded slightly and smiled, "No problem."

When Potts led several security guards and Coulson to the office, Li Feng was sitting at Stark's desk playing computer games, playing the card game that came with the computer.

Due to the design of the office, Li Feng, who was sitting in front of the computer, was facing the office door. Because of this, Coulson, who pushed the door in, subconsciously felt that Li Feng was stealing information such as weapon design drawings in the computer. After all, he couldn't see what was displayed on the computer screen.

Drawing a gun and aiming at Coulson, who was done in one go, he shouted, "Mr. Austin, thief is not a real profession."

Li Feng glanced at Coulson, and then looked at the half-played cards on the computer screen: What did I steal? Steal the cards in the computer? How do you steal this thing? Come and teach me.

"Uh~ Coulson? I remember your name, isn't the efficiency of Lu Dan too high? I just returned to New York and you found me?"

Potz heard something from the conversation between Coulson and Austin, and walked quickly to Li Feng's side and looked at the computer. There was nothing on the computer interface except a stand-alone card game.

Potz felt that he was deceived. He looked at Coulson with a bit of displeasure and said, "Mr. Agent, please put down your gun, otherwise I will ask the security to ask you to leave."

Colson could feel that Potts was not joking, so he had to put down his gun and said, "Ms. Potts, let me remind you that Mr. Austin is a hypnotist, and he can hypnotize you with just a snap of his fingers."

Before Coulson finished speaking, he heard Stark's teasing voice behind him: "You actually need to snap your fingers to hypnotize people?"

Stark glanced at Coulson and stretched out his hand to signal the security to take irrelevant people out of the office. This is his office, and it's not time to have a party yet. Isn't it crowded in his office with so many people?

After Coulson was taken out of the office, Stark closed the door and walked up to Li Feng and said, "I always thought you could hypnotize people with just a look. After all, that's how wizards are described in novels and movies, right, Mr. Li Feng."

Li Feng smiled, stood up and said, "It seems you have found out all my secrets. What did you find?"

Potts was a little confused. Stark didn't seem to be joking when he talked about the "magician". He even used novels and movies to affirm Li Feng's profession. Obviously, Potts felt that the Asian youth in front of him might be the same as the legendary "magician" in some abilities. At least now she believed what Coulson said about Li Feng being able to hypnotize people easily.

Stark shrugged. How could he find out all the information about Li Feng in such a short time? Impossible, so Stark did not answer Li Feng's question, but asked: "When will you take me to see your little toy."

Li Feng scratched his head. He couldn't guess what Stark was thinking, but: Who cares

Li Feng took off the time converter from his neck and smiled at Potts: "Anytime, do you need to bring Potts with you? This is a rare opportunity, don't miss it if you pass by."

Stark touched the tip of his nose and seemed a little hesitant: "Is it dangerous?"

Understanding what Stark was worried about, Li Feng shrugged and said: "Walking on the road will be hit by a car for no reason, but as long as you follow the rules, I guarantee that this is safer than walking on the road, and it will be an unforgettable trip."

Stark raised his eyebrows and said: "This metaphor is really accurate, so I like to drive on the street to make sure no car hits me."

After thinking about it, maybe Stark said that he would not take Potts with him this time for safety reasons, or he was confident that he could build a time machine in the future, and when Potts wanted to play time travel in the future, he could use technology to take Potts through time travel.

Thinking of this, Stark stretched out his hand to signal Li Feng to start the performance.

On the side, Potts, who was confused, didn't understand what the two were talking about at all. She just wanted to know whether Stark was hypnotized.

Potts said in a firm tone: "I want you to go to the hospital now."

Before Potts finished speaking, she looked at Li Feng inexplicably as he took out something from his shoulder bag and put it on Stark, and then put the converter chain around Stark's neck.

Just when Potts felt a little puzzled and wanted to ask what was going on, she saw Li Feng gently turn the time converter, and then she looked at Stark, who had just returned to the company, in horror and disappeared in front of her eyes.

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