Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 107 Chapter 107 An Family and Uncle Ben

When Bob left, Li Feng noticed that the corners of Bob's mouth were slightly raised, as if he was sarcastically saying that Li Feng's slave contract was invalid for him.

In fact, based on the fact that Bob has never sent him any news in these years, Li Feng has guessed that although Bob is restricted by the slave contract, the other party has the ability to bypass the contract and do what Bob wants to do. , meeting Bob today was just to confirm my previous guess.

But Li Feng doesn't care about this. After all, he has regarded Bob as an attempt from the beginning. Success is the best, and failure is okay. Just improve next time. The only trouble is that Li Feng is not sure to what extent Bob can circumvent the contract. .

Li Feng touched his chin and thought to himself: Judging from Fury's expression and conversation, it seems that Bob hasn't told SHIELD about me yet. This can be considered good news. At least the contract still has some effect.

Not long after Fury left, when Kreacher was busy setting up the table and serving the dishes, Potts, with food residue on his lips, walked to the living room and said excitedly: "Everyone, you can enjoy the food cooked by magic. I The smell in the kitchen is unbearable. Kreacher’s craftsmanship is so great that I really want to hire a well-paid house elf to comfort my stomach.”

Hearing Potts accidentally mention "high salary", Li Feng was afraid that Kreacher would curse at the Stark house, so he hurriedly shouted: "Kreacher, go take care of the medicine garden."

Potts glanced at Li Feng inexplicably, then looked at the plates prepared for the four people on the dining table, and asked in confusion: "Can't Kreacher eat human food? I also prepared a portion for him when I bought the ingredients."

Stark knew that Li Feng was afraid that Kreacher would get sick again, so he shrugged and explained: "House elves eat the same as us, but they serve the mages for free. The 'payment' you mentioned is an insult to them. , plus" Stark knocked on his temple and whispered: "Kreacher has been subjected to inhuman torture and cannot be stimulated by the outside world, otherwise the swear words in his mouth will make you doubt your life."

Potts was stunned and said to Li Feng with an apologetic look: "Sorry, I didn't know about this. I can apologize to Kreacher."

Li Feng, who walked to the dining table, shook his head and smiled as if to comfort Potts: "There is no need to apologize. Your praise and giving the house elves something to do are the best expression of honor and value for them."

Potts looked at the delicacies on the table and asked uncertainly: "Letting Kreacher wash the dishes is an affirmation of him?"

"Yes," Li Feng casually picked up a piece of steak and put it on the plate in front of him, and said: "In the concept of a house elf, the more you let him work non-stop, the happier he will be, because this It’s an opportunity for him to show his value.”

Stark helped Potts pull out the dining chair like a gentleman, motioned for Potts to sit down and enjoy the food, and said: "It's still work for free. This is why I envy Austin for having a house elf. I also want to have a loyal house elf." And the chef serves me for free.”

Potts couldn't accept the fact of free labor for a while. No matter how she heard it, she felt that Kreacher was being positioned as a slave. Otherwise, in what age would there be a living being that has a job to show its value? All the animals performing in the zoo should be paid, even if it's just a small dried fish.

But Kreacher was Li Feng's magical creature after all, so she couldn't say much and could only put the steak on the plate slowly.

Stark saw a trace of embarrassment on Potts' face, and was about to change the subject to make Potts relax, and said to Li Feng: "What are your plans for the future? Or go back to the desert to live your primitive life without a mobile phone?"

Li Feng paused while cutting the steak. To be honest, Li Feng knew that his self-control was not that good without using a mobile phone. In his last life, he was a guy who lowered his head and played with his mobile phone all day long. Who knows what he would do if he picked up his mobile phone in this life? Will he become addicted to playing any other games, and then put aside the practice of magic? This is the Marvel world full of crises, and nothing is as important as strength, so Li Feng still feels that he can use his mobile phone as much as possible. Anyway, he I don’t have many friends, so why do I need a mobile phone? If you want to chat with someone, just open the portal and chat face to face.

As for returning to the desert? Li Feng thought for a while: The plot of Marvel has been opened up by Iron Man, and SHIELD also knows some of his situation. It seems that there is no need for me to go back to the desert to eat sand, right?

It's okay to stay in New York. The only bad thing is that I don't have a place to practice my spells.

Is it possible that if I were allowed to practice magic in the city, everyone would know about the trouble? Let’s not talk about how SHIELD will deal with it when the time comes. Let’s just say that this is inconsistent with the secluded style of the Temple mages. Who knows if those mages will come and cause trouble for me?

Li Feng's current strength can actually push the mage who is causing trouble for him to the ground and rub him, but with the great master Gu Yi behind him, Li Feng is afraid that if he beats the younger one, he will become an older one. How dare Li Feng hit him?

what to do? I can’t fight, I want to practice my spells but I don’t have anywhere, it’s a bit annoying

Li Feng, who had a slight headache, scratched his head and asked Shanshan: "Is there an uninhabited area near New York? Make sure the area is as large as possible when there are no people around. There is quite a lot of movement when I practice certain spells."

Stark raised his brows, raised his glass and said, "Ask me? This is the funniest question I've ever heard." Stark turned to Potts and said, "I want to conduct some dangerous experiments in an uninhabited land. What will be done?”

Potts rolled his eyes at Stark and said, "According to your past personality, you would either go to an uninhabited desert or buy a piece of private land, and then expel all creatures in the private territory."

"Look," Stark, who was satisfied with Potts' answer, took a sip of his wine and smiled: "This is how I solve problems."

Is having money a big deal? Madan, that’s really amazing

Li Feng curled his lips, spread his hands helplessly and said: "Do you think I can buy a piece of no-man's land? Unless I put those magic items up for auction, I can't even pay the land purchase tax, but you Do you think the braised egg just now will agree?" After thinking about it, Li Feng said quietly: "Even if it is close to the no-man's land in the suburbs of New York, to be honest, I don't want to be too far away from the metropolis, it will be too lonely."

Stark stretched out his hand and shook his finger at Li Feng and said, "What I mean is that I will pay for a piece of land for you to live in."

Li Feng turned his head and looked at Stark. The no-man's land he was looking for had to make sure that there was really no one nearby. Otherwise, someone broke in and was accidentally killed by a spell when Li Feng was practicing spells. Who should be responsible for this? If it hadn't been for this reason, Li Feng would have driven his RV to the high altitudes of the suburbs and found an uninhabited mountaintop to become a carefree mountain king.

Therefore, the land that Stark bought for Li Feng must be large enough or have good security measures. However, Li Feng knew that Stark was rich, but he was not a prodigal who spent money randomly.

Li Feng looked at Stark for a while and asked, "If you have any requests, please make them now and I will consider them."

Stark glanced at Potts, and took advantage of the opportunity of shrugging to vaguely point to the reactor on his chest, and said: "The magic potion you gave me before is not enough for my research. I want more, so I can rent your land." My reward for purchasing the potion.”

Potts on the side was a little surprised when he heard Stark talking about the potion. He secretly guessed whether Stark was injured when he was captured by terrorists, or whether it was an injury that could not be treated by ordinary means. With worry on his face, he couldn't help but ask: " What kind of medicine does it do?”

Stark was afraid that Li Feng would scare Potts by quickly saying words such as "poisoning", so he quickly said: "It's nothing, it's some healing potions. After all, Stark Enterprises' weapons manufacturing has been shut down by my order. I want to see if I can get involved." The pharmaceutical industry sells magical potions, otherwise my value will shrink. "

What a lame excuse.

Li Feng nodded to Potts, indicating that what Stark said was true. He took out two potions of different colors from his shoulder bag and handed them to Potts, saying: "This is a potion that will make you short." A drug that makes your skin more shiny within a short period of time is just like a woman who sprays a certain perfume to make herself more attractive when attending important occasions. Of course, you are already attractive, but after spraying this thing, you will be more attractive when you go out. "

"The other is a therapeutic medicine that can be used externally or internally. It can disinfect and quickly heal all wounds. However, you should be careful when using it. Injuries such as fractures are not within its treatment range. Otherwise, it may appear to be healed on the outside, but the bones will be healed. It’s still crooked. It’s best to straighten the bones before drinking the potion. I guarantee it will make the injured jump alive immediately.”

This was a magic potion after all, and the effect sounded miraculous. This made Potts unable to refuse Li Feng's gift. After saying "thank you", he carefully put the potion into his bag.

As long as Potts stops imagining things, that'll be fine

Stark, who was relieved in his heart, raised the wine glass in his hand, winked playfully and said, "Happy cooperation."

Li Feng raised his glass with a smile and said, "I almost forgot to ask Jarvis to find someone for me."

"No problem," after saying that, Stark shouted to the camera in the corner: "Jarvis, did you hear that? Austin has something to do with you."

As soon as Stark finished speaking, Jarvis' magnetic voice sounded in the restaurant: "Hello, Mr. Austin, who are you looking for?"

"Ben Parker."

As soon as Li Feng finished speaking, Jarvis projected hundreds of photos and some brief introductions of people named "Ben Parker" in front of Li Feng.

It's just that there are a lot of people named 'Ben Parker', and many of them are photos of women. This makes Li Feng a little speechless. You said such a masculine name, how come there are still women with this name? What do her parents think? Are you crazy about your son?

Li Feng said that there were too many names and he felt a little dizzy. He quickly added: "Narrow the search scope, male, living in New York." After thinking about it, Li Feng continued: "Maybe, probably, maybe he lives in Queens. His wife's name is May, and a nephew named Peter Parker.”

After a while, Jarvis projected Uncle Ben's information in front of Li Feng.

Stark looked at Uncle Ben's information curiously and asked, "Is this your relative?"

Looking at Uncle Ben's photo, Li Feng smiled and shook his head and said, "I'm not a relative, but I know he is a rare good person."

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