Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 102 Chapter 102 Squat Game

Back at the door of the office, Stark looked at Coulson, wearing a security uniform, with his eyes twitching. He was squatting in front of the office door with his butt sticking out, his ear on the door to eavesdrop on what was going on in the office.

No wonder it’s called S.H.I.E.L.D., look at their ‘squat’ posture, what else could it be called if not Squat?

Li Feng looked at Stark speechlessly and whispered: "I thought you asked the security to invite Colson out of your company, but I didn't expect that you secretly recruited him into your security department? I just wanted to By the way, you have a really good eye for selecting people.”

Stark, who was disappointed with his own security, pinched the tip of his nose, pointed at the cloak on his body, and asked in a low voice: "You said this thing can make him ignore me. What about the sound? Can it be ignored?"

Seeing Li Feng shaking his head and denying the effect of the cloak in isolating sound, Stark leaned into Coulson's ear without thinking, imitating the sound of the female ghost appearing in the movie, and shouted in a trembling voice: "Hey, give me my life ~Come~"

Coulson was originally paying attention to what was going on in the office, but Stark's voice was heard inexplicably in his ears. He was so frightened that he turned his head to look in Stark's direction. Just because of the cloak and the invisibility spell, Coulson of course He couldn't see anything, but it also made him realize that his eavesdropping behavior had been discovered.

Coulson turned his head and looked around, as if he wanted to find out who was playing a prank on him. After getting no results, he could only guess whether Stark Enterprises had developed some new props, and left the office with a confused expression on his face. door.

Li Feng rolled his eyes at Stark, who was grinning. He pushed open the office door and said, "The journey through time is over."

In the office, Potts pointed blankly at the place where Li Feng and Stark disappeared through time. Then he looked at Stark who walked in from outside the office. He covered his temples with his hands and said in confusion: "What is this?" Damn it, one second I watched you disappear, and the next second you walked in from the door? Tony, I need an explanation to prove that I'm not crazy."

Stark looked at Li Feng and seemed to be asking Li Feng if he could tell Potts about traveling through time.

Li Feng shrugged indifferently and said, "Whatever you say, but don't try it." After that, Li Feng pointed to the wine cabinet in the office and said, "Is there any beer? I'm a little thirsty."

Stark glanced at his wine cabinet, straightened his expensive tie, looked at Li Feng with contempt, and said, "Do I look like a beer drinker?"

On the side, Potts, who was waiting for Stark's explanation, looked at Stark and then at Li Feng. For some reason, she felt that the relationship between the two seemed much better after they magically disappeared and reappeared, otherwise they would look at people with their nostrils. Stark would not look at Li Feng with contempt, he would just ignore Li Feng.

Potts thought for a while, looked at the phone with his eyes, and when Stark nodded slightly, he picked up the phone on his desk and said to the assistant on the other end of the phone: "Bring me some beer."

Before Potts put down the phone, Li Feng grinned and shouted, "Here are some peanuts."

Potts glanced at Li Feng speechlessly, and said into the phone: "I'm buying some peanuts to go with the wine."

Stark raised a brow: "Hey man, why do I sound like you are ordering Kreacher? This is my office, my personal assistant, understand? She only serves me."

Li Feng just thought that Stark was envious of having a house elf, so he ignored Stark's nonsense and dragged a chair to the window, ready to enjoy the scenery in the distance.

"You're so rude." Stark rubbed his forehead, pulled Potts to sit on the sofa, and while sorting out his thoughts, pointed at Li Feng and said, "If you want to understand the prerequisite for me to be able to return to the company safely from the desert, You have to believe that guy is a mage."

Potts was stunned, but he didn't plan for Stark's explanation. It wasn't until Stark finished telling his experience of traveling through time that Potts opened his mouth and pointed at Li Feng with a look of disbelief, who was busy drinking wine and eating peanuts. , said: "You make me believe that there are mages in this world? Why don't you say that you were saved by God."

"Don't believe it?" Stark pointed to the ceiling and said, "There is still a RV parked on the rooftop of the company. Do you want to meet it? There is also the magical servant Kreacher I mentioned, he is also in the RV."

After speaking, Stark stood up and said to Li Feng: "Austin, let me show Potts your RV."

Li Feng, who had his back to Stark, waved his hand and told Stark to help himself. Now he was busy using his eagle eye technique to see a beautiful woman in the distance. She was a beautiful woman with burgundy hair and a graceful figure who was looking at him through a telescope. , of course, if this beauty can throw away the unsightly sniper rifle next to her, Li Feng would not mind staring at her forever. After all, looking at beautiful women is a sport that is good for physical and mental health.

After a long time, with the help of Stark and Kreacher, Potts finally boarded the RV with the expulsion spell and invisibility. He threw the three views into the trash can and returned to the office with a dull look on his face, staring at Li Feng's back. Look around.

On the side, although Stark knew that Potts was simply curious about the identity of Master Li Feng and had no extra thoughts, he still said that he was jealous and needed Potts' comfort.

Stark walked up to Potts, stood between Potts and Li Feng, looked into Potts' eyes and said, "I miss the bathtub at home now, help me buy some ingredients." After saying this, Stark seemed Thinking of something, he turned to Li Feng and said, "Does Kreacher only know Chinese food?"

"No," Li Feng waved to Natasha in the distance and shook his head. "Kreacher is good at food from all over the world. It's just that I like Chinese food, so he only cooks Chinese food for me."

"Buying the ingredients I like to eat," after talking to Potts, Stark, who turned his back to Potts, walked to Li Feng with a frown, followed Li Feng's gaze into the distance in confusion, and asked, "You and Who says hello?"

Li Feng shrugged and said, "A beautiful woman once pierced the roof of my RV with a knife. Of course, RVs at that time couldn't fly." After speaking, Li Feng looked at Potts and said, "I want to take a ride that can fly." RV?”

Regarding Li Feng's invitation, how could Potts miss the magical experience? She quickly said that she would arrange the ingredients now.

Stark looked into the distance with confusion, trying to find the beauty in Li Feng's mouth. Unfortunately, he had neither a telescope nor eagle eye skills. It wasn't until Potts' figure completely disappeared in the distance that Stark pointed at himself. "When he went to your RV just now, Kreacher had a smile on his face and warmly entertained Potts, but he was muttering 'Mudblood' in his mouth. I know that 'Mudblood' is not a good word, so Kreacher Is there something sick here?"

Li Feng nodded, turned his head and thought about how to explain Voldemort, and then said after a while: "Kreacher once wanted to destroy an evil item belonging to someone, but Kreacher was not able to destroy the item because of his lack of ability. Instead, the evil object controlled his mind and used magic to torture Kreacher every day for the purpose of driving him crazy. He was tortured every day for several years. "

Stark was stunned for a moment and then said, "You mean the 'item' is a dead thing? Not a person or creature?"

Li Feng nodded, turned to look at Stark with suspicion, and used his mental power to scan Stark's pocket and said, "You won't steal anything from me and plan to take it back for secret research, right?"

Stark waved his hands repeatedly, saying that he was a gentleman, how could he be a villain? Seeing that Li Feng still looked at him with suspicion, Stark said seriously: "Do you need me to invite a medical team to treat Kreacher? "Don't worry, I will definitely let the doctors know what to say and what not to say."

Li Feng shook his head and cursed in his heart: Why cure Kreacher? It’s not that I can’t cure Kreacher, the problem is that what I want is a Kreacher who is loyal to me and dares to scold me when he goes crazy, so that I can make up my mind to abandon Kreacher when necessary.

"Don't worry about Kreacher. I have my own arrangements. Why don't you just let me go to your house without asking? I don't believe you would invite a man to your house as a guest."

Stark pursed his lips and smiled bitterly, shook his head, took a deep breath and slowly explained: "To be honest, I don't know who else I can trust now."

At the terrorist's, Stark saw with his own eyes that the other party had a large number of weapons produced by Stark Company, and even heard that the other party said that these weapons came from an American friend.

If the terrorists only have a small amount of weapons produced by Stark Enterprises, Stark can still think that the terrorists stole them from the black market or from a small base somewhere, but the number of weapons is so large that they are piled in the open, and he can understand it with his butt. Someone delivered it directly from his company to the terrorists. Maybe it was free shipping.

Moreover, this person was able to secretly deliver goods to terrorists without telling the company, and knew his whereabouts in Afghanistan. This person must have a high position within the company.

An executive with the name of a terrorist is hiding next to him, and Stark has personal experience with the methods of this group of people, which makes him shudder when he recalls life in a cave where life is worse than death.

Stark can't wait to turn the steel armor design in his mind into a physical object. He has even thought of a name for this armor, it is called 'Mark 2'.

But before the suit could be built, Stark needed a sense of security, and he had new ideas after traveling through time.

After listening to Stark's explanation, Li Feng scratched his head and said with a smile: "You want me to be your bodyguard and tell you the traitor who leaked your whereabouts and made you eat sand for three months?"

Stark nodded slightly: "I'm just a bodyguard for a period of time. You can leave after I make the armor. And I have already placed an order and prepared a gift for you."

Li Feng glanced at Stark's pocket that exuded energy fluctuations, and said with a half-smile: "Tell me what the gift is. If you are satisfied with it, I wouldn't mind being your bodyguard for a few days."

Stark: "A great gadget that allows your RV to disappear in front of radar, thermal imaging and other detection equipment."

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