Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Leaving

Kama-Taj Library.

Li Feng smiled and handed the small note from Ancient One to the unfriendly librarian.

Although knowledge can be shared in Kamar-Taj, and mages are allowed to borrow books in the library at any time, it also depends on who is borrowing. First of all, ordinary people are definitely not allowed to borrow, and secondly, foreign mages like Li Feng.

These are the knowledge that the mages of Kamar-Taj have worked hard to collect. Why should they lend them to outsiders for free? They are very careful when reading books themselves for fear of damaging them.

So it is conceivable how bad the attitude of this librarian is towards Li Feng, and some of the small notes from Ancient One to Li Feng are the private collections of Master Ancient One, which makes the administrator even more unhappy.

Li Feng doesn't care whether this familiar administrator is happy or not. As long as he can borrow the books he wants to read, he doesn't care if he is unhappy. Besides, what can Li Feng do if he is unhappy now? Not to mention whether he can beat the administrator, even if he can beat him, he can't escape from Kamar-Taj. There are mages who can open portals outside. Where can he run?

Moreover, Li Feng remembered that this administrator would be chopped on the head by Casillas with a double axe in the end. At least he would record this little displeasure first. When this guy rests in the cemetery, Li Feng would dance a "friction, friction, this is the devil's step" on his grave.

Taking the book from the administrator's reluctant eyes, Li Feng went straight back to his room, and while holding the magic book with his hand, he translated the temple's mage book with a translation tool and read it aloud in a low voice.

Li Feng did not have the ability of Basto to record the knowledge in the magic book with just a touch of his hand, so he could only use the most traditional method to record, that is, he read aloud here, and the magic book automatically recorded the collected sounds in text.

Of course, this also has some small troubles, such as the need for a quiet environment, otherwise it will appear when reading aloud on the road, and there will be a car horn sound every few lines in the content recorded in the magic book.

Similarly, this also requires Li Feng to read aloud with standard pronunciation, otherwise there will be typos.

After the recording is completed, Li Feng also needs to check the recorded content, because the magic book said that it is only responsible for recording, and it is not responsible for typos and polyphones.

Fortunately, correcting typos is much more convenient than copying the entire book with a pen, otherwise Li Feng would not wear Kamar-Taj for a month, but for years.

Among these copied books, the most valuable is Gu Yi's private collection. Basically, these books that Gu Yi allowed to borrow from Li Feng are more or less related to time.

This is related to the spells that Basto left in the magic book to explain the flow of time in detail. Although these spells only control the flow of time, unlike the Eye of Agamuda, which can turn back time, they are still a great inspiration for Gu Yi.

At least after finishing these spells, Gu Yi said that after more than a month of research, she can control the flow of time on certain items without using the Eye of Agamuda, such as making a green apple mature quickly, or slowing down the maturity of apples, so that it will not mature for ten thousand years after hanging on the tree.

Although these spells have not been applied to living creatures, this is also a remarkable progress. In time, Gu Yi said that he would be able to achieve the records in the magic book in the future. Not only would he use time spells on living creatures, but he would not disturb the seemingly peaceful time.

Originally, Gu Yi should thank Basto, but it was obviously impossible for Gu Yi to go to the other world and thank Basto in person, so these thank-you gifts naturally became Li Feng's collection.

After a month of copying and recording books, Li Feng finally recorded all the books on basic spellcasting in Kamar-Taj.

On this day, Gu Yi found Li Feng who was about to pack his luggage and said, "It looks like you are ready to leave."

Li Feng was a little embarrassed. During this time in Kamar-Taj, he was not counted as Gu Yi's private teaching. He also ate and drank for free and got many benefits for free. He paid only a magic book with a small number of spells, and this magic book is still lying quietly in his backpack. It would be strange if he was not embarrassed.

Li Feng scratched his head and said, "What do you want to talk to me about?"

Gu Yi nodded, waved his hand to set up a mirror space and said, "I am very interested in how you travel through time, so I want to see how you travel through time before you leave."

Gu Yi's request was not difficult. After thinking for half a second, Li Feng put his luggage on the ground neatly, and took off some sundries on his body and said, "Master, I don't know how long time will pass in this world after I travel back. I am afraid that some of the dry food I prepared will expire, so can you prepare some dry food for me after I come back? It's not that I can't bear to spend this little money, but..."

Li Feng, who was stripped down to a pair of boxer shorts, had a small belly and said with a hint of embarrassment, "But I really don't have much money."

Looking at Li Feng, who was wearing a hanging ring on his left hand and a ring inlaid with a huge red magic gem on his right hand, holding a magic book in both hands, and ready to travel through time, Gu Yi smiled and nodded. Her Kamar-Taj family was big and powerful, so let alone preparing some dry food for Li Feng, even preparing enough dry food for Li Feng to eat for a lifetime would be no problem.

Everything was ready. Li Feng took a deep breath and closed his eyes to activate the quantum energy in his body. When his body began to feel tearing pain, Li Feng opened his eyes seriously, stretched out his left hand, and drew circles quickly with his right hand.

A blue-white portal with a hint of green light hidden in it appeared in front of Gu Yi. Before Gu Yi could take a closer look, the portal of light instantly pounced on Li Feng and swallowed him up. As the portal disappeared, only the boxer shorts Li Feng was wearing were left on the ground. It proves that Li Feng has traveled to other worlds.

Gu Yi clasped his hands behind his back and carefully felt the remaining time-travel energy in the air. After a while, Gu Yi looked at the calm and unfazed Gu Yi with a hint of envy: It is really a magical time-travel with countless worlds behind it, so what if he has poor qualifications? If I could have had this kind of adventure back then, I wouldn't have risked absorbing dark energy.

After waving his hand, Gu Yi stepped through the portal and walked out of the mirror space. However, before Gu Yi could walk out of Li Feng's room, she suddenly noticed something strange behind her.

Gu Yi turned around and saw a naked and unshaven Li Feng spit out from a blue-white light curtain?

So fast? Gu Yi's mind was filled with questions, thinking: Li Feng couldn't have just traveled back in time and immediately returned, right? The beard on his face didn't look like he hadn't shaved in a few days, at least it hadn't been shaved in a month, right?

Rubbing his dizzy temples, Li Feng calmed down the violent quantum energy in his body, took out his coat from his luggage and put it on, and said: "Master, you won't come to my room every day during this period and wait for me to come back from time travel." Bar."

Gu Yi shook his head slightly and said: "Since you traveled through time, you came back before I could leave your room."

Li Feng was stunned, then hesitated and said: "You mean I stayed in another world for half a year, and only a few seconds passed in the home world?"

"Half a year?" Gu nodded and looked at Li Feng with a smile, and said: "It seems that you have worked very hard in the past six months. At least the mana in your body has increased a lot. If you don't feel tired, can you tell me what you have been to?" world?"

Although Li Feng has not shaved for a while, he looks a little worn out, but he is not mentally exhausted. After all, his mental power has improved a lot now. However, Li Feng is a little helpless with this improvement, because the world he is going to has a lot of magic power. It was not high, which forced him to focus on improving his mental power to achieve more precise control of spells, thereby saving mana consumption when casting spells.

After scratching his head, Li Feng sat down on the bed and said, "You know, I can only go to a world with earth, and a world with mysterious side powers. It's the same this time."

As Li Feng slowly spoke, Gu Yi understood that Li Feng had gone to an earth where the timeline was just after the American Civil War.

At that time, a soldier named Jonah Harkes was dissatisfied with his boss General Turnbull's order to massacre the hospital. He shot and killed his boss's son and then retired. However, the general was not easy to mess with, so he took his younger brother directly to find him. Hux takes revenge, and after tying up Hux, he lets him watch his family being burned alive.

The story begins here. Hax, who was tied up and waiting to die, was saved by a group of Crow Indians when he was dying. He gained the ability to communicate with the dead under the treatment of a witch doctor.

Li Feng didn't care how Hax sought revenge from Turnbull. He was only interested in the ability to communicate with the dead, so he learned the information about the Crow Clan from Hax and inquired about it until he found the Crow Clan a few months later and learned how to deal with it. Dead people communicate.

In fact, in Li Feng's view, the technique of communicating with the dead is more like a variant of using it with spirits.

Just like when Hax communicates with the dead, he needs to touch his hand to the deceased, so that the soul of the deceased can be projected back from the underworld to the body in front of him, and this projection is a variant use of some kind of spirit body.

It is also because ordinary people cannot see spirits, so in the eyes of Hux, these dead people will revert to the appearance of living people, but in the eyes of others, Hux is just a lunatic talking to a rotting corpse.

As for the remaining medical methods of the Crow Clan, Li Feng only took a look at them and then stayed away from them and prepared to learn them.

Look at how these witch doctors treat people. They first give themselves some poison to make them dizzy, and then they give treatment.

Li Feng's eyelids jumped when he saw it: Brother, are you saving others or are you preparing to enjoy yourself?

As for whether the person being treated can survive, in the words of the witch doctor, they have no after-sales service. It is their credit for saving the life, but not the life? If you have the ability to come out of the ground and bite him.

What can Li Feng, a witch doctor like Ma Dan, do after he returns to the Marvel world? Dance master?

So after Li Feng learned how to communicate with the dead, he returned directly to the Marvel world. The only thing that surprised him was the time gap between the two worlds.

Guan Gong warms wine and kills Hua Xiong, but he warms wine and travels to another world.

After talking about the accident, although Gu Yi suggested that Li Feng rest for a day, Li Feng still chose to leave.

After sorting out his personal hygiene, Li Feng went straight back to New York from the portal of Kama Taj. In addition to preparing to buy a second-hand RV, Li Feng made plans for the future in his heart in the other world, such as buying some playing cards and making them into magic props. Use during the transitional period.

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