Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 113 Chapter 113 Useless Resurrection Spell

Imorton is a believer of Anubis after all, and his understanding of the soul is not worse than Li Feng, and even more comprehensive. Soon, he sorted out his thoughts and realized that he was in a state of soul projection. At the same time, he also understood that as long as his spirit did not return to the head engraved with the slave contract, Li Feng could not enslave him at all.

And if Imhotun wants to complete the resurrection process, he must kill Li Feng. If his strength is fully restored, Imhotun feels that he is still confident of destroying Li Feng, but the problem is that he has no strength now, so how can he be Li Feng's opponent?

If he wants to kill Li Feng after recovering his strength, the premise is to kill Li Feng in order to complete the curse, so that he can recover his strength. This is simply a dead circle.

After thinking all this through, the desperate Imhotun subconsciously stayed away from Li Feng and gritted his teeth to make a decision.

In The Mummy 2, when Imhotun was in danger, his lover, the wife of the Pharaoh, abandoned him and irritated Imhotun to say that he would not live if he didn't want to, and ran to the underworld.

Now, Li Feng's act of carving the slave contract on Imhotep's head still stimulated his fragile nerves. Imhotep's spirit sneered at Li Feng a few times, then turned around and prepared to run to the underworld. He had to run into the underworld to find Anubis before his spirit dissipated, otherwise his soul would be completely finished.

Li Feng was stunned by Imhotep's decisiveness and his posture of letting go of human affairs.

Li Feng, who knew that Imhotep was ready to die, twitched his eyes: Damn, I hate these guys who don't want their lives anymore. Isn't it good to live? Even if there is only a head left

There was no way. Seeing that the resurrection technique was about to fly, Li Feng's brain cells ran at an overspeed and came up with a solution regardless of the traffic police's obstruction.

Li Feng held up the "Black Scripture of the Dead" and shouted in the dead language: "Imorton, I will help you revive your lover. What's her name?"

"Ansuna?!" Immorton's spirit, who was rushing to the underworld, paused, turned his head and looked at Li Feng, sneering: "You destroyed my body, I can no longer be resurrected, even if Ansuna is resurrected, how can we get along?"

After that, Immorton turned and left. Behind him, Li Feng's faint voice came: "But I have the ability to revive corpses. As long as I find you a body, I can resurrect you completely."

Imorton stopped again. After all, no one wants to die if they can live. However, in view of Li Feng's previous actions, Immorton looked at Li Feng with a look of distrust and was cautious about Li Feng's approach.

Li Feng understood what Imhotep was worried about, and hurriedly took out a match-sized magic book from his pocket, turned to the page about resurrecting corpses, carefully approached Imhotep's spirit, and motioned Imhotep to check the contents of the book himself, saying, "Here are the specific steps for resurrection." At the same time, Li Feng prayed in his heart that Imhotep had become stupid in the coffin and could not see the sequelae of resurrection by this technological means, and that he had no intention of resurrecting anyone at all.

Just as Imhotep approached Li Feng half-believingly, wondering if he didn't recognize the words for resurrecting corpses, Li Feng suddenly used the mirror space to wrap Imhotep's spirit into the mirror space.

After completing the spell, Li Feng slowly exhaled a long breath, and smiled at the panicked Imhotep: Damn, the mirror space blocks the passage to the underworld, I don't know where you can run, just be my slave, hehe

Imorton looked bitter and annoyed at this time. Why did he believe Li Feng's nonsense? Now he has really become the other party's slave, and

Imorton looked at his skull: Well, I don't even have the tools to bite my tongue to commit suicide, it's really unlucky, it's better to chat with the scarab in the coffin

After a lot of effort, the spirit of Imhotep, who had nowhere to escape, was finally stuffed back into the skull by Li Feng, and Imhotep was forced to become his slave.

Opening the portal to return to the real world, Li Feng ignored the surprised and horrified eyes of Evelyn and others, and hurriedly ordered Evelyn to find the "Sun Golden Sutra" under a stone statue and then returned to the ground with Imhotep's head.

Li Feng knew that his slave contract was not perfect early on. Can he circumvent the contract without meeting Bob? In addition, Imhotep was a knowledgeable high priest before his death, and he was still a believer of Anubis after being made into a mummy. Who knows when Imhotep will crack this slave contract full of loopholes with his knowledge, so Li Feng has to take advantage of Imhotep's knowledge to force the spell out of him as much as possible before he fully understands the contract. Otherwise, given Imhotep's character of not taking his life seriously at all, the chance of Li Feng prying the spell out of him is zero. As for forcing Imhotep to tell the spell by torturing him, Li Feng doesn't think his method is better than that of the cuckolded pharaoh.

Imhotep is now in a half-living and half-undead state, and the language he speaks is still the dead language. Can an authentic dead accent speak ancient Egyptian? This is obviously impossible. It's like the Sushi Country speaking English with their authentic local accent. It sounds weird no matter how you listen to it.

So Imhotun was forced to help Li Feng translate the "Black Book of the Dead". After a while, Li Feng, who was confused, could only open the portal helplessly and call Evelyn back to his side from underground to help translate the weird ancient Egyptian language in Imhotun's mouth.

After Evelyn's translation, Li Feng had a preliminary understanding of the "Black Book of the Dead". He understood that the spells he wanted were hidden in the praises of the gods in the book, and what Imhotun had to do was to show Li Feng these hidden spells one by one.

At the beginning, Li Feng knew that the priests used divine magic, but Immortun was also a great priest after all, and he knew some of the principles of magic. The result was good. Imogen admitted that his magic power was not cultivated by himself, but relied entirely on the gods. give.

In other words, he helped Anubis collect faith when he had no mana, and then Anubis gave part of the transformed faith back to Imogen in the form of mana, which made Imogen's mana show no sign of cultivation. , and that his magic has carried the aura of the gods from the beginning.

At the same time, it is also because of these magical powers with the aura of gods that Immorton can become a powerful priest with only a little knowledge of magic. It is like casting spells is a talent of his, rather than learning to learn, and becoming powerful without learning. As a spell caster, Immorton said that if he could read the spell clearly and cast it successfully, why should he bother to learn the principles of spells?

This is really annoying. In addition to pointing out the spells to Li Feng one by one, Immortun can only explain the principles of the spells to Li Feng with a partial understanding of them. Moreover, Li Feng's spells were cultivated by himself and are completely different from Imogen's magic. A system, how can Li Feng learn the spells in the book?

The most important thing is that the resurrection spell that Li Feng has always been coveted is the power controlled by Anubis, and Anubis holds the soul of the person who wants to be resurrected. This means that even if Li Feng completely analyzes the resurrection spell in the future, he will not be able to He raises the dead privately because he has neither the right nor the soul of the deceased.

Li Feng, who looked sad, understood that there were only three ways for him to cast the spells in the scriptures.

One of them is to learn ancient Egyptian and hold the book in hand, and use the many spells in the book in the world where Anubis appears, including the resurrection spell.

Or maybe Li Feng changes his job to become a priest of Anubis, so that he can use many spells in the "Black Book of the Dead" in other worlds after breaking away from the scriptures, but this does not include the resurrection spell.

The last way is to find Anubis to analyze the principle of the spell for him personally. If Anubis is willing to explain the principle of the spell to Li Feng.

But no matter which method he uses, Li Feng understands that he cannot use resurrection in the Marvel world, because the souls in the Marvel world are not managed by Anubis, and the souls are not in the hands of Anubis. How can you resurrect the dead?

Of course, if one day Li Feng is so powerful that he ignores the gods who manage the underworld or hell, then after he learns the resurrection spell, he can still resurrect anyone he wants. The question is, why does Li Feng need the resurrection spell at that time? Wouldn't it be a perfect solution to just rush into the underworld or hell and grab the soul of the person you want to resurrect? Why bother casting spells? Does it seem ceremonial?

Immorton saw Li Feng's embarrassment, not to mention how happy he felt. The originally terrifying skull face even raised its head to the sky and laughed wildly. Evelin, who was the translator watching on the side, swallowed her saliva repeatedly: "The world of the mage is really real." Horrible, there is only a skull left in the game and it is not completely dead.

Li Feng had no choice but to get used to Immorton's problems. Who would let people regard death as home, and torture was a common occurrence for him. In desperation, Li Feng could only activate the slave contract and force Imogen to stop. He laughed wildly and continued to point out the spells hidden in the hymns for him, while Li Feng took out his quill and recorded these spells in the magic book, waiting for him to figure out how to analyze them later.

It wasn't until sunset that Li Feng, under the guidance of Immorton who looked aggrieved, found out all the spells in the 'Black Book of the Dead' and copied them into the magic book.

Originally, Immorton felt that Li Feng was still a human being and that he should have a rest after working all day. Then he quietly used seduction spells, found a laborer to take away his head, and then tried to find a way to crack the slave. There was enough time to consider whether to return to human form after the contract, or to simply wipe his neck and go to Anubis to complain.

But what Imerton didn't expect was that Li Feng actually handed it over to an invisible and strange-looking magical creature when he was having dinner. The most annoying thing was that this creature, which Li Feng called 'Kreacher', could actually resist it. Your own seduction spell.

Afterwards, after dinner, Li Feng took his translator Evelin with him and took the newly unearthed 'Golden Sun Book' to force Immorton to find spells from the hymns of praise again.

Until the next day when the sun was high and Imogen was about to take a breather after completing the task of finding a spell, Li Feng raised his long stick and began to look through Imogen's memories.

In the next few days, Immorton only felt tired. Especially after Li Feng read the memories, he also extracted his memories piece by piece and kept them aside, saying that he could use his memories as a tool when he was bored in the future. Low-budget movies to kill time.

When Li Feng cast the memory extraction spell, he did not shy away from Evelin who was standing beside him. Evelin always felt that one day Li Feng would extract her memory and read it slowly. He was so serious when he taught Li Feng ancient Egyptian language and writing. , which made Li Feng feel a little baffled. In the end, he could only assume that the sun in the desert was too strong and sunburned Evelin's endocrine system.

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